I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 258

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:58 AM

Chapter 258: Twenty years

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Xu Xianhai had a faint hunch in his heart at this time, but he still asked, "Just tell me, what's the matter, if our Xu family can help, we will do our best to help!"

Mr. Wang's smile at this time was already a little uncontrollable, and he said, “Old Xu, it’s actually not a big deal! I just see that your house is built very well, and I want your Xu family to participate in the follow-up "Candle World". The construction of these cities in China. Think about it, these 50,000 people came in together, what if they don’t have a suitable residence? And they will stay here for many years, so what I think is a one-time construction Better. Don’t you know the houses that Lin Hang built last time in "Emperor Realm", but they can barely live in people, they are not beautiful and comfortable at all. In this regard, your family is naturally good at it, so A big project, I believe it is also a good exercise for your Xu family disciples! Old Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Xianhai smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Wang, you have said so, do I still have reason to refuse? And what you said is not unreasonable. Although our disciples are practicing fast, they don't have many opportunities to practice. This construction task should be very good for them! Okay, I promised you!"

Mr. Wang excitedly patted Xu Xian’s shoulder in Haiti, and said with a smile, “Old Xu, you are still loyal! I will also talk to Mr. Liu about this matter. I believe that with your cooperation, we should be able to accomplish more. perfect!"

The matter has not yet been completed, Wang Lao has secretly looked forward to it from the bottom of his heart, as the saying goes: There is a specialization in surgery, no matter how strong his own strength, there is still no way to this. The Xu family and the Liu family possessed the abilities of the earth and wood elements, and the houses they built together are absolutely practical and beautiful.

After Wang established all the teleportation formations belonging to the 21 families, he set up a larger teleportation formation in the center of the entire area. This teleportation formation could not only be compatible with other 21st family teleportation formations. The intercommunication can also be directly transmitted to the area where the Wu Clan belongs to "Candle World", which can better communicate with the High Priest and them. And the area to which this teleportation array belongs is where the military will settle in the future. The military is not prepared to build a city, but this area is still occupied by the military in order to be able to communicate and communicate better with the major families.

When the teleportation array was all set up, Mr. Wang asked the two families of Xu and Liu who had communicated to join forces and began to help them build new houses in major cities. These houses were planned by the military and followed The wishes of the family have very obvious family characteristics. For example, with the help of Lin Hang, the Ye family built dozens of very sensual Huizhou buildings, which look very attractive, and the architectural style of the Hu family in Mengcheng is obviously biased towards some tents and bags. The feeling is also very distinctive.

At this time, the 50,000 talented disciples who had already been divided were more evenly distributed to 21 cities, and they participated in the construction together in the early stage, and later they will cultivate and live for the glory of the major cities.

Twenty years have passed, and the entire "Candle World" Hua Xia has also entered a very rapid growth stage. On this day, in the military conference room, many high-level China Hua Xia gathered together. No one was absent. Obviously there was something Major issues need to be discussed.

The entire conference room was still in the familiar style of the Chinese military, very simple, and the people in the seats remained unchanged after so many years, and there were still only seven people.

Twenty years have passed, although everyone's appearance has not changed much, but there have been some vicissitudes and precipitation in their eyes. Obviously, everyone has not slackened in these two decades, and they have achieved great growth.

Zhuo Sheng still looked like he was not angry and pretentious. After seeing all the staff, he finally took the lead to speak and started this meeting, "Hello everyone! The last time we held such a meeting was five years ago. Come on! Since everyone has invested in cultivation, such gatherings are indeed getting less and less!"

Si Meng didn’t wait for Zhuo Sheng to continue speaking, so he interrupted, “I said Brother Zhuo, everyone is so familiar with each other, so there’s no need for you to say this kind of thing anymore, right? Let’s talk about why we are here today. I was working on a recipe just now!"

Lao Wang also smiled and said, "Yes, Zhuo Sheng, just say something directly, there is no need for us to do this!"

Zhuo Sheng let out an'um', and said, "I will call everyone here today because we have recently received some news from major families, especially in recent months, more frequently. Regarding their problems, I will It’s hard for people to make decisions, so let you all come over and we will discuss and discuss together to see what to do?"

Si Meng asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with their families?"

Zhuo Sheng's tone this time also brought a touch of helplessness, and said, "This is the way it is. The major families have been practicing in this "Candle World" for so long. Although the strength is indeed improved very quickly, but soon They discovered some problems. The cultivation in this "Candle World" is indeed too comfortable, and there is no setback or interference in the cultivation process. They are worried that if this goes on, all the younger disciples will become idiots who can only practice. There is no real combat ability. Even if we hold various competitions at regular intervals in order to improve the situation, we still haven’t improved the situation too much. Regarding this matter, I think they still make a lot of sense. We The military disciples have also experienced similar situations. Do you have any good solutions?"

Everyone was lost in thought. At this time, Lin Hang said, "It seems that our plan is going to be implemented in advance! Everyone, when we were in Earth Star, the follow-up of the migration plan originally considered the later Earth Star. The meaning of a place for our junior disciples to experience, now, it is time for us to implement this plan!

Elder Jiang frowned and said, "Lin Hang, do you have a bottom line about this plan? Earthstar has now passed two years, what has the outside world been like?"

In the twenty years of "Candle World", the seven military personnel have actually been gathering little and detaching. Most of the time they have been practicing in their own way. Therefore, except for Lin Hang, the rest of the people are very concerned about the current earth star. I don’t understand the situation very well.

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