I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 259

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:57 AM

Chapter 259: Experience plan

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Lin Hang then began to introduce the situation of the Earth Star in the past two years, "Since we moved into the Cave Sky of the Witch Clan, dozens of forces have emerged soon, and they quickly occupied many areas of the Earth Star. And our China is also occupied by three forces. Over the years, with the slow development of these forces and the increasing control over their respective territories, it is already difficult for my clones in the outside world to blatantly detect things. Therefore, a lot of news comes from the current "Black Nest" organization."

Zhuo Sheng and others all showed puzzled expressions, and Si Meng even asked, ""Black Nest"? Lin Hang, you are talking about the second largest killer organization of Earth Star-"Black Nest"? With their current strength, there should be no way to continue to survive in such a complex environment, right?"

Lin Hang knew of the people present. Except for Mr. Wang, everyone else did not know that "Black Nest" had been controlled by him. Lin Hang smiled and said, "I believe you have also heard about it that time in our Huaxia Tibetan City. A large case of a thousand people, the person who committed this case was the leader of the "Black Nest"-the "Black King", but later I have found him out and destroyed him, his subordinate Asan It has also fallen into my control, and the entire organization of "Black Nest" is naturally no problem. I originally wanted to develop silently, and then provide us with some external help to China, but I never thought that these strange forces would come like this. Quick! No way, I can only make "Black Nest" slowly conceal. But then, a mysterious force came to "Black Nest" and conquered the "Black Nest" with force. "Black Nest" has been serving this force. As the owner of Asan, I felt that this might not be a good thing, so I went along with the flow and made "Black Nest" adhere to this force, and it really made me understand some secret things. "

Everyone did not expect that there were some such twists and turns, and they nodded in admiration for Lin Hang's foresight. At this time, Mr. Wang said, "Well, Hang'er, you should talk about the current situation of Earth and Star!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "As far as I know, the dozens of forces that have appeared on Earth and Star seem to have a tacit understanding between them. They did not intend to fight each other for two years, but they have been constantly on the ground. The stars are searching for something. The tasks that my "Black Nest" organization received are also search tasks, but after so long, I still don't know what they are searching for."

"I don't know what they are searching for?" Zhu Lao squinted and said, "However, since the "Black Nest" organization is assigned this task, then they must have some goals, otherwise how to search?"

Others also thought it made sense, and cast inquiries.

Lin Hang smiled bitterly and said, "For this search task, the force just gave "Black Nest" a token, and then asked them to search on land and sea non-stop, saying that if they encounter a target to search, This token will naturally respond, so it doesn’t tell them what the target is. And this search has been going on for two years. I guess that the entire Earth and planet should have been searched now, but there is still no sign What news. I don’t know if it’s been found, but it’s secret, or it’s really very secret, and no one has found it yet.

At this time, Zhuo Sheng frowned and said, "Then, according to the situation of the Earth and the stars, Lin Hang, you just said, it is not suitable for our disciples to go out and practice! Now is the critical moment of the search, seeing strange forces like us. , They should be very vigilant? At that time, we will only pay attention to hiding ourselves, where are the opportunities and effects of experience?"

Lin Hang smiled and said at this time, "What I just said was the situation of the past two years, but not long ago, Ah San received instructions from the force he was attached to, so that he would not have to look for it again during this time. Instead, he gave him some pills to improve his strength, saying that there will be wars in the next star, and these pills can make them survive better. It seems that the hard work of the past two years has achieved some results. At least in the eyes of this force, "Black Nest" has received some attention."

You must know that Ah San's strength in the middle stage of foundation building was forcibly improved by Lin Hang using the "Five Enlightenment Method", and the future path of cultivation has become extremely difficult, and it is almost impossible to move forward. But after taking the pill given by the upper powers, Ah San broke through the realm immediately, and after a period of absorption, he broke through again and reached the Golden Core Stage! This incident surprised Lin Hang, after all, in his previous concept, he had never seen such a pill, this incident somewhat broke his cognition.

Lin Hang continued, "After Ah San took the pill, he broke through to the Golden Elixir Stage, and the force revealed another news that the Golden Elixir Stage's cultivation base can barely survive the complex Earth Star. This news I feel that it is very reliable. After all, my clones on Earth and planets are still in the foundation period, and nothing has happened so far. Therefore, I think that since the effect of experience is required, then the current Earth and planet environment It is still very suitable. We only need to send a person with a high level of cultivation to lead the team to ensure the safety of this team, and the rest will be up to the team. In this case, be careful, and there should be nothing. questionable."

The information provided by Lin Hang was a little too much, and all the people present could not digest it for a while. Everyone began to discuss the feasibility of Lin Hang's proposal, and the meeting lasted for two full hours.

In the end, Zhuo Sheng made a decision and said, "Okay, just follow what we said this time. We will talk about this proposal and plan to the major families first, see their reactions, and then decide on the next thing. In fact, twenty years In the past, we are no longer the Huaxia of that year! If the experience plan for this time really starts to be implemented, then it is necessary for us to start investigating these strange and mysterious forces. Zhuo does not know how you think, I I just feel that Earth Star Huaxia is our home. Although we moved to this Wu Clan Cave for a short time, it is our home! I have not wanted to return to Earth Star one day in these years. This time I really have a chance. , I will definitely grasp it and compete with those forces!"

Si Meng was a little dissatisfied with Zhuo Sheng’s attitude, and said, "Brother Zhuo, is it that you are the only one who cares about China? I have long wanted to fight those forces. It just happens that our people of China have no threats, and we have nothing If you have any worries, let us fight them!"

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