I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 264

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:51 AM

Chapter 264: Ancient Ten Thousands

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Lao Wang nodded while listening, and after a while frowned and said, "Hang'er, could it be said that this "Mengyi" is a very kind race, and they did not cause any harm to the native residents of Austria?"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "Although this "Mengyi Clan" is relatively kind compared to some other forces on Earth Star, it is also relatively speaking, they are still relatively indifferent to Earth Star's life. The reason why they did not want to kill in the Austrian mainland is because they subdued the strongest local power, which is "Black Nest", so that they don't have to deal with other ordinary people anymore, and their minds are all spent on it. Looking for things, I am not interested in paying attention to these local people now."

Having said that, Lin Hang snorted coldly and continued, "But the situation is different now. According to the information they revealed to Asan, these forces who set foot on the earth don't know why they should be in the near future. Disputes will start. At that time, all the land, including the Austrian continent, should be caught in endless battles. At this time, except for the "Black Nest" that has something to do with them, those Austrian continents How could ordinary people like this in their eyes? I guess that in such a war, ordinary people on the Austrian mainland and other continents will suffer countless deaths and injuries!"

After all, Lin Hang was also a lot more emotional. If they hadn't transferred all Huaxia to the cave of the Wu Clan, then the fate waiting for Huaxia should be similar to the fate of the Austrian mainland! And now, under such chaotic earth-star conditions, they might not be able to continuously exercise themselves among the many forces, then develop, and finally regain control of China.

As the two talked, they had already approached Xicheng, the original central city of Austria.

Lin Hang and Wang Lao stopped about ten kilometers away from Xicheng, looking from a distance, they found that there does not seem to be a human in the entire Xicheng, all of them are strange life forms, and both of them know these life forms. The body is the mysterious "Mengyizu".

In fact, before they set off, the two had visited the high priest and wanted to ask about the origin of this "Mengyizu". After consulting the ancient books of the clan, the chief priest finally found the record of "Mengyi Clan" on an ancient bamboo slip that had been covered in dust. According to the simple description of bamboo slips, this "Mengyi" and the current "Kashgar" of China, etc., are all members of the ancient ten thousand tribes who were active in the early days of the flood. At that time, the heaven and earth of the Primordial Continent had just been born. At this time, many beings were born innately. They were the first creatures. In addition to the more famous dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, witches, and the second emperor of the monster clan, There are many strange creatures. These creatures are the ancestors of all races, and their descendants are also called all races. Of course, with the slow development in the later period, not many races can survive. After the Dragon, Phoenix and Kirin battles, the Lich Clan occupied the prehistoric state, and the other races slowly withdrew due to various reasons. Historical stage. Because the existence of these races is so remote and so short that even some of their legends have been lost. It is also because the inheritance of the witch clan is equally old, otherwise the high priest may not be able to find records about these races.

Lin Hang and Wang Lao, who had concealed their figures, did not rush into this Xi City. They were going to investigate it first, and then decide how to act.

Lin Hang said to Wang Lao beside him, "These ancient tribes should have already disappeared in the mouth of the high priest. How could they suddenly appear on our earth and stars? And looking at their appearance, they are not to each other. Knowing nothing makes it even more incomprehensible!"

Old Wang smiled and said, "Lin Hang, why do you still think like this? Since both the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan can open up the sky above the stars of our land, and then retreat to the present, why can't these ancient ten thousand races Before dying out, move the ethnic group to other Zhouguang fragments? With the improvement of my cultivation level, I have been very open to these things. The magical powers of those ancient powers are really not what we can imagine now. I only I know, now that they, members of the ten thousand races, have invaded our planet, I will clear them one by one!"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and knew that no matter what he thought, he couldn't understand such a thing. After all, his cultivation was not enough and he couldn't reach the realm of ancient power. All his thoughts were wrong.

No longer worrying, Lin Hang took out another crystal-clear low-grade spirit stone in his portable space, and then casually threw it on the ground in front of him, then Wang Lao waved his hand and transformed into a space with Lin Hang, just within easy reach. Place, observing the possible reaction of Xicheng.

Just after the spirit stone fell to the ground, Wang Lao and Lin Hang incarnate in the space, two strong spiritual power fluctuations suddenly came from Xicheng, and then the next moment, before the location of the spirit stone, there were two more human-like appearances, but A creature with strange tentacles.

These two strange creatures are the legendary "Mengyi Clan". The tentacles on their heads are the embodiment of their talents. The longer they are, the higher their realm and the stronger their strength. The tentacles of these two "Mengyi Clan" reached four inches but less than five inches. According to the information, they were two "Mengyi Clan" equivalent to the monks of the transformation stage.

The two "Mengyizu" did not directly pick up the spirit stone for testing. Instead, they scanned the surroundings vigilantly, but did not find any clues. It seems that the spirit stone was created out of thin air. They naturally couldn't discover Wang Lao's incarnation space technique during this period, and Wang Lao and Lin Hang were on the side, observing their next reaction.

"Mengtong, have you noticed how this spirit stone appeared here?" A slightly stronger "Mengyizu" asked his companions around him.

The other shorter one shook his head and replied, "Mengshi, your divine consciousness is stronger than mine. You didn’t even notice. How could I find out? But it can’t be produced by itself, after all, We all know that there is no spirit stone in Earth and Star!"

The "Mengyi Clan" who was called the Dream Lion also nodded and said, "Then this matter is very troublesome. Either hidden forces have appeared, or people of other races have come to us, this spiritual stone They accidentally dropped it. After returning, let them be on guard. The destined war may have started in advance!"

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