I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 26

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:37 AM

Chapter 26: Time and space power!

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Lin Hang walked to Wang Lao, put his hands behind Wang Lao's back, and activated the "Clone" ability. This is the first time that Lin Hang has used the "Clone" ability on another person. This cannot be used forcibly, and the bearer must not resist. Once others are unwilling, even if your strength is stronger than the other party, you cannot use it. So in Lin Hang's view, this is a very tasteless ability.

As the mental power slowly felt Wang Lao's dantian, he felt a very vast spiritual power. Before he had time to marvel, he immediately used his power to spur a trace of psychic energy in Wang Lao's dantian, slowly leading out of his body, and slowly forming an identical Wang Lao.

Old Wang looked at the clone around him, felt it, and said, "It's not bad to grasp it properly. The strength of this clone is probably the pinnacle of the body forging stage, and it just allows you to complete the copy."

After speaking, Wang Laozhen closed his eyes tightly and began to manipulate the clone. Following Wang Lao's manipulation, the avatar's eyes began to look bright, he used space shuttles several times, and then said to Lin Hang, "Okay, no problem, start copying!"

Lin Hang put his hand on the shoulder of the avatar of Wang Lao and activated the ability. This time, it was the same as copying other people's abilities before. It was very easy, and the scan was completed soon.

Seeing the affirmative look passed by Lin Hang, Mr. Wang couldn't hide his excitement. After all these years, all he wanted was to pass on his abilities and continue to guard the land he loves. Now I met Lin Hang and finally realized it. For a while, Mr. Wang felt that his mentality instantly relaxed, and the bottleneck that hadn't been broken through for a long time actually appeared loose!

Lin Hang also tried to perform a few powers, but because of unfamiliar relationships, many times the space shuttle's landing point was not calculated. He bumped his head and rubbed his head, sulking on the side.

Old Wang was in a good mood, and seeing Lin Hang's appearance again, he couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Come on, Lin Hang, I will tell you what I have learned over the years. My space-time supernatural space The simplest and most powerful part is the ability to travel through space. At first, because of the burden of the body and the lack of psychic energy, it can only travel a small distance. The precise landing requires constant familiarity to achieve. But when I came to me In this state, global travel is only between my thoughts. So I said that this is our most terrible place, except for a few limited abilities, we come and go as we want, no one can stop! You need your own development and understanding, such as space cutting, space squeezing, etc. The premise of specific offensive and defensive moves requires you to have a deep understanding of space, and you will gradually understand it. The time part , You won’t be able to get in touch with you in the physical training period, so your focus now is on the space part of your abilities. Later, when your strength rises, I will pass on the insight of time to you."

Lin Hang nodded, and after just experimenting, he already understood how difficult the master's ability was to master. Unlike the abilities he copied before, it can be easily used after a few practice. He couldn't grasp the exact location of the simplest space shuttle of the space ability, so let's study the time ability later.

Lin Hang waved away Wang Lao's clone, and the psionic energy that the clone turned into returned to Wang Lao's body.

Wang Lao continued, "The so-called space shuttle is to exchange the space between the space where we are now and the space we want to reach. This process requires us to have a deeper understanding of the concept of space, and you can feel my shuttle Two spatial changes at the time."

After speaking, Wang Lao slowed down the speed of his ability, Lin Hang closed his eyes and felt the space around him. As Wang Lao's space shuttle used, Lin Hang felt the changes in the two spaces. Following this insight, Lin Hang activated his supernatural powers, feeling the space where he was about to move, and swapped the space around him with that space. When he opened his eyes, Lin Hang saw Mr. Wang beside him. It was exactly where Lin Hang wanted to shuttle, Lin Hang finally made no mistakes this time and succeeded in landing.

Lao Wang has been immersed in his own abilities for so many years, and his understanding of space is unmatched in the world of abilities. With regard to the use of abilities, Wang's experience is definitely the most effective. As the only disciple received by Mr. Wang in his lifetime, Mr. Wang had no reservations about Lin Hang. This is why Lin Hang was able to master the space shuttle so quickly.

Lin Hang thought a little, he raised his hand and stroked the space beside him, and a deep hole appeared. Lin Hang looked at the hole and meditated on something.

When Lao Wang saw Lin Hang's appearance, he couldn't help sighing that Lin Hang was not confined to the worldly thoughts. As soon as he obtained the power, he could diverge his thinking around the power and thought of many possibilities.

Looking at Lin Hang who was still in a daze, Wang Lao said, "Hang'er, your idea is very good. It is simple for us to break the space. What you want is to store things in this space, right. You only Need this..."

Following the instructions of Mr. Wang, Lin Hang processed the space he had carved out. According to Mr. Wang's steps, this space was equivalent to being labeled Lin Hang. Lin Hang used his abilities to open holes in the surrounding space. Will be connected to this space so that you can put items in it.

Wang Lao continued, "Hang'er, as your strength increases, the space you can carry will gradually increase, but there is no air in it, so you can only release dead objects, never live objects. Go in, you know?"

Lin Hang responded. He excitedly put the remaining dozen "Fire Talisman" in his body, and put some of the sundries on his body into it, suddenly feeling relaxed. He was once again convinced by the power of the space power. He knows that there will also be some abilities that will awaken space-related abilities, but they only have some of the abilities of space abilities. For example, in the deep forest assessment, Zhang Qi’s "Blink" ability was copied, which is the space shuttle system. Variant of the power. There are space storage, space cutting, space squeezing and so on. However, because of the one-sided nature of the abilities, these users mostly follow the characteristics of the abilities themselves, and have no perception of the space itself. This is also the fundamental reason why Wang Lao is powerful. He does not simply apply space, but after in-depth understanding, he integrates the body's instincts like eating and drinking.

Old Wang turned around and said, "Hang'er, come here today. In the next time, you will have a harder time. Not only do you have to complete your daily exercise goals, but I will also train your spatial abilities. Cherish. Let’s take a break tonight!"

After Lin Hang heard this, his originally happy face suddenly sank like a bitter gourd.

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