I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 296

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:46 AM

Chapter 296: The arrangement of the three families

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Looking at the now quite energetic Patriarchs of the three major families, Lin Hang laughed and said, "The three seniors, they really seem to be very energetic! I haven't seen them for so many days, and they can be considered stable. Congratulations on the early stage of Jindan!"

The three of them were as Lin Hang said. They felt that even if they were a little different from Wang Lao Lin Hang in their current cultivation level, they should not be far behind. But today, seeing the sudden appearance of Lin Hang, all three of them showed solemn expressions. Because in their perception, there is no way to see Lin Hang's true cultivation level in front of them. It seems that standing in front of them is an ordinary person with no spiritual power, but this is impossible. Therefore, they also understood in an instant that Lin Hang's cultivation had reached a point where the three of them could not understand.

Liu Chengye, the head of the Liu family, said, "Lin Hang, can I ask, what is your current cultivation base?"

The reaction of these three masters at this time was also within Lin Hang's expectation. After hearing the words, Lin Hang did not conceal it, and said, "Lao Liu, of course! I just broke through to the early stage of the transformation a few days ago. It's still in a stable state."

"What? Transformation!?" As soon as these words came out, the three old people present all showed incredible expressions. They had just reached the Golden Core Stage, but Lin Hang was already the cultivation base of the early stage of Transformation. You know, this is the realm of the entire Nascent Soul Stage! And think about it again, this is just a junior like Lin Hang, what about the many old guys with him? Especially Wang Lao and others who have already started to practice before, isn't their current cultivation level even more terrifying?

The three of them were still full of confidence, and wanted to rely on their family's efforts to cultivate, thinking that one day they could reach a high level, and then they would be able to regain the right to speak in China. But the current developments have made them lose confidence.

The Fu Family Patriarch, Fujian Bai, said with a tremor in her voice, and asked unwillingly, "Lin Hang, the previous family heads, and your master, are they like you now and have entered the stage of **** transformation?"

Lin Hang shook his head at this time and replied, "Fu Lao, no, the path of cultivation is not playing games, how can it be so fast? Although the family heads have practiced more than you for some special reasons. But the later period of cultivation is definitely not that easy! Those Patriarchs are almost at the stage of the Nascent Soul stage now, which is equivalent to more cultivation time than you. As for my teacher, he is still The number one master of China, the cultivation base of the peak of the transformation stage!"

Lin Hang couldn't bear to continue to beat the three old people's confidence, and turned to say, "This time I am here, in addition to looking at your cultivation situation, there is one more thing that I want to discuss with you. I believe you also know that. When the relocation plan was carried out, the three of you were treated differently from other families. Now more than two years have passed, and I have also seen your changes. If you continue to maintain this situation in the future, I It's not that you can't let you go with them. But everything depends on your choice, what do you think?"

After hearing Lin Hang’s explanation, the heads of these three families also understood. Lin Hang and the military were fully prepared to treat families like them when they first implemented the relocation plan. They have also considered the countermeasures, and they are not afraid that they will oppose the military after they have obtained the exercises.

Thinking of this, Fujian Bai said with a bitter smile, "Lin Hang, you asked us so, don’t you have an answer in your heart? We have already figured it out. Before, our three major families and your military were really at odds, but then you were able to When Huaxia moved, thinking about us and giving us a new practice method, we have changed our previous thinking. Up to now, we have also recognized the military concept you mentioned earlier, which is entirely for Huaxia. No matter how we fight against your military, we cannot change the fact that we are also a member of China. So, Lin Hang, don't worry, if your military can really treat our three major families sincerely, we will not be ungrateful. generation!"

Lin Hang chuckled in his heart. In fact, in the current situation, these three families can no longer change the general trend. The reason why they want them to also go to "Candle World" this time is completely considering that they are also a member of China. The performance has been good in the past two years. The three major families have made a guarantee that, no matter whether they are true or false, after the "Candle World", they have no ability to make waves.

Lin Hang laughed and said, "Okay! Mr. Fu, if you can say that, Lin Hang is also very pleased in my heart! Don't worry, no matter how the Chinese nation fights internally, I believe that at the critical moment, we will still unite together. Anti-foreign enemies! In the past two years, I have also paid attention. There are still many good seedlings in your family, and I don’t want to delay their cultivation. I'm going to do something. You will wait for me here for a while, and then Pack all the family's things, and I will take you away in a while!"

Before Lin Hang entered the "Back World", he wanted to keep the three major families in the "Back World", but when he felt the sincerity of the three major families, he observed their current strength again, Lin Hang He changed his mind quickly. After all, the people of the three major families are also Huaxia human races, plus their current strength, there is no harm, so Lin Hang wanted to take them away. After all, there are indeed many good seedlings in the three major families. They shouldn't be delayed here, and they can grow better in the practice environment like "Candle World".

Lin Hang waved his hand, and the base-building avatar standing on the side returned directly to Lin Hang's body. Seeing that the three major families were directing the disciples to pack up and prepare to leave. Lin Hang also walked out of the enchantment, and went straight to the back of the high priest.

Lin Hang knew that when he came to "Back Realm", the high priest must have sensed it, so there was no transmission, and he went directly to the priest's hall where the high priest was.

The consciousness swept slightly, and Lin Hang sensed the arrival of the high priest waiting for him in the hall. With a slight smile, Lin Hang stepped in.

Hou Lin looked at Lin Hang who walked in and said, "I just went to find those guys from China? Don’t worry, they won’t have any moths with me! And in the past two years, I have also observed After passing them, they are fairly honest, they have been practicing seriously, there is no feeling of laziness, and there is no time to do other things."

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