I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 293

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:50 AM

Chapter 293: Meet the Grand Elder

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Lin Hang put part of his mind into the clones that followed each team, and was not going to take it back for a while afterwards. After something like Xiaoxi happened, Lin Hang also became more cautious. Although a life-saving artifact was issued to the members of each team, they were still prepared to keep an eye on the situation of each team and strive to stop similar things from happening.

At this time, Lin Hang began to sit up cross-legged, condensed his energy, and slowly connected his clone in "Emperor Realm".

After the great elder researched out the secret method that can improve Qi Luck, he began to research again, and he found that the "Spiritual Art" carved on the rock wall seemed incomplete. Because "Spiritual Kungfu", as the fundamental practice of the spiritualist who has run through an era, how could it be so simple? This "Spiritual Skill" re-engraved from the rock wall seems to have only the first half, that is, the part that is quickly absorbed, transformed and upgraded to the transformation stage, and then this is the way to capture his popular luck. There is no record of how to ascend to the immortal after the tribulation, or how to practice after ascending to the immortal, otherwise, the follow-up part will definitely be a great reference for the people and witches. After all, it is the talented person. The fundamental technique created by the spiritually admired with great pains.

However, in addition to the part about "Spiritual Skills", the "Black King" at that time also mentioned one point, that is, at the end of this technique, there is a tactic. Through the operation of this tactic, the "Black King" Actually successfully created a group of "Necromancers"! Therefore, the great elder of this method has also focused on research, but it is such a method that can be used during the foundation construction period, but the great elder cannot activate it anyway, and naturally there is no way to condense the "dead". Later, the great elder also understood that the prerequisite for the use of this technique is that in addition to the cultivation base during the foundation period, the spiritual power for practicing "Spiritual Skills" must be the foundation, so he stopped planning. . Now, instead, he took out the "Necromancer" that had been sealed and began to study it carefully.

Lin Hang’s clone in "Emperor Realm", in addition to the clones injected by the five distractions, which need to manage the Chinese people living in "Emperor Realm", there is also a clone, which has been staying in the elder hall of the Great Elder, its sole function It is to communicate with the Great Elder.

At this time, the Hall of the Elders looks a lot messier than before. Except for the most central area, other places are scattered with various materials, and the elders are in the central area, decorating A delicate circle was created, and the "Necromancer" brought back by Lin Hang's seal was placed in the center of the circle.

At this time, "The Necromancer" lost the control of the ‘Black King’ and was blocked from absorbing all kinds of life energies, which seemed a bit quiet. But the Great Elder didn't dare to take this "Dead Spirit" lightly, and no one knew what it would develop if it was not careful.

The Great Elder was constantly fiddling with the magic circle, analyzing and studying the floating "Necromancer", and did not feel the approach of Lin Hang's clone behind him. When Lin Hang’s clone came to the back of the Great Elder, the Great Elder sensed and turned around and said, "Huh? Lin Hang? Why are you here? You are not on Earth and Star, leading your Chinese disciples, Is there any experience plan for that? How can there be time to come to me?"

The elder waved his hand to stabilize the circle for a few more points, and then smiled and led Lin Hang to a slightly open place, which seemed to be the place where the elder usually rested.

Lin Hang did not speak directly. Instead, he looked curiously at the "Necromancer" in the circle, and said, "Elder, how is your research on this "Necromancer"? Still can't find some way to manipulate it. ?"

The elder smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Where is it so simple! In our cognition, "The Necromancer" has always had its own independent thinking and is not manipulated by others. Although there is a ready-made way now It’s in front of us, but I don’t dare to practice this "Spiritual Art"! So many days have passed, I just have a better understanding of "Necromancer", I don’t know if I want to achieve the conditions to manipulate it. How long do you have to wait!"

After that, the elder waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this, frustrated! Or talk about what your kid is here for! You kid never ran away in vain. What problems did you encounter this time? "

When Lin Hang heard the words of the Great Elder, he moved his eyes back from the circle and the "Dead Soul", and said with a smile, "The Great Elder really knows me! Although this kid is the leader of our Chinese experience disciple team , But I have not been idle either. I have also heard a lot of news about their ancient ten thousand races!"

The great elder happened to be a little overwhelmed by the "Necromancer" incident. At this time, he also wanted to hear about Lin Hang's experience. If he diverted his attention, he was relieved, so he asked with interest, "Oh? Then I am very interested! We Wu Clan are trapped in this cave, unable to leave, but you are not as rich as you have experienced these days! Tell me, what is the secret of these ancient ten thousand clan?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "The Great Elder also accidentally discovered that one of their meetings called the General Assembly of the Ten Thousand Races was discovered by me. It was at the General Assembly of the Ten Thousand Nations that I realized that they suddenly It’s not accidental to appear on this Earth Star. They all belong to a huge organization called "Alliance of Races". They came to Earth Star this time to accomplish a mysterious goal. What exactly is this goal? I don't know, but they know it is a mysterious'thing'. They value this'thing' very much. In order to complete the conditions for obtaining this'thing', their contribution makes me somewhat unacceptable."

The elder grinds carefully, and said, "What did they give? Why is it difficult for you to accept?"

Lin Hang looked a little ugly, and said, "Great Elder, they have dozens of different races, each of which has brought tens of thousands of tribesmen to Earth, and after my understanding, a large part of these tribes are actually It was sacrificed! According to their description, in order to achieve the conditions for that'thing' to be born, these people must sacrifice, and in the end even the monks in the Yuan Ying period will sacrifice! You say, this way How can I accept the decision of sacrificing the people to achieve the goal?"

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