I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 261

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:53 AM

Chapter 261: Pathfinder

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Therefore, the current high-level monks in China already have the two great transformation **** monks, Wang Lao and Lin Hang, and then the group of Nascent Soul monks, the heads of the major families, and then some of the talented ones who have entered the Golden Core Realm. People, finally, are the disciples with the largest base in the foundation and aspiration period. From this point of view, China’s current overall strength is already very good. Not only has its top combat power emerged, but subsequent disciples can also take over. After practicing for a period of time, you should be able to have a touch with those forces on the outside world. Qualified.

After the meeting, Zhuo Sheng informed the major families of their resolutions, and the reactions of the major families gave Zhuo Sheng an unexpected feeling. After understanding the training plan set by the military this time, every family agreed very much without any objection, and even wanted to let their family’s disciples go out for the first batch of training. Zhuo Sheng originally thought that the major families should not oppose this training plan, but he did not expect that the major families were so urgent. It seems that they do feel that they are blindly immersed in cultivation, and the more they grow up to their family disciples in the later stage. It's not good, I can't wait to get a chance to experience it.

On this day, Zhuo Sheng from the major families was contacted and Wang Lao and Lin Hang were invited to their room.

After a few words, Zhuo Sheng entered the topic, "Lao Wang, Lin Hang, I have discussed the experience plan that we discussed at the last meeting, and they all agree with this plan very much. And in terms of general direction and arrangement, they all expressed that they would obey our military's arrangements. I thought about it for a while. Since they trust our military so much, we naturally can’t let them down. So, it’s the first time. Before the experience of, I would like to invite you two to first go to the earth and stars outside to probe and test the situation of the earth and stars now, and then we can better plan every future according to your news. Experience action."

Lao Wang and Lin Hang looked at each other and laughed. Lin Hang replied, "Brother Zhuo, what is your request? I have discussed with the teacher a long time ago. We were planning to go to Earth Star. Yes. As you said just now, we need to clarify the current situation of the entire Earth and Stars, and then we can formulate experience plans more calmly. Also, before entering the "Candle World", we decided to Set up a temporary rest place above the earth and stars as a place for emergency evacuation and rest. Such a place should be helpful to the subsequent training team. We were not strong enough before. Although we found a place we like, we can rebuild it into This kind of rest place, but there is no way to complete the transformation in a moment. Now my teacher and I just ran on a trip, which can be regarded as a way for the follow-up experience team!"

Zhuo Sheng didn't expect that Wang Lao and Lin Hang had thought about everything in the morning. They were stunned for a while, but immediately said with a smile, "You two really paid too much for our China! Once you have an idea, I won’t say more, but when you go to Earth Star, you must be more cautious! Although I am very confident of you, Earth Star is still too strange to us after all. You must focus on your own safety!"

Facing Zhuo Sheng's instructions, Wang Lao and Lin Hang naturally responded with a smile. The three chatted for a while before Wang Lao and Lin Hang left Zhuo Sheng's residence.

The two masters and apprentices were walking on the way back. Wang Lao asked about the island, "Hang'er, the black island you mentioned before is still on the sea near the Austrian country. Find?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, you also know that since those forces have become more and more in control of the earth stars, my clones have become more and more uncomfortable to move around. Besides, the others have stayed on that island temporarily. And after such a long time, no one has discovered this island. Didn’t I tell you before that this island is a complete shielding **** The scan of consciousness can only be seen from the outside, and which of the current high-ranking monks is not used to the scan of divine consciousness? If they do, it will not be so easy to discover the existence of this island."

Old Wang nodded and said, "Last time you were only in the Golden Core Stage. We still have no way to determine whether the high-ranking monks can discover this island. Although from your description, it is probably impossible, but We still have to experiment this time before making a decision."

As soon as Mr. Wang said this, the meaning in his words was naturally very confident in the consciousness of the two of them. Although Lao Wang's cultivation base did not continue to break through the Tribulation Period, his spiritual power did not stop, and he had already reached the point of the Tribulation Period. Although Lin Hang's spiritual power cultivation is still in the early stage of transforming gods, his spiritual power has reached the late stage of transforming gods, only one step behind Wang Lao. Sure enough, the spiritual talent for many years has finally appeared in the current later stage of cultivation.

In the ten years of these two decades, they have not only improved their cultivation level, but they have also practiced a lot of magic techniques. They think that at the stage of transforming gods, it should be difficult to find out that they can keep him. Although the two cultivators did not lose their caution in their hearts, they were still very sure about this trip to the earth and stars.

Two days later, Lin Hang and Wang Lao quietly opened the light gate, left "Candle Realm", and entered the outside earth star, which was near Dian City before. The two of them didn't tell anyone about the action this time, they just notified Zhuo Sheng and proceeded directly.

After the two came to Earth Star, they did not act immediately. Elder Wang released his spiritual sense, scanned the situation around his body, and took it back directly, and whispered to Lin Hang, "Hang'er, no problem, no one Watch here, without further ado, let's go directly to the island you mentioned!"

Lin Hang nodded, condensed his breath, let Wang Lao grab him, and began the spatial teleportation. In recent years, Wang Lao has not only made rapid progress in his cultivation base, but also reached a new level of understanding of space. When "Candle World" communicated with the great elders of "Emperor World" through the Pearl of Time, the great elder once sighed that Wang's attainments in space have surpassed most of their "Emperor World", if It's not that the cultivation base is not enough, and it is difficult to reach deeper things. Maybe the progress is more than what is in front of him. But even so, there is no fluctuation in Wang Lao's space teleportation. Wang Lao is space, and space is Wang Lao. Naturally, there will be no changes.

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