I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 294

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:49 AM

Chapter 294: "The Reincarnation of the Heavens and Souls"

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After the great elder heard this, his heart was also shocked. Although their Wu clan had experienced many great calamities, they never chose to sacrifice their clan members to achieve certain goals. In their hearts, every member of the tribe is extremely important, and this concept is also very compatible with the human race. This is also one of the reasons why the human and witch races can come together.

The great elder's expression also became solemn, and he said, "According to you, these ancient tribes are indeed conspiring! So many monks, what are they going to do?"

Lin Hang also nodded and said, "As for how they used each dead monk, I also made a special investigation. I found that in the depths of the earth and stars at this time, a super large array has been set up, this large array. In the area radiating the entire Earth Star, every dying monk of various races will not directly enter the cycle of rebirth or dissipate, but will be directly attracted to the depths of the Earth star by this huge formation. The law is very huge, my mental power can't penetrate this formation, and I can't observe the situation inside, so I don't know what they want to use these spirits for."

"Soul?" The elder bowed his head in thought, "Is it the big formation that attracts the spirits? Um... Lin Hang, what is this formation, do you pay attention to?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, although the kid doesn't know this formation, he is not unfamiliar with the knowledge of formation. This formation, it is..."

After Lin Hang introduced the appearance of the big formation and some specific performances, the elder showed such an expression as expected, and said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, in this era, among the thousands of ancient peoples, still There is a monk who can understand this formation! Lin Hang, after you said that this formation is located in the depths of the earth and has the effect of attracting spirits, I have some guesses. After listening to your thoughts on this formation After the description, I confirmed my thoughts. This formation was very famous in ancient times!"

There was a look of yearning in the eyes of the great elder, as if he was thinking of something, and then went on to say, "This formation, at the beginning, has a very big name. It is a formation that exists in heaven, and it has opened up the world. At that time, it already existed in the depths of the Primordial Continent, and its function was almost the same as it is now. It was to attract the spirits of many fallen monks, and then let them transform into creatures again through the transformation of formations. It basically The above is an important part of our Primordial Continent. I have learned the information about this formation from the ancient books of the clan. I only know that the Primordial Continent has gone through several wars, and each of these battles caused this formation. In the war between the witch race and the monster race, the formation was completely broken and lost all its functions. At this time, the Houtu empress of our twelve ancestor witches, I can’t bear to see that all the souls have nowhere to depend in the future. They can only slowly dissipate or turn into lonely ghosts, so I resolutely incarnate in reincarnation, and renewed the path of reincarnation for the creatures of the heavens. From then on, after Empress Tu is reincarnation, and samsara is Empress Houtu. This is why we have said before that Empress Houtu is not a fall, she still lives in another way!"

Lin Hang did not expect this formation to have such a connection with the Wu Clan. Lin Hang is also an extremely intelligent character. He already understood something from the words of the great elder, and said tentatively, "The great elder At that time, did the Houtu Empress have some understanding and research on this formation before she became reincarnation, and finally she could successfully transform into reincarnation?"

The elder nodded, recovered from the memory just now, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you are right! However, Houtu Niangniang is more than just studying this formation! In the entire prehistoric land, including all the saints, there is no one who can be compared with the Hou Tu Niang Niang in the attainments of this formation! As our Wu Clan, the Hou Tu Niang Niang is born without a spirit, so for this Her elders were very interested in the study of Shenhun. Because of this, she was able to incarnate in reincarnation later, otherwise, without understanding the formation method, she would be completely powerless and unable to complete this process. .It is precisely because of the dedication of the Houtu Empress that we can continue our witch race, otherwise, the Lich War has caused such a big killing, even if our witch race is not entangled by this infinite karma, Will be greatly destroyed! It is because of our selfless dedication, our witch clan can continue to develop and survive to the present. Therefore, the twelve branches of our witch clan, the Houtu maidens are our most respected The existence of is second only to the father God Pangu."

At this time, the elder continued to smile and said, "This formation is called "The Great Formation of Reincarnation of the Heavens and Souls" by the Empress Houtu. Some understanding and perception of this formation should still exist in the current "Houjie". During the period, you go to the old boy Hou Lin, and he will give you more detailed insights into the formation than mine."

The elder thought of something and continued, "By the way, when you go to "Back Realm", you can ask Hou Lin to copy the relevant information of this formation to you. I also want to see the specifics of this formation. Information. Although this formation has a single function, its special function of transforming souls is of great research value!"

Lin Hang thought of the formation above the earth and stars, and said strangely, "Then these ancient ten thousand races, why bother to arrange this "Great Formation of the Reincarnation of Gods and Souls"? This formation is not for the reincarnation of the souls. Is it? What does this have to do with their purpose?"

The elder stunned for a moment, and said, "Where do I know this! I haven't seen that formation! But, I know that even if they have a powerful formation master, they can't perfectly reproduce this "Heavens and Souls" "Reincarnation Array"! Because this large array is a congenital existence, no matter how perfect the preparation conditions are, there is no way to reach the level of the congenital formation, so I guess that the ancient ten thousand races should be based on this formation. Some improvements have been made to retain some of the functions of this large formation, such as absorbing spirits, and then adding some other functions to achieve their goals. You can look at the information about this formation in the "Back World", and then yourself judgment!"

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