I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 274

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:42 AM

Chapter 274: "Five Star Blockade"

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After the people behind Tian Dayong understood, they all rushed to the battlefield ahead with Tian Dayong. In the process of advancing, the twenty people were divided into five groups. According to their positions, they instantly arranged five "Seal of the Four Sides". Array, and then based on the five "Four Square Seal Arrays", a new formation was formed. This formation took the five "Four Square Seal Arrays" as the cornerstone to form a five-pointed star, and then The people of "Mengyi" and "Kashgar" in the field are all circled in it.

After completing this action, Tian Dayong and others all smiled. This type of formation has been rehearsed for a long time by their team, for the military's impossible task-hunting and killing with the cultivation of Jin Danqi. A monk in the Yuan Ying period. Normally, there are only one hundred Golden Alchemy monks, and they are unlikely to be opponents of the Nascent Soul monks. All aspects of the Nascent Soul monks are able to crush the Golden Elixir monks, so the Nascent Soul monks Even if you feel invincible, you can easily escape. But there is one exception, that is the formation method. The formation method is a method of winning with the advantage of numbers. After Tian Dayong and others formed five "Sifang Seal Array", they used these five "Sifang Seal Array" as the cornerstone. , Formed a larger formation. This formation was called "Five-Star Blockade Formation". This formation was similar to the "Square Sealed Formation". It was also a trapped and sealed formation. It only passed through their 20 gold After the blessing of the "Sifang Sealing Array" by the Danqi monks, he has the ability to block the Yuan Yingqi.

At this time, the people of the two races in the formation have stopped fighting, and their knowledge is obviously very good. They can see the strength of this formation at a glance, knowing that if this continues, they may really be affected by this group of gold. The human race in Danqi was killed.

The two chiefs of "Mengyi" and "Kashgar" glanced at each other lightly, and they didn't say anything. They knew in their hearts that they were going to join forces this time, and the human races outside obviously wanted to kill them all.

The mysterious green eyes of the leader of "Kashgar" suddenly lit up, and then shot a thick beam of light towards one of the directions of the "Five-Star Blockade". The cornerstone formation forming this position is composed of five golds. Dan’s early monks were formed, and the five of them were indeed the weaker side in this team. Obviously, the leader of "Kashgar" has a very good spiritual cultivation. He directly discovered the weakest point of the "Five-Star Blockade" outside and launched an attack.

The green light of the leader of "Kashgar" came directly to the target without any hindrance. Tian Dayong and others were also shocked. The attack of the "Kashgar" leader was not stopped by the "Five-Star Blockade". Knowing that this "five-star blockade" is called blockade, it naturally has a strong blockade ability, and ordinary objects and attacks will be intercepted. However, they didn’t know that the ray of light emitted by the green eyes of "Kashgar" was not a physical attack, but a natural ability that belonged to their "Kashgar", called "Interference Ray", which was a mental attack. That's why the blockade of "Five Star Blockade" is ignored.

It’s too late to say, then soon. When I realize that the green light breaks through the blockade of the "Five-Star Blockade", the four people selected as the offensive target have no room to escape. They can only watch this green light. Shot on the formation of the four of them. Similarly, the "Sifang Seal Formation" formed by the four did not intercept this green light. The next moment the green light irradiated the four people. But then, the four of them flashed light at the same time, and then it was as if nothing had happened, as if the green light had no attack power and disappeared.

"What?!" The leader of "Kashgar" in the formation couldn't help but exclaimed. It is the most clear how powerful his talent green light is. Now he has successfully hit four human races of Jindan stage cultivation. , Did not actually have any effect? The leader of "Kashgar" felt the humiliation and was ready to attack again.

But at this time, Tian Dayong and the others did not give them any more opportunities, and directly accelerated the formation. With the full launch of the "Five-Star Blockade", everyone in the formation, including the three Yuan Yingqi monks, all felt a sense. There was tremendous pressure, and the whole body had to be transported to resist this pressure, but how could the power of this formation be so easy to resist? In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone could no longer support it. Tian Dayong and others began to recite the spells when they saw it, and then a thick golden glow compressed from their respective positions toward the position in the field. It quickly compressed into a golden sphere, with many lines swimming on it, which looked very beautiful.

Seeing that the formation successfully trapped the enemy, Tian Dayong and others breathed a sigh of relief, put away their spells, and all approached the golden ball. Although they have always had confidence in the assassin that their team has mastered, they have also played against several cultivators of the Yuan Ying stage in China and achieved good results, but it is the first time they have been used in such actual combat. After successfully defeating the enemy, everyone is still very excited.

At this time, Tian Dayong stepped forward and put away the golden ball that blocked many members of the Ten Thousand Clan, and then asked a few people on his left hand, "Chengye, just now I observed that the green light offensive power of "Kashgar" is very extraordinary Ah, why didn't you react at all after being hit?"

The Lin Chengye asked was Lin Hang's elder brother in Lin's family, but now he has a lot of calmness, and he doesn't feel like he was young and frivolous. Lin Chengye and the three people who were also attacked by the green light looked at each other and said, "This green light is not blocked by the formation we have set up. It is obviously a mental attack, although the power seems to be It’s huge, but Captain, did you forget that everyone was distributed something before we set off? There was a small spiritual talisman in it. When this green light hit me, I could feel its power It was directly offset by the amulet on my body, so it didn't cause any harm."

In fact, in order to ensure the safety of these elite disciples, the military not only sent China's second master Lin Hang to **** them when they first came out, but also distributed them many life-saving items. In addition to this amulet, these props also have an inner armor and a few powerful props for one-time use. The functions of these props are not particularly the same, but they are undoubtedly very powerful and can help them in different environments.

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