I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 277

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:24 AM

Chapter 277: Seriously injured player

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Tian Dayong continued, “After we completed the blockade of them, we left the scene directly, and there was no time to sort out the traces of the scene. This is also a hidden danger, and it may also pose a certain threat to our actions later.”

Seeing Tian Dayong being able to analyze the problem so clearly and realizing his own shortcomings, Lin Hang was very happy, got up and patted Tian Dayong on the shoulder, comfortingly said, "Brother Tian, ​​as the captain of the strongest team, you I’ve done a good job this time! Looking at you, this "Kashgar" in the Yuan Ying period must have entered there premeditatedly, and then waited for you to take the bait. In the face of such an emergency, you have dealt with it very well Not bad. I believe that even if there is no later "Meng Yi Clan" coming to muddy the water, you still have a safe way to escape. As for the subsequent actions, there is no problem at all. The two teams fight against each other, and you have With the method of killing the enemy in one swoop, it is natural to try it out. No one can predict the accident that happened later, and the final result is not okay? So, Brother Tian, ​​don’t think about it again. It's up, you have done your best!"

After that, Lin Hang said to Tian Dayong, "I don't think this incident was accidental. These "Kashgars" people are not reckless. They must have caught some clues you left before. It’s so arranged. So I feel that since your team has had such a fruitful result, for the sake of insurance and follow-up safety, don’t take action for the time being. After a while, things stop, and then take action! Big Brother Tian, ​​what do you think? What?"

Tian Dayong heard Lin Hang’s suggestion, without considering it for a long time, he said directly, “Lin Hang, don’t worry! Our team has similar guesses about being ambushed this time. Sure enough, we still think of these ancient tens of thousands of people too simply. Come on! Think about it, they can be considered to have survived from ancient times to the present. How can they be preserved without any wisdom and scheming? So, we also decided to take advantage of this time to digest some of our insights, but for the time being Go to China for action!"

Lin Hang smiled and nodded, and said, "Indeed, you can be regarded as fighting against the cultivators of the Yuan Ying period this time. They should have a lot of different feelings. After all, they are not like our elders in China. They are all dead hands! Just taking advantage of this period of time, you can digest these insights well, and maybe you can usher in the growth of your cultivation!"

After the two chatted for a while, Tian Dayong left Lin Hang's lounge and returned to his team to explain to them the next plan.

What surprised Lin Hang was that in the next three short days, the rest of the teams also returned to the Sky Island one after another, and they all seemed to have gone through a battle. On this day, Lin Hang I was feeling a wave of teleportation, and suddenly I heard a shout from outside, "Brother Lin Hang, Brother Lin Hang! Someone in our team has been seriously injured, please come out and help him!"

Hearing this, Lin Hang went straight to the source of the sound without saying a word. Just when he got here, he smelled a strong smell of blood. Upon seeing it, it was Jiang Huacong’s team that had just returned, and the call just now came from him. Zhikou, and the twenty members of the team, all were injured, and one person was being carried by Jiang Huacong, in a coma, looking very seriously injured.

Lin Hang quickly stepped forward and took the wounded from Jiang Huacong’s hand. After checking, it was found that all of the wounded’s ribs had been broken and the internal organs had also received heavy blows. At this time, his breathing was as if nothing had happened. Up.

Without further delay, Lin Hang's water system powers were transported, and a warm water full of energy wrapped the wounded, and then these waters began to bloom with emerald green light, irradiating the wounds on the wounded one by one. After ten minutes, Lin Hang raised his hand to dissipate the light, and then said, "Well, his injury has been cured, but the lost essence cannot be refilled so quickly. He has to rest for a few days. ."

After speaking, they were led to rest, and then asked Jiang Huacong, "Hua Cong, what is going on? With the strength of your team, even if the monks of the Yuan Ying stage appear, they will not be so embarrassed, right? If it wasn't for you to come back in time, the team member just now might have died halfway!"

Jiang Huacong showed pain on his face, but he still replied in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, our team is still as usual this time. Based on the collected information and clues, we started hunting down those monks who were not strong or were alone. Plan. This time, the goal is to determine a lone Jin Dan stage ten thousand monk that we have investigated for many days. Originally, our team had already formed a formation, only waiting for it to fall into our net. But waiting for us When we reached the place where the formation was arranged, we encountered an ambush first! At that time, we were also accustomed to it, and did not have much guard. This was when the attack came, we were caught off guard, and Xiaoxi was also the first. Bo’s attack was directly hit and seriously injured! Only at this time, we reacted and resorted to means to resist the enemy’s attack. Finally, we relied on a few "Pearls of Stillness" that were distributed when we set off to bring everyone on the scene. I stayed there for a few seconds before I could have time to activate Wang Lao’s token and finally came back here! But everyone suffered serious injuries, and Xiao Xi almost died by a thread! All this, I blame me The captain didn’t do a good job! I blame it all!"

With that, Jiang Huacong squatted on the ground, holding his head, and constantly blamed himself. When Lin Hang saw such a scene, there was no good way. He could only step forward and gently hugged Jiang Huacong to give him a little support. He knew that the team encountered such a thing. As the captain, Jiang Huacong must be more uncomfortable than anyone else, and Jiang Huacong would definitely prefer such a thing to happen to him. Seeing the players in such pain, Jiang Huacong's heart should be even more painful!

After a while, Jiang Huacong stood up and said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, even though I am personally responsible for this incident, I think these ancient forces of the ten thousand races should have felt ours. It already exists. Therefore, our next actions should converge a bit. If this continues, Xiaoxi’s things will inevitably not happen again!"

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