I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 260

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:55 AM

Chapter 260: Condition of repair

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These words were indeed the words of Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng. When they learned that they needed to move, they didn't want to agree. After all, compared to the two elders Zhu Ge, the two of them are still relatively young and passionate about it, and they can't accept that they will just avoid it before they have fought. But later I learned that even if Wang Laoyuan was superior to him at the time, and he still advocated retreating into the winter of the Witch Clan, they chose the most correct path for the millions of Chinese people behind them. Not very willing, but for the Chinese people, avoidance is the best choice.

But now the situation is different. Huaxia has already escaped from its shell and all escaped into the cave of the Wu Clan, and they have no worries. And they, who have been cultivating for 20 years, are completely different from that time, and naturally they have the idea of ​​fighting those forces.

Having said that, over the past two decades, the strength of everyone in China has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. Leaving aside the situation of the major families, the seven senior members of Huaxia, because the "Candle World" does not require much effort from them, so their time can basically be spent on cultivation. After the second elder Zhu Ge unloaded the burden of China’s daily affairs, he devoted himself to cultivation, and he made great progress. In just twenty years, he has broken through all the obstacles and reached the golden core stage. ! This kind of cultivation speed is already very scary. Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng are now also the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, but they are already firmly in the middle stage of the Golden Core, which is considered to be good. And the enthusiasm that Jiang Lao used to explode due to the restriction of the exercise method is almost over. Twenty years of cultivation has only made him reach the late Yuan Ying, and the speed of cultivation has suddenly slowed down.

But this situation did not appear in Wang Lao's body. Wang Lao also cultivated for 20 years. I don't know that it was due to the dual effects of the blood and spirit of the ancient witch clan. There was almost no bottleneck in Wang Lao's cultivation. Having reached the terrifying late stage of transforming gods, the next step is to welcome the tribulation and enter the terrible transition period. You know, the progress of the cultivation will definitely be slower in the later stage, because it takes more accumulation and insight to be able to improve the realm, but Wang Lao does not have this restriction, if it is not for Wang Lao who wants to cultivate before crossing the catastrophe In order to be more stable, the speed was slightly suppressed, and now maybe it has entered the tribulation period!

Regarding his situation, Wang Lao was a little worried at first, after all, it was indeed something abnormal. Wang Lao deliberately sought out the high priest, but even the high priest’s insight and vision couldn’t tell why he came, but it is certain that Wang Lao’s speed of improvement did not cause any harm to his foundation. Impact. However, for the sake of the safety of crossing the robbery, the high priest still asked Mr. Wang to suppress it a little bit, not to ascend too fast.

As for our Lin Hang, the current realm of cultivation is already the existence of the entire Huaxia second only to Wang Lao, and has reached the early stage of God's transformation! Since Lin Hang entered the Golden Core Period and began to practice the Fusion Chapter of his own exercises, the progress of his cultivation has been rapid. Every time he practiced this Fusion Chapter, Lin Hang could feel that his body and spiritual power had returned. Spiritual power grows together. It's like one practice time can practice three at the same time. This makes Lin Hang's practice easier, as if his early investment has been rewarded.

Lin Hang now estimates that those forces from outside Earth and Stars should not have ascended to the immortal, that is, the immortal realm that has survived the catastrophe exists. After all, that force said that the Golden Core Stage could barely survive in the Earth Star, and Lin Hang guessed that the highest strength of the outside world should also be around the God Transformation Stage. If Lin Hang's guess is correct, then the first trial can be started by Wang Lao and Lin Hang. With the current strength of Wang Lao and Lin Hang, self-protection should be more than enough, and once accurate information is received, the follow-up experience plan can slowly unfold.

As for the people in the 21 cities in this area, the progress of cultivation is somewhat uneven. Before the foundation period, it is relatively easy to improve, and once the foundation period is reached, the follow-up Cultivation doesn't have much to do with time, it relies on talent and sentiment.

Patriarchs of major families, now twenty years have passed, and the progress of cultivation is basically the same as that of Elder Jiang. They are all in the middle and late stages of Yuanying. For them, they have broken through the period of rapid improvement after the foundation construction period It has passed, and this is the normal cultivation speed now. Of course, the masters who were able to cultivate to the congenital peak under the original earth-star technique showed that their talents were all very good, and subsequent progress should still be possible.

But the disciples of their family don't have such good conditions. Except for some really outstanding junior disciples, who have broken through to the Golden Core stage one after another, the others are hovering in the foundation building stage, and it will take a long time to get a little progress. This situation is actually a relatively normal situation in the cultivation world. In fact, not everyone can reach a realm like the Golden Core Stage. Even in the ancient times with more spiritual conditions, the Golden Core Stage can be regarded as a side. Master. And these disciples who are currently struggling and the foundation-building period are likely to remain in this state, and they will never have the hope of breaking through to the Golden Core period.

There are also those fifty thousand disciples brought from "Emperor Realm", they were originally selected because of their talent. Over the past twenty years, most of them have cultivated from scratch to the foundation building stage, and even some top existences have reached the golden core stage. The quality of these disciples is obviously much better than most of the disciples of the major families, after all, they are 50,000 people selected from a whole Chinese clan. If these 50,000 people can really grow up, then China will truly have the confidence to fight other forces.

Regarding such a situation, the major families have nothing to do. After all, they have been practicing desperately, but the strongest Patriarch of the family has been suppressed to death by Wang Lao, and can't catch up. Naturally, their family has no way to return to the original status, and when there are some surpassing them among the 50,000 people, then the top family may be directly rewritten. This is also something that cannot be avoided. Now the military is in great power, and they are implementing a nationwide cultivation policy. Those who can have the right to speak must rely on their strength to speak. What these families think now is that a few talented people can come out of the family so that their family can be proud.

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