I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 268

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:47 AM

Chapter 268: Return

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With the experience of dealing with "Mengyizu" just now, after the two came to Huicheng, although they still remained vigilant, they were not so shy. When Mr. Wang was in the Austrian mainland before, he didn't want to release the Divine Sense Scan. After all, he didn't know the situation of the stars very clearly. And now in Huicheng, Mr. Wang has already unceremoniously released his spiritual knowledge and scanned the entire Huaxia area.

After regaining his consciousness and opening his eyes, Mr. Wang nodded to Lin Hang on the side, and said, "Hang'er, our estimate is not wrong! The three ancient forces of Ten Thousand Clan that now occupy our China, each of them is based on the city. , Huicheng, and Beijing are the centers, and each city has two auras that are equivalent to the transformation of the gods. I don’t know if it is the tacit understanding of their ancient ten thousand races or a coincidence. The sum of the strengths of the various races arranged on the earth star should be similar However, the area we are investigating is still a bit small now, and when we walk the entire Earth Star once, we can draw the final conclusion!"

Lin Hang naturally did not have any opinion, so he followed Wang Lao to walk through the earth star in the next time, and indeed confirmed their guess just now. The highest combat power of all the forces of the ten thousand races on the earth star is all They are two monks who are equivalent to the transformation stage. Then under them, each clan sent a similar number of clan members, about 20,000 to 40,000. Each of these tribesmen has a cultivation base, and the worst is the cultivation base during the foundation period. Therefore, regarding the future experience plan of China, they will have to plan carefully after they go back, otherwise it is very likely to cause some loss.

After the two of them completed the investigation, they returned to the original entrance of "Candle World" outside Dian City. Lin Hang looked at this place, frowned and meditated for a while, and said, "Teacher, can the entrance of "Candle World" be located? Move position? Always staying in this place, although after the concealed figure comes out, it can be directly transmitted to the Sky Island through the token, but after all, it still needs a process and time. If there is an accident, the location of this entrance is very It may be exposed, and then our experience plan will not be so well developed!

Lin Hang's worries are not unreasonable. The location of opening "Candle World" through the jade key is fixed, in this valley in Diancheng. Such a motionless position is indeed very easy for the high-level members of the ten thousand races to discover the opportunity. After all, it is not every time that Wang Lao or Lin Hang leads the team. Once found, there may be no chance to teleport and be directly captured. . So Lin Hang is like to see if he can rely on Wang Lao’s profound understanding of space to transfer the location of the entrance of the witch clan’s cave sky to another place, even if it can’t be moved too far, but if it changes location frequently, it will be less. A lot of risks were discovered.

After listening to Lin Hang’s question, Wang Lao thought carefully and replied, "Hang'er, what did you tell you? In fact, the principle of moving this cave is not complicated. You only need to find the earth and star attached to the cave. "Source Point", and then change this cave sky to a "Source Point". In this way, the location of the cave sky and the direction of opening its entrance will be directly changed. However, for this matter, there is only a spatial understanding and perception No, we still need the power that can really pry the sky. We can only use the great mana to'pry' the sky from the "source" it originally entrusted, and then slowly move the sky until it is placed again. It’s above another "Source Point" to complete the change of the position of the cave sky. So, the teacher can sense the position of the cave sky, but the teacher does not have the ability to pry and move it, so temporarily In other words, we have no way to change its position."

Lin Hang nodded thoughtfully. After all, he also has space powers. He also roughly understands what Wang Lao said just now. Since they only have the strength of the Transcendent Stage, they are not enough to carry the entire "Candle World". Yes, let alone move it and change its location.

Lin Hang said, "Well, since there is no way, then we must explain to the disciples later, we must be careful when we come out, and all the experience will not start when we reach Qingtian Island."

During the conversation between the two, Lin Hang took out the jade card, opened the light door under the shield of Wang Lao's consciousness, and quickly entered "Candle World".

After the two entered "Candle World", they immediately separated. Mr. Wang is going to Huaxia, and Zhuo Sheng and the big families explain the situation of the outside world, and then consider determining a specific experience plan. But Lin Hang was going to see the High Priest, wanting to learn more about the ancient Ten Thousand Clan from her. After all, they used to rely on the little news about Asan and Lin Hang's clone to barely understand the situation of Earth Star. That's it. Now that Lin Hang came back from Earth and brought the latest news, naturally he had to discuss it with the high priest and others to see if he could find some details that he had overlooked.

After begging to see the high priest, he was quickly called into the hall.

The high priest still holds the cane and sits on the main seat, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. And Liu Ruyan, who was standing next to him, hurried over when he heard the news of Lin Hang's return.

The high priest looked at the dusty Lin Hang and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you have come back from the earth star? Seeing you like this, it seems quite happy, is the situation of the earth star still under control? "

Because even though Lin Hang said he was going to the planet to investigate, he didn't notify the high priest this time, but the high priest guessed the matter from Lin Hang's performance.

Lin Hang bowed to the high priest, then blinked at Liu Ruyan, and said, "Sure enough, there is nothing to hide from you, the high priest! The kid is indeed with the teacher, just returned from Earth Star, and this time The trip to the earth and the stars did get a lot of useful news. In general, I think it will be very beneficial to our future development!"

The high priest already had guesses in his heart, but he nodded and said, "I also told you before that it is best to go to the current Earth and Star to investigate after reaching the God Transformation Stage. This strength is even more secure. Now that you come back safely, you still have a confident look. So, those forces above the earth and stars are indeed masters who do not exceed the strength of the gods?"

In fact, before this time, Lin Hang and Wang Lao wanted to set out for a land survey, but they were stopped when they visited the high priest.

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