I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 262

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:53 AM

Chapter 262: "Fog Array"

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During the change of sight, Wang Lao and Lin Hang appeared near the waters of Austria. Lin Hang sensed the mark he had left on the island, and then took Wang Lao to fly towards the island.

Several of Lin Hang’s clones are still on the island now, so Lin Hang is quite familiar with the situation around the island, so the two of them didn’t hesitate in the process of rushing, and they quickly saw it. A black island in the shape of a palm.

When I saw this island for the first time, Wang Lao was also shocked by the island's peculiar shape. Although he had heard Lin Hang's introduction more than once, he still felt it was amazing. The entire island is swarthy, and there is no sign of plant survival on it, and the shape of the island is very similar to a huge palm, which will inevitably surprise Wang Lao.

Lao Wang didn't approach the island, but radiated spiritual consciousness first, and scanned the island. Contrary to Wang Lao’s expectation, Wang Lao’s divine consciousness swept through and felt nothing. There was only an empty sea within the divine consciousness, but the island itself really existed in Wang’s vision. Lao Wang was a little surprised.

Lin Hang had already scanned it at this time. Seeing Mr. Wang's appearance, he smiled and said, "Teacher, are you sure? The disciple still can't perceive this island in the divine sense, and my clone On the island, I also didn't perceive it at all."

At this time, Mr. Wang noticed this, and he pondered, "Is everything on the island invisible? In this way, this small island does have the conditions to be our rest station. Hang'er, you try to arrange a formation. Let’s take a look at the effect of the formation."

Lin Hang understands what Wang Lao meant. Actually, this small island could not be discovered by Divine Sense, but if a formation was arranged outside, would it be superfluous? If this island was accidentally discovered because of the discovery of the formation, it would really feel like there is no silver three hundred taels here.

Lin Hang nodded, and ten clones were separated from the body in an instant. Each of them was just the initial cultivation base of Yuan Ying. Under Lin Hang's instructions, the ten clones stepped forward one by one, forming a circle. The island was surrounded.

At this time, the unmoved deity took out ten gray stones from the portable space, and threw them to ten clones. After the ten clones took over, they sacrificed one by one, and the ten gray stones floated respectively. The air in front of ten people. With the infusion of the spiritual power of the ten avatars, the gray stones in front of them began to react. After a rush of shaking, the surface of each stone began to emit a white and gray mist.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hang in the distance gave a sigh of relief. After the mist appeared, Lin Hang let the ten clones ignore the stones and began to portray the subtleties of the match. After half an hour, the ten avatars finally painted the mold of the formation, and at this time all the gray stones disappeared and all turned into fog. Then all the clones were in their respective positions, the magic trick was pinched, and the engraved formation was activated. Then all the fog began to surge, enveloping the entire island, and soon the original location of the island disappeared. There was only a thick fog that was common above the sea.

After completing the formation, Lin Hang waved his hands and took the clones back, came to Wang Lao's side, and asked with a smile, "Teacher, how is it? Can you perceive this "Fog Formation"?"

Old Wang smiled and said, "I have just scanned it carefully with my divine sense. Now let alone the island, the traces of the formation are completely invisible. There is only this common mist. But this "Transformation" "Fog Array" is indeed a hidden formation recommended by the Great Elder. With the assistance of "Phantom Fog Stone", it really has no flaws at all. Now this small island can become a rest site for us!"

Lin Hang also laughed. Lin Hang actually learned the "Fog Formation" that was just set up from the Great Elder early in the morning, but the formation of the formation requires ten cultivators of the Nascent Soul to be hosted before it can be successfully set up. Now, Lin Hang finally has the capital to deploy. However, this formation actually did not have such a great effect. The Great Elder provided Lin Hang with a "Phantom Fog Stone", which can greatly enhance the effect of the fog. In order to pursue perfection, Lin Hang directly copied nine pieces. After being urged together, the perfect effect of "Fog Array" was formed.

Lin Hang said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, since I'm here, let's take a look at the island! Last time my disciple was blocked by a barrier. I don't know if I can go through that barrier now that I have made great progress?"

Old Wang nodded, and the two of them came to the small island and entered the island from the hole. After entering the circular passage, Lin Hang took out the illuminating stone that had been prepared, and slowly walked down the stairs with Wang Lao. It didn’t take long for the two to arrive at the place where they had stayed before. Lin Hang introduced to Wang Lao, “Teacher, what is engraved on the wall is the legendary "Spiritual Art", and on that side That's where the prohibition that prevented me at the time was."

Under Lin Hang's introduction, Wang Lao started to circulate in the entire space curiously, and did not find anything special, so he and Lin Hang came to the place of restriction.

Lin Hang glanced at it, it was still a deep downward channel, raised his foot and stepped forward gently, still feeling resistance, Lin Hang's spiritual power, wanted to forcefully break through the obstacles in front of him, but found that he still couldn't make any progress. Wang Lao also saw Lin Hang's plight, and took a step forward, transporting his spiritual power to help Lin Hang break through together, but after a long while, there was still no progress at all.

Lin Hang was quite frustrated. He thought that now that his strength has improved so much, he should be able to move on, but he did not expect to be blocked.

Mr. Wang also said at this time, "Hang'er, it seems that this prohibition does not require a higher level of cultivation, or there is a restriction on entry. For the time being, we still don't have the idea to fight it! But for now, this prohibition cannot be broken. It’s not a bad thing! After all, if we have no problems with the exploration of the Earth Star, many of our disciples in China will come to Earth Star to practice, and then this will be their first stop. Then this prohibition It is better to exist, otherwise if there is a danger in it that we cannot control, it will not be so good!"

Lin Hang nodded. In their previous discussions, they planned to use this small island as a rest station, but after feeling the situation of the earth and stars, the two had some new ideas.

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