I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 272

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:44 AM

Chapter 272: Research results

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Lin Hang smiled and said, "Okay, since you have agreed, then you will gather the members of your respective teams to discuss your first action! Also, before the first action, you should also discuss each other. , And try not to overlap as much as possible. Each team should go to a different place!"

Ye Guangyuan frowned at this time and said, "Lin Hang, you also know that before our teams came out, we made a bet. Every team would participate in the competition. If we go to a different place, on the road Will it be too long, will it be unfair?"

Lin Hang smiled. Regarding the team competition that Ye Guangyuan said, he also knew that before coming out, in order to arouse the enthusiasm of each team, the military specially set the rules of competition: except that each team must complete the hunt. In addition to the number of kills, the next competition is the number of additional kills. Although the strength of each squad is not even, their hunting targets are different. Each squad has set their hunting standards. So it can still be compared. Although there is no punishment for such competition, it is only an incentive, but who doesn't want to get the first place? So after such rules are set, these team members who are very confident of themselves are welcome, hoping to win this honor.

Lin Hang said, "It's easy. I can send you to the place you want to go in an instant. The time to go is not needed. So when you discuss where you are going, just tell me! Okay, you can go back. After discussing it, take a good rest for the night, and the hunting plan will officially begin tomorrow!"

Watching the six people leave and return to the rest area of ​​his team, Lin Hang also began daily practice.

Early the next morning, before everyone came to the lounge where Lin Hang was in, Lin Hang also walked out vigorously and said with a smile, "Everyone is very passionate! Okay, let's not say much. The places you are going to have been divided, right? Big Brother Tian, ​​where are your team going?"

Tian Dayong took a step forward, no longer laziness in the past, and said, "Lin Hang, our team is the strongest, so naturally we should take on greater responsibilities, so let's go to China!"

Tian Dayong's team is all composed of Golden Core. Although all the members except Tian Dayong are Jin Core's early cultivation bases, they are still the strongest among all the teams. There is no doubt. And now Huaxia can be regarded as the most dangerous area. There were three ancient forces in the local area. After the outbreak of the war, Huaxia has become more chaotic. Every day can be called blood. The rainy wind and corpses are everywhere. Tian Dayong and his team would choose here, and Lin Hang was not surprised at all.

Lin Hang nodded to express understanding, and then said to Ye Guangyuan, "Brother Guangyuan, where is your team?"

Ye Guangyuan opened his mouth and said briefly, "Let's go to the United States!"

The situation in the United States is also more complicated, and there are also many forces fighting here. Ye Guangyuan's team also has ten members of the Golden Elixir, and the strength is also very strong. Naturally, they chose the same difficult United States.

Next, each team chose the place to go. After Lin Hang understood in his heart, six avatars appeared beside him waving his hand, and then walked to the six teams, leading them to different purposes. Ground.

After sending the six teams away, Lin Hang also breathed a sigh of relief. While checking the situation of their six teams through the six avatars, he went to the lounge and started his own practice.

After Lin Hang's six clones led the teams to their destinations, they quickly left them, but they still followed them secretly. After all, these more than one hundred people are among the elite of Huaxia. If there is damage, it is really a big loss for Huaxia. So before he came out, Zhuo Sheng had secretly searched for Lin Hang and asked him to pay attention to the safety of the teams. He didn't have to show up all the time, but came out to rescue him when he encountered the danger of being incompetent. This is also the reason why Lin Hang led the team for the first time. After all, only Lin Hang's ability can directly take care of the safety of each team member.

Lin Hang put a small part of his mind on top of the six avatars, and most of his energy began to study a special technique.

Lin Hang took out a delicate scroll, opened it, and inside it was a new spell written by himself. Seeing this, Lin Hang couldn't help but recall the scene at that time.

Lin Hang and the high priest would often contact the high elder and the high priest, and they would often discuss some matters concerning the follow-up development. During a meeting not long ago, the elder suddenly excitedly said to them, He has made progress in his research on "Spiritual Skills", and he has created a new formula based on this practice. When the three of them first learned of the news, both the high priest and the high priest were repulsive, because the elder’s research reputation has always been very scary within the Wu clan. This time they naturally have no way to accept the big elder. The results of the elder’s research. But when the great elder insisted on speaking out the method he created, the high priest and the high priest unanimously changed their views, bluntly saying that if they can successfully cultivate, the research of the great elder this time may not be as deceptive as before. Lin Hang, with the approval of the high priest, recorded this tactic of the great elder, and only waited for time to study it.

Lin Hang had been busy improving his cultivation level before, so the research and practice of this tactic has been delayed. Now just when there is time, Lin Hang took out this tactic and prepared to see if he could study a famous one. .

After the Great Elder obtained "Spiritual Skills", he was very interested in the method recorded on it that absorbs his vitality and enhances his own fortune, so the focus of this research is also on this method. The great elder meant that he wanted to study a method that would not harm others, but also improve the luck. In this way, these Chinese disciples, including Lin Hang and Wang Lao, could face it more confidently. The catastrophe of the tribulation period is over.

Although Lin Hang believes that there should be no problem in dealing with the catastrophe, if he can really reduce the risk, Lin Hang is still very willing to practice. It's just that Lin Hang's heart is still a little timid about the name of the great elder, and looking at the whole tactics, he is also a little frightened.

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