I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 27

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:35 AM

Chapter 27: End of training

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At five o'clock in the morning the next morning, Lin Hang was yelled by Wang Lao.

Lao Wang said to Lin Hang, "Today we are going to an outside market to purchase some items."

Lin Hang asked puzzledly, "Master, we don't need anything. What do you want, give the disciple three minutes, and I will give you a dozen copies right away. We don't need to go this time."

Old Wang endured the urge to get angry, he had forgotten this kid's ability, and this kid was pretending to be a fool. Old Wang raised his hand to look like he was about to fight, and said, "If I said I would buy it, I would buy it! If you dare to talk, don't blame the teacher for not loving you!"

Lin Hang had to put away his tired and lazy appearance and followed Wang Lao to leave the valley.

Wang Lao said to Lin Hang, "Hang'er, it’s about fifty miles from the nearest market here. It’s now five and fifteen. I go to that market first. My request is, no matter what method you use, Within an hour, arrive at the market! This is a map."

After the map was handed over to Lin Hang, Wang Lao beside Lin Hang disappeared instantly, obviously not prepared to give Lin Hang a chance to refute. Lin Hang silently calculated that his current limit shuttle distance is 500 meters. The distance of fifty li needs to travel fifty times before he can reach it, and his psychic energy can only be used up if he can only persist for five times, and he needs to recover time. He knew that this must be the difficulty set by the master, and it was absolutely uneasy, and he had to work hard to complete it.

Throwing away distracting thoughts, Lin Hang began to act. He launched a space shuttle and advanced five hundred meters in the direction of the market. Slowing his breath a little, he activated the ability again. Soon, after five times passed, Lin Hang had to stop and restore psychic energy. He opened the space, took out a bottle of rejuvenating pills, poured out one pill, and took it. After adjusting his breath for ten minutes, he recovered his psychic energy, and he immediately continued on his way.

When using the space shuttle this time, Lin Hang felt that he was more sensitive to space, and after completing it, he found that the psionic energy he had consumed was a lot less. Lin Hang gradually understood Wang Lao's intentions. At this stage, he can only improve his familiarity with the space through the continuous use of the abilities. After he became familiar with the abilities, it was naturally more convenient to use the abilities.

After Lin Hang wanted to understand, he put away the impetuosity in his heart, and began to realize the familiarity with space in the repeated use. This time, his psychic energy fully supported him to use his abilities eight times before slowly depleting. Stopped again, took the pill to restore psychic energy, and continued on the road. Finally, when it was approaching an hour, Lin Hang saw the outline of the market ahead.

It was another space shuttle that got closer to the market, and Lin Hang began to run towards the market on foot. Before arriving at the market, Lin Hang saw Wang Lao who was drinking tea in a tea shed in front of the market.

Lin Hang sat down opposite Wang Lao, and looked down, there was a cup of steaming tea in front of him. Lin Hang picked up the tea cup, drank it, and looked at Wang Lao calmly.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Hang'er, I thought you would have resentment for being a teacher. I didn't expect you to be so calm after completing the goal I set for you. Not bad!"

Lin Hang still replied calmly, "Master, I know your kindness, and you just want me to improve myself. It is me who is really tempered. What grievances do I have? The apprentice also needs to thank the master for the apprentice. I’ve made up my mind before to cultivate my son. I must return to the capital to seek justice for my parents. It’s worth all the hard work for this goal, not to mention the training you arranged for me. I have always been happy one of them."

Old Wang looked at Lin Yi with relief and said in remembrance, "Hang'er, you are really a filial child! I have also heard about your parents’ previous things, but it’s a pity that I was not able to do so, and I was in the official position of China. It’s inconvenient to take action. Afterwards, I still feel very sorry to think about it, but I believe that with your father’s talent, this incident will not hit him. He will definitely come back!"

Lin Hang nodded approvingly and said, "Master, I know that my father will definitely return, but before that, my son wants to help him. At least, I want to ask the Lin family and the Liu family. When my parents were enemies everywhere, why did they choose to be alone and not be a supporter behind my parents!"

At this time, Mr. Wang said, "Hang'er, things are not that simple. At that time, your father was the best disciple of the Lin family's generation, and even his talents could be ranked top in the Lin family for so many years. The Lin family should be the one. Your father’s biggest supporter, but on this matter, the Lin family made such a choice, don’t you find it strange? And as far as I know, your father doesn’t complain about the Lin family too much. A kind of protection for the Lin family. Listen to me, Yi'er, you must go to the Lin family in Beijing, but don’t be too hostile to the current Patriarch of the Lin family, that is, your grandfather. If you meet his face , I hope you can get to know your grandfather calmly before making a decision."

It was the first time Lin Hang heard of such a thing, but he knew that Wang Lao would definitely not lie to him, and he replied, "Well, I listen to Master. Although I have no feelings with the Lin family, if I tell you In the same way, for the sake of my father, I will also change my view of the Lin family. It's just that I will understand all of this myself."

After the master and apprentice had finished chatting, they walked around in this market and encountered some small things they wanted. Under the sign of Wang Lao's eyes, Lin Hanghang copied them all with their abilities. Under the influence of Lin Hang, Mr. Wang also feels that this kind of action at no cost is very good.

The two walked out of the market, and Wang Lao went back to the valley alone. Leaving Lin Hang alone in the same place, Lin Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then used the space shuttle to walk towards the valley.

About forty minutes later, Lin Hang returned to the waterfall. With the continuous use of supernatural powers, Lin Hang's understanding of space is getting deeper and deeper, and less and less power is consumed. Seeing the long-awaited Wang Lao, the two started a day of exercise.

For the next twenty days, Lin Hang carried out many different trainings at the request of Mr. Wang. Lin Hang was also in the Wang Lao plan, slowly combining his own different abilities, and also developed many different tactics. Lao Wang also adjusted his training methods during the continuous training of Lin Hang, and the two would sit down and discuss from time to time.

Later, I mentioned that this period is also the most critical period for Lin Hang. Wang Lao not only teaches him knowledge, but also brings him a different way of thinking, so that he will never act in the future. Limiting yourself will bring you a completely different experience every time.

Soon, the one-month training came to an end.

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