I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 283

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:19:16 AM

Chapter 283: report

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The changes in these players surprised Lin Hang who discovered this. The hunting plan formulated this time was intended to strengthen the practice and combat abilities of the younger generations of Hua Xia disciples, and then to help the disciples who are at the bottleneck try their best to break through the bottleneck. And these many disciples of Huaxia did not live up to Lin Hang's expectations. After this period of experience, many disciples in the foundation building stage really reacted. They were originally disciples with very good talents, and they might have lost a little luck if they didn't break through the golden core period, but after this experience, it was not possible that they could not catch up with Jiang Huacong.

However, Tian Dayong and other monks in the Golden Alchemy stage have not made such obvious progress. After all, after the Golden Alchemy stage, except for perverted people like Lin Hang and Wang Lao, everyone else needs a long water milling time. Those who can break through a small realm, otherwise it is very likely to cause the foundation to float and affect future improvement. However, although there is no improvement in the realm of cultivation, their current level of actual combat is not the same level as the previous one. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Tian Dayong and others are both fighting against the two themselves. There is no big problem. This is the effect of applying what I have learned to practice.

Seeing that all the team members are on the right track in their cultivation, Lin Hang began to relax. Then, sitting cross-legged in the lounge, his mind contacted the clone in "Candle World".

The avatar of Lin Hang who was in Lin Hang's residence in "Candle World" suddenly opened his eyes, then quietly left the room, walked through several side roads, and gently knocked on Wang Lao's door.

The next moment, the door opened silently, Lin Hang laughed, walked in directly, and closed the door smoothly.

The old Wang in the room turned his back to Lin Hang. After Lin Hang walked in, he slowly turned around and said with a smile, "Hang'er, why did you suddenly come to be a teacher? You shouldn't Is it focused on those children?"

It was also because Mr. Wang could perceive the expression on Lin Hang's face and was smiling, so he knew in his heart that Lin Hang was not bringing any bad news this time, so he asked so calmly.

Lin Hang found a position, sat down, and said, "Teacher, it's really not easy to lead the team this time! Before you set off, you and Zhuo Sheng told me again and again to take good care of these children. It's safe, no way, the disciples can only let the major clones follow them for a while, and their own cultivation almost fell."

At this time, Mr. Wang smiled and said, “Isn’t this also a kind of exercise for you! Haven’t your "Distraction Art" been practiced to a relatively advanced level? Separate these clones, for you Say there is not much pressure!"

Of course Lin Hang didn't really complain, and Wang Lao understood this, so he answered like this. After the two said a few more words, Mr. Wang asked, "Okay, Hang'er, you put such a right mind into this clone this time. There must be something important for you to say quickly. Come on, don’t sell it to your teacher anymore!"

Lin Hang narrowed his smile a little at this time, his voice straightened up, and said, "Teacher, it's not a big deal. It's just that the problem that you and I were worried about before has happened!"

When Lao Wang rolled his eyes, he thought of something in an instant, and he asked with a serious expression, "Hang'er, you mean those ancient races, have been aware of the existence of our Chinese disciples?"

Lin Hang smiled bitterly and nodded, and said, "Teacher, we still underestimated those ancient ten thousand clan! Although we only have six teams, compared with dozens of ancient ten thousand clan, there are still relatively few. Some races in the ancient ten thousand races have powerful spiritual talents. For example, the talent green eyes of the "Kashgar tribe" is a powerful mysterious technique. The identity of their human race is actually relatively conspicuous. These high The leaders of the ten thousand races of different levels can detect their existence with a little attention."

Old Wang wondered what Lin Hang said, and said, "Hang'er, how do you know about this? Or is it just your guess?"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "Teacher, the disciples are not talking nonsense! First, Big Brother Tian and the others were ambushed by the senior leaders of the Yuan Yingqi Wan Clan, then Jiang Huacong and his team were ambushed, and even one of the team members was seriously injured on the spot. A few "Pearls of Stillness" that I made broke out, and then they were sent back to Kyrgyzstan Island, where the disciples would heal him. If it is not lucky, he may have been killed on the spot!"

Lao Wang didn't expect that there was Lin Hang's existence. These teams would encounter such a thing, frowning and saying, "According to your statement, these ten thousand races are really possible. We have discovered our human race teams. Yes. Then you quickly let them stop the experience temporarily, first clarify the situation, and then decide the next action!

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Teacher, don't worry! The disciple is no longer the kid before! When something like this happened, the disciple went directly to their six captains and asked them in detail about what happened. The team in the foundation building period has not been noticed for the time being, but the team in the Jindan period has been noticed by them! For their safety, in order to avoid similar tragedies, I immediately asked them to stop the next hunt. Killing action, and all stay on Kyrgyzstan Island to rest. After I finish investigating the matter, I will decide the next action."

Mr. Wang was relieved, nodded, and said, "Well, yes! Then I already know what happened, so hurry up and investigate. You don't need to stay with me!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, you are in such a hurry to drive me away! The disciple hasn't finished yet! The disciple has always left a clone in Huicheng. Shortly after Jiang Huacong and his team were attacked, the sky above Huicheng suddenly A palace condensed by divine consciousness appeared, and then dozens of divine consciousnesses of leaders of various races entered it. The disciples relied on the divine consciousness of the later stage of the transformation, plus two "Gathering Stones" to the side. Secretly stopped all the content of their meeting, which is considered to be a clear understanding of the matter. That is, the next action, the disciples can't directly determine the next step, so I will come back to ask you for advice!"

Lao Wang's expression eased a little now. The development and safety issues of these younger disciples of Huaxia still occupy a very important position in Wang Lao's heart.

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