I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 29

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:34 AM

Chapter 29: Back to Huicheng

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After Mr. Wang left, Tian Dayong and the four seemed to relax a lot, and Mr. Wang was still very majestic in their hearts.

Hearing what Lin Hang said, Tian Dayong stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, don't be so dismissive! Haha. Since you are already a disciple of Mr. Wang, we will naturally treat you like a brother. Come on, go ahead. Come."

Tian Dayong greeted Lin Hang to the base with excitement, and wanted to ask Wang Lao about the details of his apprenticeship. Obviously, the news of Wang Lao accepting his disciple was still very shocking to him.

Lin Hang cleared his throat, his tone improved a little, and said, "You saw it that day. I passed this survival assessment alone and eliminated the elite disciples of the major families and the major soldiers in the army. In fact, I also compared it back then. Distressed, I don’t know who else can train me better. Your tangled expressions have confirmed my thoughts. Fortunately, my master appeared and I met him before I knew that I was so powerful. Talent is not unique. Under Master’s teaching, I have been reborn this month. Master is also impressed by my talent that shocked the world and put me in the door."

Tian Dayong had the idea of ​​slapping the guy in front of him to death. He still resisted this idea and continued, "Brother Lin, it's not that your Big Brother Tian doesn't believe in your abilities, but what does Mr. Wang really like about you?"

Although Tian Dayong's words were not very pleasant to hear, Lin Hang did not have much disgust. He knew that Tian Dayong did not have any malice, but the news that it was Wang Lao's apprenticeship was more difficult to believe.

Lin Hang did not answer directly, but said, "Brother Tian, ​​what is your ability?"

When it comes to abilities, Tian Dayong appears very confident. He said, "Brother Lin, although I don’t have the abilities of those big families, my abilities are also a very rare category, and I’m transformed into the "Crazy War Apes". The ability of the body system can not only greatly strengthen the physical ability, but also give a special ability. The special ability of my ability is "Crazy War", which can greatly enhance the strength and resistance ability in a short time. ,its not bad, right?"

Lin Hang also nodded. Tian Dayong's ability does have merits. It is not only equivalent to an enhanced ability, but can also increase physical strength in an all-round way. After launching "Crazy War", the combat power has doubled, which is definitely a turnaround weapon.

Lin Hang said, "Brother Tian, ​​your abilities are really good, so does Wang Lao accept you as a disciple?"

Looking at the innocent face of Lin Hang, Tian Dayong pressed the raised left hand with his right hand, forced a smile on his face and asked, "Brother Lin, what is your power? It also opened your eyes to the brothers. Right!"

Lin Hang smiled at Tian Dayong, with his hands behind his back, and suddenly disappeared in front of Tian Dayong. And Tian Dayong was shocked, feeling a hand on his shoulder, what he saw when he looked back was still Lin Hang's smiling face.

Tian Dayong couldn't believe it, he grew his mouth and said, "Lao Wang has waited for his descendants after all..."

Lin Hang didn't know how big the impact this incident had on Tian Dayong. Tian Dayong is more than 40 years old this year. He grew up in the military since he was a child, and was accepted as a disciple by high-level military officials when he was very young. Since I was young, I have often seen Mr. Wang and learned about Mr. Wang’s situation from my master. That’s why I realized that Mr. Wang found his descendants, not only for Mr. Wang himself, but also for the whole of China. Fortunately.

Lin Hang stepped forward and patted Tian Dayong, and said, "This is the power of my time and space direction, just like Master."

Tian Dayong was already in a good mood. Hearing Lin Hang's words, he replied again and again, halfway through hearing that something was wrong, "What did you say? The power of time and space direction? Are there other directions you can't do?!"

Lin Hang nodded and said as expected, "Of course, otherwise would I say that my talent shocked the world? I am a very honest person and never speak big words. I am a dual power awakener, and I have another power. Master calls it "The King of Elements", but it's actually not a big deal, that is, controlling some elements."

Tian Dayong already had the urge to vomit blood, Lin Hang really didn't speak big words, but his talents could be called "shock the world", but what was the urge to beat him all the time?

But after all, Lin Hang is Wang's disciple. Before Wang left, he even specifically confessed that he had to take care of him. Tian Dayong thought he could not make it difficult for Lin Hang and could only change the subject.

"Brother Lin, you see it's not too early, and you have been tired for a day today, so you should rest quickly!" Tian Dayong dropped this sentence and left the room without looking back.

Lin Hang, who was left, was a little bit dumbfounded. He just didn't see anyone else in these hours. He wanted to exchange feelings with Tian Dayong. He didn't expect this exchange to let people communicate. He had to clean up, and went to sleep, sitting cross-legged.

Early the next morning, as soon as Lin Hang walked out of the room, he was sent to the plane prepared by Tian Dayong with enthusiasm.

Watching the plane take off gradually, Tian Dayong showed expectation in his eyes, and said, "I can imagine what the younger generation of the supernatural world will face. The Great Devil has been born..." The three behind him nodded in agreement, with the same expectation. .

Two hours later, after a turbulence, the plane stopped in front of the Huicheng Ye family's villa. The reason why the plane flew back to Ye's family was that Lin Hang was recommended by the Ye family, and that Huicheng also met the conditions for landing in the Ye family's area.

Lin Hang stepped off the plane, Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan were already waiting here.

Lin Hang followed the two to the villa, and the three sat in order.

Ye Lao said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you have a great reputation this time!" Ye Lao obviously got news of Lin Hang's training camp from the military. This is also because Lin Hang is recommended by the Ye family. Like other eliminated families, there will be no news of this training camp.

Lin Hang hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Lao Ye, don't praise me. Thanks to you for giving me this opportunity, I have also gained a lot and contacted a lot of people."

Ye Lao waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be polite with me. I accept your father's trust. It is right for me to take care of you. You have offended so many people in this training camp, right?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Lao Ye, the biggest gain of my trip to the training camp is that I worshipped the military Wang Lao as my teacher. So let alone those who were eliminated by me don't know my details, even if they I know, I don't dare to do anything to me."

Ye Lao looked at Lin Hang, who was very different from that of Lin Hang more than a month ago, and said with emotion, "This is really a great destiny! Your master does have such a deterrent, then I can rest assured of you. The next development is now."

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