I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 266

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:50 AM

Chapter 266: Copy "Omen"

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Lin Hang has been cultivating and living in "Candle World" for 20 years. Naturally, he would often go to the high priest to find Liu Ruyan, but the previous few visits were the same as before, and no one was seen. After a year or so, the high priest told him that Liu Ruyan had finally left the customs. Lin Hang was surprised when he saw Liu Ruyan. Liu Ruyan was first sent to "Candle World" by Lin Hang and worshipped under the high priest's door. It was only a cultivation base of the acquired realm, but after only a few years, it has actually reached the level of terror. Holy period!

Liu Ruyan's abnormal strength improvement speed surprised Lin Hang and was also very worried. After all, Liu Ruyan was a very important person to him. You know, at this time, even Wang Lao is only in the Nascent Soul Stage. What is it for Liu Ruyan to have such a terrible cultivation base?

But when Lin Hang asked the High Priest and Liu Ruyan about this question, neither of them answered his question. They just said that he should not worry about it. This was not a bad change. Although Lin Hang was still very puzzled, he remembered that when the high priest promised Liu Ruyan, he once said that Liu Ruyan was also a very special existence. Maybe Liu Ruyan's cultivation was related to this.

Since he couldn't get the answer, Lin Hang was still in absolute trust in the high priest and Liu Ruyan, and talked about this matter temporarily. In the later practice life, Lin Hang often came to discuss with Liu Ruyan about cultivation matters. After all, when Lin Hang was rapidly ascending, his disciples of the same generation in China were a little too far behind him. Ways to communicate well, and elders like Wang Lao can only give him pointers, not too presumptuous. On the contrary, Liu Ruyan now has a high level of cultivation and a good relationship with Lin Hang. The age of the two is not much different, and he is the best person to practice and discuss and exchange views.

When Lin Hang’s cultivation reached the Nascent Soul Stage, when the two played against each other once, Lin Hang found that his copying ability was working unconsciously, and then he felt that a new one had come out of his mind. After reading the progress bar carefully, I discovered that this is a spell called "A Hundred Flowers". According to the description of the High Priest and Liu Ruyan, this spell is an innate spell Liu Ruyan awakens by itself, that is, a talented spell.

This incident provided Lin Hang with new inspiration. It was from this time that Lin Hang re-studied his own copying ability. After many experiments, Lin Hang came to the conclusion that his copying ability was different. After he entered the Yuan Ying stage, he finally got an evolution and strengthening. Now when faced with physical objects, there is no change, but the off-body scanning is much easier than before. But if it is released against a living body, it is not the same as before. In the past, when copying, you can only copy other people's abilities, and you cannot choose, but now the copying abilities have more scanning Function, you can clearly detect the spells learned by others or some peculiar talent abilities, and Lin Hang can selectively copy such abilities. Of course, this kind of scan selection and copying is not unlimited. First of all, if the strength gap is too large, Lin Hang will not be able to complete the scan, and the other party cannot resist too strongly, otherwise it will easily lead to failure. Although there are many restrictions, Lin Hang knows that his abilities have become more powerful. Think about how difficult it is for others to master a technique that is difficult to practice. You can copy it and take it away in a blink of an eye. It's something against the sky.

In order to improve the success rate, Lin Hang is ready to attack the weaker "Mengyi Clan" Mengtong. Now Mengtong is randomly thrown on the ground. Not only has his body been restrained, but also he hasn't learned from Lin Hang just now. He wakes up from that stick, it is easier for Lin Hang to cast spells.

Under Wang Lao’s gaze, Lin Hang began to exchange his mental power and spread to Mengtong’s body, and activated the copy ability. With the activation of the ability, Lin Hang was able to scan through the ability color to vaguely sense. Looking at some of the spells and abilities that Mengtong possessed, Lin Hang felt that some of the spells and abilities of "Mengyi Clan" were quite unique. Their spells and abilities seem to be auxiliary in nature, allowing them to have stronger melee combat capabilities. Although they were all interested, Lin Hang had no choice but aimed at his goal this time. Lin Hang’s copying ability slowly approached Mengtong’s tentacles. After some investigation, Lin Hang showed a happy expression. After a while, Lin Hang withdrew his mental power and returned with excitement. Wang Lao's side.

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang, who looked like a child, and couldn't help shook his head, and said with a smile, "Hang'er, look at your appearance, it should be a good result? It's just that you are not a kid anymore. It's so ostentatious!"

In front of Mr. Wang, Lin Hang never concealed his nature, and said with a smile, "Teacher, I have always been a kid in front of you! I really can't blame the disciple this time, it is because of their talent. Ability, some exceeded my expectations!"

Mr. Wang was also interested at this time. In the fight just now, this ability of Mengshi really made him feel quite tricky, but now he wants to understand, "What do they mean by this talented ability? of?"

Lin Hang explained with a smile, "Teacher, at the beginning, when I attacked this Mengtong with "Dijiang Arrow", it flashed out and attacked suddenly. You also know that my "Dijiang Arrow" has How hard to avoid it, but this Mengtong had already done the evasive action before "Dijiang Arrow" appeared, so I initially thought that its ability was similar to the previous military's extraordinary ability. —— "Somatosensory" is at best more powerful than his ability. But after copying it, I realized that it is much more than that. Their talent ability is called "Omen", except for such a direct life threatening danger. They can even predict the calamity in the future and warn them in advance so that they can avoid danger. Their "Mengyi Clan" is not strong, but they have survived in the ancient ten thousand clan so far. This talent ability has played a very important role. Important role!"

Lao Wang was also greatly admired, but said with some doubts, "They have this ability, how can we directly capture them so easily? Is there something tricky in this?"

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