I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 28

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:35 AM

Chapter 28: New identity

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On the last day, veteran Wang Lin Hang called to his side.

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang with a smile before him, and said softly, "Hang'er, today is the last day of your training period in our military. After that, I have other arrangements, so I won’t be able to keep you for a while. .However, Hang'er, what I want to teach you is actually finished. You also made me feel at ease. The next thing you have to walk is a road that no one has ever walked. I also believe you can walk firmly. Go on!"

Lin Hang looked at the kind-faced old man Wang and couldn't help but said, "Master! I will always take your teachings to Hang'er, and don't worry, I will put Huaxia in my heart! "

Old Wang smiled and said, "You kid, don't I know you? It's enough to have you! Also, hold this thing for you." As he said, Old Wang took out a small sign and handed it out. To Lin Hang.

Lin Hang took it curiously and observed it carefully, only to see that the brand was made of unknown material, with a italicized "Wang" engraved on the front, which was a mighty Chinese dragon.

Seeing Lin Hang's appearance, Wang Lao explained, "Hang'er, this is my representative token in the ability group. In the past few days, I have thought about it. As Lin Jingtian's son, you should not help others. I know well, so I thought of a way. I am going to announce your identity as my only disciple! After all, you can’t keep hiding in the dark, you must have an identity outside that can give you the effect of experience. You this time After going back, after repairing in Huicheng for a period of time, be sure to participate in the "Rising Star Contest" in Beijing. This is your opportunity to emerge. If you achieve outstanding results in this contest, you will have unexpected benefits."

Lin Hang was very moved, and Wang Lao had prepared too much for him. He is currently low in strength and can't do anything for Wang Lao, but he has already remembered the kindness of Wang Lao to him one by one, only to come forward whenever Wang Lao needs him.

Lin Hang bowed heavily to Wang Lao again, got up and said, "Master, the disciples are not polite with you. Don't worry, I will definitely bring you a champion for this Rising Star Contest, and let them It must be the best apprentice you have received!"

Wang Lao was obviously very happy, but he still reminded Lin Hang, "Hang'er, although I am very confident of your strength, you must never underestimate the people of the world. Every time the competition for hegemony in the capital is for the whole country, that is, It is said that not only the disciples of the major families, but also the talents of our military will participate in this competition. As far as I know, our military still has a few good seedlings in the past two years. Don't overturn the ship in the gutter! After all, you It has just broken through to the later stage of body forging, but many of these people are perfect for body forging."

Lin Hang smiled, "Master, don't you understand this? In this survival assessment, my strength is also the bottom, but in the end I still have the last laugh? My concern now is, In such an upright game, I have to hide my strength, and there is no way to use my abilities unscrupulously, which makes me a little bit distressed."

Old Wang smiled and said, "How could I not think of this? I haven't accepted apprentices for so many years. What is the external reason, do you know? I always said that no one can let me have the will to accept apprentices. It means that I despise those so-called geniuses. And you can let me be a disciple, I am going to let others know part of your abilities, to tell everyone that you are the master of time and space powers, and there is another power, that is "The King of Elements"!"

""The King of Elements"?" Lin Hang was full of question marks, not knowing what Wang Lao planned.

""The King of Elements" is a new ability that I have compiled. There may not be any in this world. The effect I defined for this ability is to control the elements, including water, fire, wood, thunder, etc., which is convenient for you. Use abilities." Wang Lao explained, "In addition, you have time and space abilities, and I choose you to be my disciple is very reasonable."

Lin Hang coughed, a little unacceptable, and said, "Master, is it too abnormal? Is it so easy for others to believe?"

Although Lin Hang knew that this might be a better solution, he was still a little worried.

Wang Lao said nonchalantly, "Hang'er, you still don't understand me! If I announce the news of being your master, no matter how much your talent is against the sky, it will pass, if not for the time being I don't want others to understand. What's the big deal with your real hole card, even if you reveal your basis for copying abilities?"

As the top few in China today, Mr. Wang will have a huge impact on what he says. As the controller of the time and space power, no one wants to provoke him. As the only disciple that Wang Lao personally admits, if others want to move him, they will have great scruples. Lin Hang didn't have such a deep understanding of these top-level things in the supernatural world, so he still didn't understand how sensational it was to worship Lao Wang as a teacher.

Seeing Wang Lao's casual look, Lin Hang also relaxed. During this period of time, I followed Wang Lao and learned more than just about supernatural powers. Wang Lao's calm demeanor was also affecting Lin Hang subtly.

Soon this day will be night.

Lin Hang's follower Wang Lao returned to the valley base where the assessment was conducted before. The four previous instructors obviously got the news in advance, and they are already waiting here.

Old Wang looked at the four and said, "Lin Hang’s one-month training is over. Now I will send him back here, and tomorrow you will be responsible for sending him to Huicheng. There is one more thing, you go back and tell Lao Jiang, Will I do what I promised him? I hope he can take care of my disciples in this competition."

The four of them replied in a deep voice, and the majestic officer couldn't help but asked, "Old Wang, you mean you have accepted a disciple? Could it be that Brother Lin..."

Wang Lao said, "Tian Dayong, why are you like that old man like Lao Jiang? If you don’t finish talking, you like to guess at random! Yes, I have taken a fancy to Hang'er’s talent and I have accepted him as my disciple. I hope you can Take care of him."

Tian Dayong said hurriedly, "Wang, where and where, you can accept disciples, it is our blessing for China. Without your instructions, we will take good care of Brother Lin.

Old Wang turned to Lin Hang behind him and said, "Hang'er, let them take you back next. You have to go to work for the teacher, you have to take care! When the Rising Star Contest begins, you directly find Tian Dayong That's it."

Lin Hang saluted Wang Lao and said, "Master, take care too!"

Old Wang nodded with relief and disappeared in place under everyone's gaze.

Lin Hang was a little confused, he relaxed his mind, and said to Tian Dayong, "Brother Tian, ​​I will trouble you next!"

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