I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 282

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:17 AM

Chapter 282: Find

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With that said, this thin bamboo pole-like ten thousand people glanced at Ka Rong, then at the figure on the right hand of Ka Rong, and said with some playfulness, "We don’t talk about anything else, it’s you two, and it didn’t happen at the beginning. Sent a large number of disciples in the clan? So, don’t blame anyone for the current progress! But I believe that no one should dare to violate the orders of each clan. At the final critical moment, it should be You can see the speed increase!"

The figure on the right hand side of Ka Rong is a bit short compared to the two of them, only to the level of two thirds of Ka Rong, but the momentum of his whole body is not lost compared with the two of them. After hearing the words of the thin bamboo pole, he couldn't bear it. He fought back, "Silverstone, when it comes to negativity and sabotage, I am afraid that no one can compare to your "Silver Clan", right? As far as I know, your "Silver Clan" is sent to this land star but has 30,000 horses. Yes, but there are still about 30,000, right? Dare to ask what you have done in "Silver Spirit Clan" during these hours? Are you busy studying the silver light talent in your clan?"

Facing the two people who couldn't see each other, Ka Rong said in a timely manner, "Okay! Silverstone and Tuxing, don't argue anymore! Naturally, we will not violate the meaning of the above clan, so there is no need. What to argue for this, you just need to complete the task well in the follow-up! Now we first accept the "Temple of the Ten Thousand Peoples", and then go back separately!"

It's strange to say that the two Silverstones, who could not see each other, stopped arguing one after another after hearing what Ka Rong said. Obviously, Ka Rong still has a great power among the three of them. The three people turned into a light and shadow to escape from the "Temple of Ten Thousand Races", and then each shot a ray of light toward the hall outside the hall, and then the hall turned into three beams and returned to the hands of the three. Since this "Temple of Ten Thousand Races" is a place to accommodate the gathering of the gods of the leaders of the ten thousand tribes, it is also transformed by the gods. It is only through the blessings of the three clans and three leaders that it appears so real and powerful. It's just divine mind.

After the three people bid farewell one by one, they all went back where their respective ethnic groups were located, and this time the Ten Thousand Clan Conference officially ended.

But after the three of them left, they didn't notice that under the space where the main hall was originally located, a figure slowly emerged. Upon closer inspection, it was Lin Hang with a thoughtful face!

Such a conspicuous "Temple of the Clan" appeared in the sky, and the clone of Lin Hang near Huicheng noticed this phenomenon early. Then the deity of Lin Hang, who was on Qingtian Island, naturally got the news and rushed over immediately. , And then Lin Hang’s incarnation space was hidden away, and he saw the divine minds of the leaders of various races flying over one after another, opening the so-called Ten Thousand Races Conference.

Lin Hang knew that the spirits of these people gathered in this hall, and they were definitely talking about important things, so naturally they wanted to listen. However, although Lin Hang was very confident in his spiritual power cultivation in the later stage of the transformation, he was also afraid that he would be discovered by the members of the ten thousand races who have spiritual power talent, so he took out two small red shining crystal stones. The small stone named "Gathering Spirit Stone" is an auxiliary item that Lin Hang obtained from the elder to enhance the mental strength. Lin Hang accidentally copied one and found that the two pieces are more effective when used together. Up.

After holding two pieces of "Spirit Gathering Stone" in his hand, Lin Hang slowly plunged his divine consciousness into the main hall, and the process of entering went smoothly without any hindrance. Lin Hang understood the reason after thinking about it. This hall contains the spirit of the leaders of many ancient ten thousand tribes on the earth and stars, and many of them are good at mental power. Of course, no more protection will be set up outside the main hall. . After all, in their opinion, those with mental power below them can't be spied, and those with spiritual power above them are the same for protection and non-protection.

However, Lin Hang’s spiritual power at this time was blessed by the two "Gathering Stones", and the original spiritual power in the later stage of the transformation has barely reached the threshold of the tribulation period, so there is something like Karong in the hall. Everyone still had no one, and found Lin Hang's prying aside.

Under these conditions, Lin Hang had listened to all the contents of this Ten Thousand Races Conference, and Lin Hang also understood all of their decisions and strategies for dealing with Human Races.

"Since they made this decision, we don't need to constrain a lot. But it will take a while to see before we can let Brother Tian and the others come out again." Lin Hang thought secretly in his heart, "As for the goal they said. , After the war, the'things' that countless people with casualties can activate, I also need to figure it out! Otherwise, I would be a little worried!"

Lin Hang, the chief priest Wang and others, although they had speculated early in the morning that the ancient Ten Thousand Clan landed on Earth in large numbers, they must have had a great plan. But in order not to disturb the forces of these ten thousand races and prevent them from sending higher-level monks, they have never used means to forcibly obtain this information. And this time, Lin Hang accidentally discovered this ten thousand race meeting held by these ancient ten thousand races, and easily learned some secret things. Although he didn’t know what Karong was talking about, Lin Hang was also considered to be With a clearer goal, the harvest of this trip is pretty good, so I can relax a little bit.

It's just that even though through this ten thousand clan conference, he knew the next arrangements of these ancient ten thousand clan, Lin Hang still didn't plan to tell those teams in China. Because in his opinion, even if these ten thousand races have really decided not to take any action against the human race, Tian Dayong and the others do need a time to digest and absorb the recent gains, and they have been in a tight hunt. The killing plan is not particularly good for their development.

After returning to Qingtian Island, Lin Hang first checked the training situation of the team members as usual, especially the seriously injured Jiang Huacong team member Xiaoxi. After checking, he found that Xiaoxi had recovered a little at this time. The vitality, with the help of other teammates, has slowly begun to practice restoratively. The other members are also trying to digest some of the insights gained from playing against members of various races during this period, and it seems that the effect is very good. Under Lin Hang’s perception, there are many players in the base-building period. The realm is already a little loose, and if nothing else, it should be possible to break through to the Golden Core Stage naturally after some time.

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