I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 263

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:52 AM

Chapter 263: "Mengyi"

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When the two of them left "Candle World", they were able to leave the place quietly, relying on Wang's powerful spatial ability. But every time after that, people who came out did not have this ability. Every time they started from Diancheng, some goals were too clear, and Wang Lao led the team, which was somewhat unrealistic.

As for the solution to this problem, the two had already had an idea before they came to the island, and now that the idea can be implemented after carving the "Fog Array" on the island.

Lao Wang is going to carve a teleportation array on this small island. This is a one-way receiving teleportation array. As long as you hold a token made by Wang Lao and then urge it, you can directly transmit it to this trail. In this way, not only will it solve the problem that is easy to be discovered when "Candle World" has just come out, but it can also provide more insurance for the disciples who experienced later, and this small island will become the safest refuge after the disciples.

Of course, the two did not want the disciples of Huaxia to touch the circular passage in this island. After all, the "Spiritualism" on the wall at that moment was a bit too evil and powerful. In case any disciples did not resist the temptation, After practicing this technique, it was a bit miscalculated. Therefore, Lin Hang and Wang Lao planned to close the circular passage and set a restriction to temporarily prevent Huaxia's disciples from entering. And there is still a lot of space on the island to build some temporary houses, enough for those disciples to rest.

After Wang Lao and Lin Hang walked out of the passage, Lin Hang waved their hands to urge their spiritual power to form a huge stone, which covered the entrance of the entire passage, and then set a ban on it so that no one would touch it. Up.

And above this stone, Lin Hang directly built a house, and then said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, we will seal up this house. Below this house is the passage, except for the two of us. No one else can go down for the time being. I have specially left space for you on the roof. You can set up a teleportation array here, and it will be directly teleported to the roof in the future."

Lin Hang’s arrangement like this is quite painstaking. This channel should be directly closed, but the location of this channel is right in the middle of the palm of the island. Lin Hang feels that the teleportation formation will be better here. It is more convenient to spread the islands. Simply built a house to close the passage, and then let Wang Lao set up a teleportation array on the roof, so that it would not affect anything.

Old Wang also knew Lin Hang's general meaning, nodded, did not say anything, and began to depict the formation wholeheartedly.

After about half an hour, Mr. Wang finally stopped his movements, got up and said to Lin Hang, "Okay, Hang'er, take out the spiritual stone!"

Lin Hang took out a fist-sized green spar and carefully handed it to Wang Lao, who took the spar and embedded it in the groove reserved for the teleportation array under his feet. With the insertion of the spar, the entire teleportation array lit up with a bright light, and then slowly retracted again, hiding in the formation.

Seeing that everything is finally done, Wang Lao also smiled and said, "Okay, with this spirit stone support, this teleportation array should be able to support a young head, and I don't need to come over to it every time. It’s replenishing energy. It’s just Hang'er, is there really no way to make a lot of such a good thing?"

Lin Hang smiled bitterly at this time. Facing his teacher, he naturally had to be polite. He could only say, "Teacher, things like spirit stones have not been used by low-level cultivators since ancient times. The energy contained in a low-grade spiritual stone like the one just now is equivalent to that of a peak cultivator of the **** transformation stage! Not to mention there are other more advanced spiritual stones. The disciples also want to copy more, but this spiritual stone is Although it’s not as difficult to reproduce as the previous Xiantian Lingyun, it’s not easy. The disciples had a hard time copying a few of them, and it took a lot of training time. I thought, if I If you can successfully ascend to the immortal, you should be able to easily copy the lower-grade spirit stone, and then our younger disciples of Huaxia will not worry about using the spirit stone."

Lao Wang actually knew how difficult it was for Lin Hang to copy a low-grade spirit stone, but after seeing the power and powerful effects of spirit stones, it was inevitable that he wanted to prepare more for China, but Lin Hang said that. Old Wang naturally didn't say anything anymore. After all, what Lin Hang said was reasonable. Now those people in China really don't have access to consumables like Lingshi, and some pills to restore spiritual power are enough for them to use. And when they reached the realm of Nascent Soul Transformation God, Lin Hang should have already ascended to the immortal, enough to produce the spirit stone for them to use.

Old Wang glanced at the island and said, "Hang'er, now that things on this island are almost complete, we should take the next action! But since we will continue to come to this island in the future, we naturally need to give It has a name, what do you think is better?"

After hearing what Wang Lao said, Lin Hang felt that it made sense. Then he thought about it and said with a smile, "Teacher, in my opinion, why not call it Qingtian Island?"

"Qingtian Island? Qingtian..." Wang Lao carefully recalled the name, suddenly laughed, and said, "Okay! Since Hang'er you still have such aspirations, why not support you as a teacher? ? Just call it Qingtian Island!"

The two cleaned up a bit, and then flew away from the newly named Sky Island.

After flying away from Qingtian Island, the two did not go very far, but first prepared to explore the Austrian mainland. The reason for this decision is that the current situation in the Austrian mainland is relatively simple, and the "Black Nest" organization led by Asan has always been on the Austrian mainland, so Lin Hang himself is relatively familiar with it.

After the two entered the mainland from the sea, they began to converge their body and breath, and began to fly close to the ground. While advancing, Lin Hang said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, this Austrian mainland is now called "Mengyi Clan". According to Asan’s words, this "Mengyi Clan" has a small number of people, probably only about 20,000 people. They just occupy the core city of Austria-Xicheng. , And did not implement any cruel policies. They have been looking for something here after eliminating the original ruler. Now the residents of the entire Austrian mainland have roughly understood this "Dream" after two years. The acting style of "Yizu" is the most peaceful place in the entire Austrian mainland."

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