I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 287

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:56 AM

Chapter 287: Two hundred avatars

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Old Wang smiled comfortedly and said, "Okay! Good boy, hurry up and do your job!"

After Lin Hang got up and saluted Wang Lao again, he exited Wang Lao's room. After Lin Hang left, Wang Lao also took out a booklet and studied it carefully. Although Mr. Wang was so confident in front of Lin Hang, he still maintained a sense of awe for the calamity he was about to face next. Therefore, before everything was ready, the great elder studied the method of Qi Yun, Wang I still have a lot of ideas for research.

After Lin Hang's clone returned to his residence, his mind also pulled back to his deity on Qingtian Island.

Lin Hang, who was on Qingtian Island, opened his eyes, and after habitually checking the cultivation of all the Huaxia team members, Lin Hang decided to start his own action.

Lin Hang stood up and waved to the front. In an instant, ten clones appeared in front of Lin Hang, and then Lin Hang snapped his fingers, and all ten clones were teleported away. After that, Lin Hang continued to act like this. When his spiritual power was insufficient, he took a pill to restore spiritual power and continued to cast the spell. About half an hour later, Lin Hang had already dispatched at least two hundred clones. At this time, Lin Hang also stopped his actions, sat down cross-legged, and recovered the lost spiritual power and spirit.

In addition to determining Lin Hang's next plan, the ancient ten thousand races' attitude toward the human race, which was unanimously adopted at the ten thousand race meeting, was really implemented. There is one more important thing, and that is to track down what role those deceased members of the ten thousand races can play, and what does it have to do with the goal behind them?

Therefore, for this plan, Lin Hang sent out more than two hundred clones, a small part of which were all clones of Jin Dan stage cultivation base, in order to imitate the team of the Chinese race, and then hunted Wan Wan in a small area. Clan, in order to test the reaction of those high-level members of the Wan Clan. And all the other avatars are for one purpose, that is, to track every member of the ten thousand clan who died, to see where they belonged in the end, what kind of reaction they would have, what effect, and different cultivation levels. What will be the different results of the monks?

And Lin Hang is now also different from the previous Golden Elixir period. He has now practiced "The Art of Distraction" to a relatively advanced level, and his mental power is also very strong, that is to say, he does not pay attention to the situation. With more than two hundred clones, there is no problem in maintaining such actions, so Lin Hang doesn't have to put all his mind on such things, and everything only needs to be handed over to the clones to investigate.

After completing all this, Lin Hang also began his own practice. He knows that no matter which purpose it is, it is not possible to see results in a short period of time. It needs a certain level to be able to be verified. Therefore, now I still focus on my own cultivation and cannot be delayed, especially when he sees that Wang Lao, for the development of the entire China, does not hesitate to take risks to overcome the catastrophe in a short time, Lin Hang's sense of urgency has increased. He has always wanted to help Wang Lao share the pressure, but even if he is now the second person of China under Wang Lao, he is still not able to help in some things, which makes Lin Hang still feel something in his heart. Can't accept it, so now I have to seize every minute of my time to cultivate.

Three days of such a seemingly calm and regular life passed. On this day, Lin Hang was about to end his mental power training, but he felt a chaotic wave of spiritual power. Lin Hang had to stop practicing, because this fluctuation of spiritual power came from the direction of those Huaxia disciples.

Lin Hang didn't say anything, he just flashed to the place where the spiritual power diverged. At this time, there were already many people gathered here. Obviously everyone felt the fluctuations, and then they all surrounded.

Lin Hang's divine consciousness scanned for a while and found out the cause of the matter, and said, "Okay, everyone go back and practice hard, don't be around here anymore!"

After opening his mouth to dismiss all the team members who surrounded it, Lin Hang saw that there was still one person left at the scene, it was Jiang Huacong with a grim complexion.

Lin Hang said, "Hua Cong, this lounge is your team's lounge? Which two of the team members belong to your team?"

Jiang Huacong nodded and said, "Well, this lounge is for our team. We have two team members here. They were supposed to study a joint secret method together, so they haven't come out for three days. , I also felt the strange fluctuations, so I rushed over, Lin Hang, are they okay?"

Lin Hang laughed and said, "No problem, not just that. In my opinion, your two players may have gained a lot of benefits! However, their handling methods are a bit too immature, so they have to Let me help them!"

As he said, Lin Hang's fingertips flashed a soft, tender green light, and then directly shot into the lounge. After Lin Hang's light was injected, the original spiritual power fluctuations in the lounge instantly stabilized. Not long after, the spiritual fluctuations in it slowly converged, and two figures slowly walked out of it.

After the two came out, Jiang Huacong rushed forward, leaning on the shoulders of the two, and asked nervously, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, how do you feel? There is nothing strange and uncomfortable, right?"

At this moment, Lin Hang behind him laughed and said, "Hua Cong, don't worry! After the two of them got through this small crisis, they have gone a step further, and now they are both Golden Core monks like you. Now! This is a blessing in disguise, right? This Xiaoxi, I remember the last time he was seriously injured, but now it is the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, and it is considered to be a blessing!"

Hearing Lin Hang's reminder, Jiang Huacong only noticed the cultivation base of his two team members. At first glance, they had already broken through the threshold of the foundation building period and entered the Golden Core period.

Jiang Huacong felt very pleasantly surprised, and said with some doubts, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, didn't you two say that you want to study a secret method, and then you entered this lounge together? How could such a change occur, and it is still a breakthrough now. What about the Golden Core Period?"

Xiaoxi also just broke through to the Golden Core Stage. At this time, she was still immersed in joy. Faced with Jiang Huacong’s question, she suddenly became incoherent, "Ah, this, hehe, this, I don’t know too..."

As the captain of Xiaoxi, Jiang Huacong naturally knew Xiaoxi's situation, so he turned his head and faced Xiaobei on one side.

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