I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 298

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:44 AM

Chapter 298: awkward

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After starting, Lin Hang couldn't help but sighed softly. Although this book could be seen to be made of animal skins, it was not as rough and stiff as imagined. Instead, it looked a bit delicate and soft. It was being made into a book at the time. At the time, it must have undergone special treatment.

Lin Hang and the high priest Hou Lin looked through this book together. After half an hour, the two looked at each other in unison, and then Lin Hang smiled bitterly and said to the high priest, "High priest, this Is it really the research experience of that big array?"

The look at this moment behind was not much better than Lin Hanglai, and said, "Of course it is! I finally remembered why I only looked through it at the beginning and never moved again. Some of these things, I I can’t understand, and I can’t understand! If it’s not for the research of the formation method, there is no way to get anything from it, Lin Hang, there is no hope for the two of us. Then, the situation is special, you can use this book Make a copy of the book, and then let the old guy Zhou Shu get busy! Although his mouth is a bit stinky, he still knows this aspect. I believe he also knows that we are not good at it, so I must say hello to you in advance. Did you make a copy?"

Lin Hang couldn't help sighing. Although the Great Elder and the High Priest had always been uncomfortable, the two of them knew each other very well, which was a strange story.

Lin Hang smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, as you said, the elder did ask me to make a copy, but the reason he used was that he himself was interested in this formation and wanted to study it. "

Hou Lin showed a look of disdain, and sneered, "I don't know what the old boy has in mind? He, a research madman, coveted the classics of our "Back Realm" very early, and at that time we all paid back It was not the leader of each branch, the leader at that time also rejected him many times. But this time the situation is special, let him see it!"

Lin Hang couldn't answer the call, so he silently activated the copy ability and scanned the book in front of him into his spiritual space.

After completing the scan, Lin Hang wanted to leave. Suddenly he thought of something and said, "By the way, High Priest, what I said to you before, the entrance to the Back World was attacked, I have determined that it is The ancient tens of thousands of people did it. It’s just that they don’t know what forces are in these caves and heavens, but they can perceive the existence of these caves and heavens above the earth and stars. Therefore, we don’t need to be too nervous. Not to be afraid!"

Hou Lin nodded and said, "It's really not to be afraid! They are also brave, and they dare to directly attack an unfamiliar and strange cave like this! Such behavior would be death in the ancient times! For this time, If they really open a channel to enter our "Back World" and send people in, it will be a disaster for them! Although we can't get out, but they will kill them without any effort! "

In Lin Hang's eyes, the high priest had always been the most reliable of the three elders of the Witch Clan. Although he looked like a young man, he was the most mature and stable. Therefore, taking this opportunity, Lin Hang also asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

Lin Hang looked at the rearward approach and said, "High priest, above the current earth star, these ancient monks of the ten thousand races who have not been present for a long time have come. Does this mean that the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is really about to come? And we are Isn't it necessary to find all the nine Wu Clan Dongtian that has never appeared before?

Hou Lin did not answer directly. After thinking about it for a while, he said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, I can't give you an accurate answer to this, but it is certainly not a coincidence that the ancient ten thousand clan disappeared for so many years and suddenly appeared! Before this time, We have always thought that these ancient tribes all died before the Lich War. But now we didn’t expect that they would have survived so many. This must have something to do with this great catastrophe. Didn’t we say before This time, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is the great catastrophe of all living beings. It is not that they can avoid the world in the remote cosmic light fragments, or in some caves and blessings. So this time they did not know where to appear and came here. Above the stars, I must also prepare for this catastrophe. After all, at this time, everyone has to think about the future of their race."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "These ancient ten thousand races did not appear blindly. Behind them is a force called "Alliance of All Races". This force should be formed by all the remaining ten thousand races together. The big formation I was talking about is related to their plan. The ultimate goal of this plan is to get a'thing'! Although I don't know what this'thing' is, I want to sacrifice so much. The people of the tribe must have a huge effect on their "Alliance of Ten Thousand Clans", and it has a great possibility, and it is related to this great catastrophe!"

Hou Lin nodded thoughtfully, and continued, "Well, no matter what the'thing' they ultimately pursue is, we only need to track this'thing' together, and there is no need to pay attention to the others. But they We must figure out the purpose of the formation, otherwise we cannot grasp the direction and context of their actions. If they directly succeed the target, it will be a little troublesome. So after you go back, let Zhou Shu start Study it. I believe that with your observation and comparison, he should be able to see some of the reality of this formation. We don’t need to break this formation, we just need to understand its general effect. This matter should be in the week. Within the capabilities of the technique."

Having said that, Hou Lin paused, and continued, "As for what you just asked about the other nine cave heavens of our twelve branches, I still have that attitude. There is really no need to find them for the time being. We don't want to be in the catastrophe. Before, there were more changes. Moreover, when they were able to manifest themselves, it also showed that the real catastrophe was not far away. This can be regarded as a warning to us. So, you don’t care about this, first Concentrate on the big formation in front of you!"

Lin Hang nodded, and had no opinion on these statements coming later, and immediately said, "Well, the high priest, take care, the kid will leave first!"

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