I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 269

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:46 AM

Chapter 269: Exhort

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Lin Hang didn’t understand the reason why the high priest suggested so, but after the high priest’s explanation, Lin Hang understood that in every era, the number of masters who completed the triumph and successfully ascended to the immortal were very few, and most of the others All of the monks died during the tribulation period, resisting with difficulty. Therefore, the high priest guessed that the powers of all races who can walk freely now should not exceed the transformation stage, because the masters of the transformation stage above the transformation stage need to deal with the next catastrophe wholeheartedly, and will not participate. Such actions. As for those who succeeded in ascending to immortality, it is even more unlikely that they will appear, after all, their pursuits are already different.

Lin Hang nodded and said with a smile, "Priest, you are right! My teacher and I have searched the entire Earth Star, and as expected, we did not find any existence beyond the Deity Transformation Period, and the ancient Earth Stars The clan forces, I don’t know if it’s negotiated or a coincidence. Their highest combat power only has two cultivators, and they are all two."

The high priest did not have any doubts, and said, "These ancient forces of the ten thousand races have been able to survive to this day, except that they were far away from the prehistoric continent in advance, there must be some connections we don't know. And this time suddenly appeared, occupying all the earth stars, It must be a common decision made by them. There is definitely a tacit understanding among them. However, according to what you said, since their current strengths are almost at the same level, soon your Huaxia strength will surpass them. The forces of the Ten Thousand Races on Earth Star are here.

Lin Hang said with a smile, "Priest, my teacher and I also fought two masters of the gods of one of the races "Mengyi" during this investigation. In the end, the teacher and I captured them alive. So. Judging from this battle, the current high-level forces of the Earth, Stars and Ten Thousand Races, my teacher and I already have the capital to fight them, so we are not in a hurry to eliminate them immediately. According to their meaning, their major races will be Above the Earth and Stars, there was a battle for which we do not yet know the reason, and my teacher and I are ready to use this war that spreads across the Earth and Stars to temper our younger generations of Chinese disciples. I don’t know about this. What do you think?"

The high priest shook his head and chuckled, "What can I say? You have to decide this matter yourself. I believe that your current judgment is not a problem. However, I think you should be more careful, more cautious, and make plans. Perfect and meticulous, don't miscalculate in key places."

Lin Hang nodded, and discussed with the high priest about moving the cave.

The high priest said, "Your master is right about this matter. For the time being, let's not think about it again! Which of the twelve ancestors who opened up our caves before was not the existence of the cultivation base Tongtian? Now it is just us. The old immortal does not have this ability to move the cave sky. Unless your cultivation reaches a certain level, or you have something."

Lin Hang, who had no hope at all, heard the last words of the high priest and couldn't help but ask, "What? Is it possible that we can complete the transfer from the cave to heaven after the thing you said?"

The high priest nodded and said, "After you have this thing, you can make this job a lot easier. Its function is to support the cave sky, which is equivalent to giving you a rope so that you can pull the cave sky. It will naturally be a lot easier to move. However, this thing hasn’t appeared in the world for a long time, and it’s still unknown whether the entire Earth Star can find one. So, Lin Hang, don’t expect too much. You will come in and out in the future. Just be careful when you do."

In fact, Lin Hang just understood it, and didn’t mean to go deeper. Hearing the high priest’s instruction, he nodded in response, “Well, the high priest, the kid understands that he won’t put the cart before the horse! The kid retired. Huaxia should still need me to participate in the discussion."

The high priest nodded, waved gently, and said to Liu Ruyan on the side, "Yan'er, you can send Lin Hang!"

Liu Ruyan responded and followed Lin Hang out of the hall, and the two of them moved towards Huaxia's position.

While the two were walking on the road, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan talked about the details of this trip to the stars, the peculiar "Mengyi Clan" they encountered, and various different races, and they soon came. Arrived in front of the barrier of the area where Huaxia is located.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Sister Yan, don't you go back to Liu's house to take a look? It's been more than 20 years, and you haven't gone home yet!"

Liu Ruyan looked at the enchantment in front of him, feeling surging in his heart, but chuckled steadily, and said, "Xiaohang, no, they are developing very well now, and I don't want to disturb them! Yes, you go back soon, I also want to go back to report to the teacher, and then continue to practice!"

Lin Hang had long guessed that Liu Ruyan would make such a decision, but he was still puzzled. He could vaguely feel that Liu Ruyan was a little alienated from him and everyone else in China. It's not deliberately disguised, but it seems to be so general. Lin Hang didn't know if such a change was a good thing for Liu Ruyan, but he couldn't change it either, so he could only let Liu Ruyan do.

After the two separated at the barrier opening, Lin Hang went straight to the military base camp. Wang Lao was still talking to Zhuo Sheng and others about the current situation of Earth Star.

Seeing Lin Hang coming, Wang Lao said, "Hang'er, you came back just right! We are discussing the first experience. You should also see when it is appropriate to go out, and how many people will be the first time."

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Teacher, I don't think there is any need to be so anxious! First of all, the current earth star is not very chaotic, and it can't achieve the effect of letting us experience the chaos. Besides, we need to wait for each of them. After the clan war begins, we should decide on the appropriate team size and team strength. We should not be too blind. So the disciple suggested that we still have to wait for a while before starting this experience plan."

After speaking of his own views, Lin Hang did not pause, and continued, "This time I went out, I left a few meta-infant-period clones outside. With a few of them, our detection and monitoring of Earth and stars will be compared. It's clear. So, once I have the right experience conditions, my clone will notify me in time so that we can start the experience plan in an orderly manner. I believe that this time will not wait too long!"

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