I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 273

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:43 AM

Chapter 273: accident

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The great elder's method has not yet been named, because no one has tried it yet, so the great elder is not embarrassed to name it without a certain effect. Lin Hang only heard the high priest talk about it. When the high elder talked about this technique, both she and the high priest felt that it was feasible in principle. Although they didn’t know what it would be like in practice, they could improve their own luck. , It is still worth a try.

Lin Hang began to study and practice this technique, and more than ten days passed. In the past ten days or so, all the teams had come back to rest. Lin Hang did not ask them, but when they were about to set off again, they used Space Teleport to help them.

On this day, Lin Hang was about to continue studying the tactics, but suddenly felt the warning from Huaxia's clone. After understanding the situation in an instant, Lin Hang sank and left Qingtian Island directly.

The next moment, Lin Hang appeared near Huaxia's original Ningcheng, Tian Dayong's team was forming a formation, resisting the surrounding attacks. There were probably dozens of figures surrounding them. After scanning a little, Lin Hang knew the identity of the enemy. This was a group of "Kashgar" team.

"Kashgar" is no different from Humans in appearance, except that their eyes are green and they look very strange. At this time, dozens of "Kashgars" clansmen surrounded Tian Dayong and others. Whenever someone wanted to use Wang Lao's tokens, the "Kashgars" was a leader after many "Kashgars". A green light flashes in their eyes, and then their promotion of this token directly fails, which is why they are trapped here. And looking at the leader's appearance, it was clear that he was teasing Tian Dayong and the others, because it was obviously capable of crushing them, but it kept letting his subordinates keep attacking, not eager at all, as if he was waiting for something.

In fact, Lin Hang's clone had been watching, but this situation made Lin Hang a little worried, and the deity came to take care of it. According to Lin Hang's clone, Yuan Ying's later cultivation base, it was enough to handle such a scene.

Lin Hang kept thinking in his heart that these "Kashgars" with such a posture must have grasped some information about Tian Dayong and the others, so that they were laid out like this and trapped them here. Moreover, this posture made it clear that he wanted to attract people. Lin Hang noticed that the leader's cultivation was only in the primordial infant stage. He rolled his eyes and thought about it. When he was about to act, he suddenly felt a few strange auras approaching. , Lin Hang stopped the action that was about to take action and continued to hide on the side.

And on this side, when many "Kashgars" were still besieging Tian Dayong and others, as if they were watching a play, suddenly seven or eight figures appeared from the four sides. After these people appeared, they didn't say a word. He directly broke the circle surrounding Tian Dayong and the others, and then leaned against Tian Dayong and the others, smiling and looking at the "Kashgar" in front of them.

The leader of Yuan Yingqi of "Kashgar" was also shocked by the sudden appearance of a group of people, because in its divine consciousness, it did not feel anyone approaching, which made its brows frowned, but Staring at these unexpected guests who suddenly appeared, did not take any action.

After it saw it clearly, it showed a look of consternation. The seven or eight figures that appeared in front of him were all human-like figures, but they had long tentacles on their heads. Such obvious characteristics are clearly ancient. "Mengyi Clan" in the family! After seeing the cultivation base of these people, the leader of "Kashgar" showed an angry face and said, "How dare you assemble such a team and come to our site? Didn't your leader tell you the rules? In the Yuan Ying period, you actually started to fight abroad?"

But the "Mengyizu" on the opposite side still smiled, unmoved, and said with a smile, "You stick to the rules, don't you allow us to make changes? It seems we are lucky. , I ran into a leader of your "Kashgar Tribe" when I first came here! In that case, you can stay!"

After that, everyone in "Mengyi" began to attack the "Kashgar" in front of them with all their strength. Although the leader of "Kashgar" wanted to say something, there was no way to stop the opponent's offensive. The leader of the other party. In this batch of "Meng Yi Clan", in addition to their leader, there is also a Yuan Ying period. In such close combat, although the green eye talent of "Kashgar Clan" caused "Meng Yi Clan" A lot of trouble, but looking at the situation on the field, these "Kashgars" should soon be unable to hold up.

In such a process, Tian Dayong's team, who had been out of the crisis, had no intention of leaving. Looking at their appearance, the besieged just now seemed relatively calm, and now it seems that they still want to take advantage of it.

Tian Dayong was surrounded by a calm-looking young man who was actually Lin Hang's good friend Xu Li many years ago. He had also cultivated to the golden age and joined the strongest team.

Just as "Mengyi Clan" just appeared and was fighting with "Kashgar Clan", Xu Li whispered next to Tian Dayong, "Captain, why don't we leave directly? They fought among the ancient clan Get up, isn't it a good time for us to retreat?"

Tian Dayong chuckled and said, "Old Xu, you don't know, our team is doing its best. It may not be able to fight the pair of "Kashgar" just now. Now this "Mengyi" suddenly appeared. The team, although we did not expect it, but at the critical moment of their fight, our team may also be able to kill them all! This time we set a bet on the top. As the strongest team, how should we Take the first place? I ran for so many days to collect information, but it only killed a few of the people who were in the foundation period, and even our goal was not achieved a little! I heard that Jiang Huacong and Ye Guangyuan were the two boys , I have already completed the hunt for the Jin Dan period target! This Lao Tian is too pressured. Today, we met the members of the three Yuan Ying period ten thousand races. It seems that Lao Tian can also be proud of it once. !"

Staring at the battlefield between the two races, after a while, Tian Dayong said in a low voice, "Well, brothers, get ready to use the means of pressing the bottom of the box! Let these legendary ancient races also taste our Chinese Human race is awesome!"

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