I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 265

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:50 AM

Chapter 265: Thunder strike

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At this time, Wang Lao and Lin Hang were also observing Mengtong and Mengshi silently, and found that their language was indeed the lingua franca of all ethnic groups in ancient times. The language they deliberately learned from the high priest is In order for this exploration operation to be smoother, it really came in handy here.

At this time, Lin Hang in the space whispered to Wang Lao, "Teacher, what shall we do now?"

In Lin Hang's view, they have already understood some of the fiction and reality, and they should take action now, otherwise the spirit stone will be taken away by the two "Mengyizu" for nothing.

Wang Lao's reply came over, "Hang'er, according to my observation, these two "Mengyi Clan" should be their highest cultivation level in the earth now! Don't hesitate, just leave them behind. Right!"

Lao Wang's consideration is not unreasonable. Although these two "Mengyi Clan" are likely to be the highest existing earth star cultivation base in their clan at present, they are just speculation after all. But Mr. Wang was confident that he could take Lin Hang back to Qingtian Island if he guessed wrong, so he naturally had no scruples and was ready to do it directly.

Without waiting for Lin Hang's response, Wang Lao directly relieved the fusion between the two of them and the space around him. As soon as he appeared, before the two of Mengtong could react, he immediately took one of his hands to cover the entire area of ​​100 meters. Blocked up, so that they can only be in this area and cannot break through to other places.

Naturally, Mengtong and Lin Hang were surprised by the sudden appearance of Lin Hang. After the veteran Wang completed the space blockade, the two felt Wang Lao and Lin Hang, and Mengshi cried out in surprise, "Humanity? Terran? How is it possible?!"

But Wang Lao didn't talk nonsense with him, he directly used the time and space imprisonment. This move was originally understood by Lin Hang, but Wang Lao has the time and space ability. After knowing the principle, it is stronger than Lin Hang. Up to three points. At this time, with the support of Wang Lao's spiritual power in the later stage of the transformation, the Mengshi was immediately set in place, unable to move at all.

Seeing that Mengshi was in danger, Mengtong hurriedly prepared to go and help, but never thought that she felt a cold light from behind at this time. Mengtong actually did not feel it, but its tentacles have a special sense of life danger. Ability to give early warning. Mengtong’s sense of his tentacles was naturally extremely trusting. At this time, there was naturally no way to rescue Menglion. He hurriedly jumped upwards, and then a short arrow past Mengtong’s feet, almost stabbing. Zhongmengtong was gone, but it was avoided in advance.

Lin Hang, who shot from a distance, uttered a soft "Huh". The innate spirit treasure "Emperor Arrow" he released has now reached the stage of transforming gods. Long-range acceleration plus the attributes of instantaneous emergence should be It is impossible to be avoided by Mengtong of the same rank. But now that Mengtong had already avoided it, Lin Hang didn't feel much annoyance. He raised his hand to recall "Emperor Jiang Arrow", and continued to attack Mengtong, preventing it from having a chance to assist Mengshi.

The dream lion on one side is already under the powerful time and space power of Wang Lao, and it is a little difficult to support it. Just a time and space confinement has already made the dream lion have to transport the spiritual power of the whole body to resist. The space cutting and space squeezing that appear from time to time makes Mengshi miserable. If he is not careful, he will be recruited. Now he is concentrated and coping with all his strength.

Lin Hang looked at Wang Lao's use of space abilities, and couldn't help but sigh. No matter how talented Lin Hang is, no matter how many abilities, Wang Lao will always be Lin Hang's teacher in the way of space.

Lin Hang has discovered these two "Meng Yi Clan", although the combat effectiveness and offensiveness are not strong, but they have a strong perception of danger, not only Meng Tong escaped Lin Hang's killer, but also able to Forcibly supported by Wang's powerful spatial abilities, all of them showed the strength of their talents.

After thinking a little bit in his heart, Lin Hang came up with a way to deal with it. Lin Hang chuckled lightly, and then did not raise his hand, Meng Tong directly settled in place like the previous dream lion. Then during this period of time, Lin Hang showed a solid "Psychic Stick" in his hand, and then slammed it at Mengtong.

Mengtong did not expect that Lin Hang would have time-space abilities like Lao Wang. He was unprepared for a while and was set in place. The next "Psychic Stick" attack, its tentacles naturally issued a warning, but the body was unable to Moving, it could only be smashed into the forehead by "Psychic Stick", and the powerful force it imagined did not appear. Instead, there was a chaos in the brain, unable to gather mental thinking. Then, Mengtong actually went directly to the whole The body fell backward. A monk who was equivalent to the transformation stage was knocked out by Lin Hang abruptly!

Lin Hang stepped forward and touched the "Psychic Stick" in his hand, seemingly satisfied with its powerful effect. After setting a forbidden seal on Mengtong, he joined the battle group of Wang Lao against Mengshi.

After a while, Mengshi was also banned by Wang Lao and piled with Mengtong.

After completing this battle, Wang Lao also breathed a sigh of relief. Although it looked relaxed just now, Mengshi's premonition was still a bit too abnormal. Some attack methods could not hit it at all, so it was evaded in advance. If it hadn't been for Lin Hang's participation, this battle would have continued for a long time.

Old Wang smiled at Lin Hang and said, "Hang'er, after you have entered the Deity Transformation Stage, your strength has improved greatly! This "Meng Yi Clan" has so difficult talents and abilities, you can actually be so relaxed , Yes, haha, very good!"

Lin Hang also laughed and said, "Teacher, the abilities of this "Mengyizu" are certainly powerful, but they obviously don't understand us, especially me. Combining my various skills, it is not difficult to find restraint. Their way. It’s their amazing talent and ability, I'm really interested!"

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang in surprise, and asked with some uncertainty, "Hang'er, do you mean it?"

Lin Hang chuckled and said, "Well, teacher, I want to replicate their ability, but I don't know if I can succeed."

Lin Hang's cultivation over the years has not only improved his cultivation realm, but his own copying ability has also been greatly strengthened. The first thing that showed up was that copying after he was out of the body was not as difficult as before. This seemed to have something to do with his mental improvement. Then, Lin Hang was already able to copy some of the talented spells of others, not limited to the previous abilities. This was also discovered by accident when he was fighting Liu Ruyan.

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