I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 290

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:52 AM

Chapter 290: Reboot

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But now Lin Hang is not planning to destroy this big formation, because looking at this situation, these ancient ten thousand races seem to be preparing to use a large number of spirits to cooperate with this mysterious big formation to achieve their goal conditions. Under such circumstances, there should be no major damage to Earthstar and Huaxia, and Lin Hang is not in a hurry to sabotage their plan. In Lin Hang's heart, he is not without the possibility of fighting for the'thing' that the ten thousand races pursue. After all, by then, Mr. Wang may have successfully overcome the calamity and become the existence that can crush these ten thousand race monks. Suppressing by force is not without the possibility of seizing this'thing'.

Now that this was the case, Lin Hang probably wrote down the appearance and general layout of this mysterious array, and left the place directly.

However, Lin Hang did not notice that in the center of this large formation, there was an old man with his eyes closed. The old man was like a dry stone, motionless, but the occasional spiritual fluctuations emitted from his whole body Also people dare not look down upon. The old man glanced at Lin Hang's disappearance, with a trace of doubt on his face. He didn't seem to find Lin Hang's whereabouts. He shook his head again, ignored the matter, and continued to close his eyes, suppressing the formation. Operation and integration of the soul.

Lin Hang had already returned to Qingtian Island at this time, and he was going to let the six Chinese teams on Qingtian Island officially restart the hunting plan. After more than half a month has passed, Lin Hang also has some certainty about the safety of this matter, and the members of these teams have almost digested some of their previous perceptions, and they need to practice again.

In Lin Hang's observation, the wars of these ancient tens of thousands of races above the stars at this time have slowly begun to heat up. Obviously the leaders of all races have also ordered orders to speed up the process of the plan. At this time, it was just right for China's team to enter, because although the environment has become more complicated, it also has a bit more experience.

After these days of precipitation, in addition to the two of Jiang Huacong’s team, Xiaoxi and Xiaobei, who had an accidental breakthrough last time, many other players also successfully digested their sentiments and broke through to the Golden Core stage. For example, Hu Lingfeng, the leader of the Eight Xiaoqiangs of the Chinese Army, was also the captain of a base-building squad. This time after he broke through the Golden Core period, the team’s goals have also improved a lot, although he will not face Yuan directly. Enemies in the infant stage, but they will no longer attack the cultivators of the ten thousand races in the foundation-building stage. No matter how the target is, at least the Jin Dan stage should be cultivated. Except for Hu Lingfeng, the remaining players who broke through were all members of the previous three Jindan teams. It is no wonder that they broke through faster, their team is stronger, and the opponents they encountered before are not those three. A base-building team can be compared, and naturally it can grow better. One of them surprised Lin Hang. It was Liu Rulong from the Liu family in Beijing. Lin Hang still had a lot of contact with Liu Rulong, but every time Liu Rulong’s situation was not very good, this time he was selected to enter the hunt. Killing the team and successfully breaking through to the Golden Core Stage, Lin Hang was still very happy for him.

Lin Hang withdrew the thoughts in his head, and his lips moved slightly. Not long after, the six captains, including Tian Dayong, Ye Guangyuan, and Jiang Huacong, came to Lin Hang's lounge one after another.

After all six of them were seated, Lin Hang said with a smile, "Dear Captains, it has been a little hard for more than half a month! Not only do you have to take care of your own cultivation and advancement, but also to take care of your team members. Cultivation is really not easy! But you, Ling Feng, in such a heavy task, you still broke through to the Golden Core Stage. Congratulations!"

Hu Lingfeng has made new breakthroughs during this period, and he seems to be in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Where is it, it's just a small achievement! There is nothing else elsewhere, Lin Hang, you say that, I am really stressed! In front of you, who would dare to say that you have a heavy workload? But don’t you still have a cultivation base that is far ahead of us? I really miss the time when I was in the capital. At that time, I was able to see your back, but now I can only look up to you. Up!"

As soon as Hu Lingfeng said this, everyone present felt a little more similar. The first person to see Lin Hang was Tian Dayong, who was in charge of the training camp military district. At that time Lin Hang was just a clever younger disciple. Later, although he worshipped Wang Lao as his teacher, he participated in the Rising Stars Tournament in Beijing. And won the championship. Relying on the "Spirit Gathering Pill" donated by the military to break through to the early days of the day after tomorrow, but at that time it was still not Tian Dayong's opponent, but he did not expect that Lin Hang is now advancing by leaps and bounds, and now there is no gap in sight. The others were even more powerless. Although they were squeezed by Lin Hang in the competition to win the championship, they did not feel how far Lin Hang was from them. However, as time went on, Lin Hang Has grown into a figure they can't see from behind. Among other things, it was the status of the second person of Huaxia who was now well-deserved, and it was not something they could chase at will. I can only comfort myself in my heart, Lin Hang is not a human being, and then thinking about the situation of other disciples of the same generation, I can feel a little better in my heart.

Lin Hang naturally understood it in his heart, but he had no choice but to say with a smile, "No, no, you are the mainstay of our future in China! Don't talk about this, I am looking for you today, there is something to be done with You said. You also know that the reason why our experience plan was suspended was because some teams received the attention of these ancient ten thousand races, but I later investigated and confirmed the guess that these ancient ten thousand races did indeed perceive your existence. ! However, I have now been able to confirm that after discussion, they have decided not to send high-level monks to kill you, so you can now proceed with the hunting plan. I believe that with more caution and You guys who are on the precaution, this time shouldn't encounter such a big crisis like last time."

Jiang Huacong frowned at this time and said, "Lin Hang, it's not that I don't believe you. It's because of what happened last time. I really don't want to go through it again! If safety is not guaranteed, I would rather Let the team members practice on this Qingtian Island. After all, no matter how important experience is, life is not important!"

Lin Hang said, "Hua Cong, I can understand your feelings, but who can guarantee absolute safety? We can't just give up experience just because of this worry and fear?"

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