I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 271

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:44 AM

Chapter 271: Start

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As soon as Zhuo Sheng’s words fell, all the teams replied in unison, “Understood!” Zhuo Sheng nodded in satisfaction, pointed to Lin Hang beside him, and continued, “Lin Hang believes everyone knows this too. Just let him lead the team and safely send you to our assembly and retreat location on Earth Star. I hope that after reaching Earth Star, you can follow Lin Hang’s command, and don’t be too individualistic, the danger of Earth Star Not what you can imagine!"

Then Zhuo Sheng turned to Lin Hang and said, "Lin Hang, do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Hang smiled and shook his head. The group of disciples in front of him, a total of about 100 people, were divided into six teams, of which three teams were all formed in the foundation period, and the two teams were composed of disciples from the foundation period and the Jindan period. The last team is composed of all Jin Danqi disciples.

These more than one hundred people can be regarded as the most outstanding group of all the disciples of the younger generations. After all, although more than 20 years have passed, the Golden Core Stage is still a hurdle that many disciples cannot overcome. These dozens of Jin Danqi are basically all the Jin Danqi disciples among the 50,000 disciples selected by China's major families including the military and later. Many disciples broke through to the foundation building stage very early, but they were unable to enter the Golden Elixir Stage. This is also impossible. After all, entering the Golden Elixir stage cannot be broken through by the accumulation of time alone. Except for the disciples of the Golden Core Stage, the other disciples of the Foundation Building Stage are all present at the peak of the Foundation Building Stage. It is not that Lin Hang and others have used this hunting plan to help these people break through to the Golden Core. However, the path of cultivation ultimately depends on themselves, and Lin Hang's plan like this is just to give these junior disciples a chance, and it depends on them to make a breakthrough or not.

In fact, Zhuo Sheng, including the elders of these disciples, has told them many times about all the matters needing attention, and this time Zhuo Sheng just emphasized them again before setting off. Seeing that it was not too early, Zhuo Sheng said loudly, "Okay, let's go! I hope that in the near future, I can see you all come back safely, and all of you will improve!"

After speaking, one of Lin Hang's clones stepped forward, and the jade card opened the light door, and Lin Hang's deity left "Candle World" with a team of more than 100 people in an orderly manner.

Because Lin Hang needs to lead the team this time, Lin Hang left the three jade medals of Dongtian on a clone of "Candle World". After all, I don't know what will happen. I need to go to "Back World". Or in "Emperor Realm", it is inconvenient to put all the jade cards on his body, it is much more convenient to put three pieces on the body of the clone.

At the entrance of "Candle Realm" in Earthstar Dian City, a light door quietly opened, and Lin Hang walked out with many disciples and set foot on this long-lost Earthstar land. After Lin Hang came out, he kept spreading his mental strength in this area to ensure that no one would explore this area. Then, after contacting the clone on Qingtian Island, everything was normal. Lin Hang gently raised his hand. Leading everyone directly to the sky above the sky.

These disciples actually carried the tokens made by Mr. Wang, and they were all connected to the teleportation formation set up by Mr. Wang on Qingtian Island. But the transmission of a hundred people is still too much movement, since Lin Hang is here, naturally there is no need for so much trouble.

After arriving at the Sky Island, although many disciples have roughly understood the situation of the island, they couldn't help but talk about it when they first saw such a peculiar island. Lin Hang smiled on the side, and did not stop everyone from talking. After a while, after everyone’s fresh energy passed, Lin Hang said, “This Qingtian Island will be your rest base from now on. You have finished hunting outside. After that, or encounter any danger, you can teleport back to this teleportation formation through the tokens handed to you. I have built the lounge on the island in advance, now you choose a few of them to use! The captains of the six teams, you and I come!"

After all, Lin Hang took the six captains to the largest lounge, which was also the lounge he prepared for himself.

The captains of these six teams, the three Golden Core Phases, and the Three Foundation Phases, were all Lin Hang's acquaintances. The three people in the Jindan period were Tian Dayong in the late Jindan period, Ye Guangyuan in the mid Jindan period, and Jiang Huacong in the early Jindan period. The three in the base construction period were also members of the original eight small strong forces: Hu Lingfeng, Huazhi and Li Yu drop. These people were the best among their peers before they practiced "Ren Huang Jue". Naturally, they have no doubts about their talents. After the modification of "Ren Huang Jue", their progress is very fast. Although the three of Hu Lingfeng still It didn't reach the Golden Core Stage, but it was also on the edge of the breakthrough, and the other eight Xiaoqiang were also in this hunting operation, and the difference in cultivation level was not too big. After this time, they all broke through to the Golden Core Stage.

Lin Hang looked at these familiar old friends and said with a smile, "Everyone, I believe you all already know the arrangement of this hunting plan. I will not say much about other things. I will just say one point. That is your each. The team’s first action! In fact, we didn’t know much about the strength of the middle level of these ancient ten thousand races, so we don’t know much about the distribution and dispatching rules of the monks in their foundation period and Jin Dan period. So, don’t be too aggressive in your first action. Check out this information first, and then consider the next hunting action. If you have all the information, your actions will be smoother. Regarding this , You all have no opinion?"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, Tian Dayong said with a smile, "Lin Hang, before coming out this time, the chiefs said that everything is up to you, and what you said is so reasonable, we naturally have no opinion, brothers , You say yes?"

Several other people also nodded. After all, it was the first time that they had come out to act. Before they could figure out the reality of the enemy, everything was as Lin Hang had said. They should grasp the intelligence first.

Lin Hang couldn't help laughing when he looked at these six people. In order to ensure the discipline and safety of each squad, the captain of each squad is basically a member of the military. Even Ye Guangyuan has a lot of relationship with the military. For close. Therefore, when Lin Hang talked to them, he was very relaxed, and would not worry and object to it. But having said that, with Lin Hang's current cultivation base, the more than a hundred people don't know how much, and they should not dare to oppose it.

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