I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 267

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:49 AM

Chapter 267: "Phantom Forbidden"

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Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "I have some opinions about this. According to my research for a while, I found that this "Omen" will not appear 100%. There is a certain possibility. It will not warn. , Otherwise it possesses such a sky-defying ability, then how could this "Mengyizu" withdraw from the stage of history? It should have become the master of the prehistoric continent long ago! However, even so, it should still be a very powerful ability, after all, it It is a passive ability and will always help assist, so the scope of use is relatively wide."

Lao Wang nodded, no longer delving into this issue, but instead looked at the two "Mengyi Clan" in front of him, and said, "Hang'er, the purpose of coming here is almost complete this time, then how do we deal with them? ?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Teacher, based on our guess and their performance, this "Meng Yi Clan" should be the most powerful monk in Earth Star. If that's the case, other Among those forces, they should not be far behind them. Perhaps their respective clan strengths are not limited to this, but they should be the peak of strength in the Earth Star Transformation Stage. In this case, I don't think we need to be too anxious Destroy them all, but you can leave them behind."

Wang Lao didn't quite understand what Lin Hang meant, and frowned and asked, "Hang'er, why do you want to do this? Based on today's situation, we should be able to wipe out all the forces on the planet with our masters and apprentices working together. In this case, can't our original earth-star environment be restored? We can also return to China."

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, the disciples you mentioned don't think it is difficult to achieve, but we don't know whether these forces that are now above the earth and stars are their full strength. In case we kill them completely After that, a group of more powerful members of the ten thousand races came. Our efforts were not in vain, and some accidents that we could not control. But now, since we have almost understood the current earth and stars The level of strength, and it is not beyond our control, it will naturally be better to maintain the current situation. Another point, don’t our junior disciples in China just need to be tempered? We already understand the situation of the earth star. , As long as there are people leading the team every time, those disciples who come out to practice should still be able to get tempered under the premise of ensuring safety. If we wipe out these forces of the planet, with the current strength of those disciples, how? Can it have an experience effect?"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, Wang Lao didn't answer, instead he lowered his head to think about what Lin Hang had just said. After a while, Mr. Wang said, "Well, Hang'er, what you said is reasonable! But we still need to investigate in other places. If it is really confirmed that the highest strength of the earth star is only Hua Shen If so, then we can indeed continue to maintain this situation, and in their next struggle, let our disciples in China get some training."

After that, Wang pointed to Mengtong and Mengshi lying on the ground, and said, "So how do you deal with these two "Mengyi Clan" now? They have seen our looks, and they also know that we have transformed into a god. In fact, if we do not deal with it cleanly, it will inevitably cause some threats to some of our follow-up disciples!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, this is indeed a trouble! But now that we have captured them alive, it's a lot easier to deal with it naturally. So, let the disciples set up the "Phantom Spirit" in their minds. "Forbidden", specifically aimed at their memories about us today, temporarily sealed these memories. Although "Phantom Forbidden" has a time limit, it should be enough to drag it for a few years. When our strength rises , Even if "The Phantom Forbidden" is broken, we don't care much anymore."

Mr. Wang nodded. He also vaguely understood the "Phantom Forbidden" mentioned by Lin Hang. It was an ancient magical magic technique that could quietly seal the memory of the caster and obscure it, but it was not tampered with. ability. This technique has always existed in the book pavilion of the witch family, because it is necessary to have the talent for illusion skills to practice, no one has ever used it. Lin Hang also has the basis of the Yu family’s "illusion", and can barely cultivate it. A magic technique was originally thought to be interesting, but I didn't expect it to come in handy here.

The space blockade that Wang Lao set up nearby still hasn't been removed, so Lin Hang made some preparations and immediately started casting the spell. Because both Dream Lions were completely banned, when Lin Hang was casting the spell, they had no way of resisting. They could only let Lin Hang in their minds to forcibly seal the memory of meeting the two men today. Up.

After completing "The Phantom Forbidden", Lin Hang and Wang Lao came to Xicheng with the dream lion and the two people. The gods swept through Xicheng, and then expanded to the entire Austrian continent. Indeed, no other ones were found. The breath of the God-Transforming Stage, the two men and lions in front of them, should be the highest leaders of the "Mengyi Clan" cultivation on the earth and stars.

The two did not alarm the others, they put Mengshi and Mengtong safely back to their original residences, and dispersed the restrictions, after which Wang Lao took Lin Hang and left the Austrian mainland and went to the territory of China.

After Wang and Lao left, Mengshi and Mengtong in Xicheng woke up leisurely, and then both of them showed blank expressions. Obviously they didn't remember what happened just now, and there was no clue for a while. People had no choice but to stop struggling, and began to prepare people for the upcoming Ten Thousand Races war.

Lao Wang and Lin Hang didn’t mean to interrogate Mengshi. Since their cultivation bases have not been much different, they have no way to go directly into their sea of ​​knowledge to obtain information, so they simply don’t care about it, no matter what the next ten thousand clan battle is. They don't care about where it started and how it will develop. Their next policy is to raise the strength of the entire China to another level during the Great War, and then be able to resist even more powerful threats in the future. After all, with the arrival of the Ten Thousand Clan, it may not even count as the appetizer of the Great Tribulation in the future. Huaxia needs to be tempered before the Great Tribulation to better face the Great Tribulation.

Lao Wang and Lin Hang set foot here in China and came to the vicinity of Huicheng before. The one who occupied Huicheng was a force called "Kashgar Clan", which also belonged to one of the thousands of ancient tribes. Wang Lao and Lin Hang next Starting from this "Kashgar Clan", I will explore the strength of these ten thousand races one by one.

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