I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 3

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:24 AM

Chapter 3: Dark King

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Lin Hang took a taxi to go home, leaving 15 Gang Jun and the shocked driver upstairs again.

When I got home, it was already past six o'clock and I ate something casually. Lin Hang was going to study the "Flying Sword" that had just been copied. But when he touched the Feijian progress bar consciously, there was no response. "By the way, Liu Ruyan's abilities are useless, let alone this more complicated flying sword." Lin Hang thought.

Lin Hang was a little discouraged at once. He originally thought about encountering something extraordinary, but he couldn't eat it on his lips, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Strength, or strength, I have to become stronger!" Lin Hang said to himself.

"Do you want to be stronger?" A voice filled with laughter echoed in the room.

"Who? Who is talking?" Lin Hang was startled by this sudden voice.

I saw a figure wearing a black robe slowly coming out from the shadow of the light, step by step, came to Lin Hang, and sat down on the sofa opposite.

"Who are you?" After these two days of events, Lin Hang is not as flustered as he was at the beginning. After all, he has understood the world of the supernatural being. This person who suddenly appeared must be the supernatural being, but he didn't know that he was looking for it. What is the reason for myself.

"Xiao Hang, don't you know Uncle Zhao?" The black-robed man raised his face slightly and spoke slowly.

"Uncle Zhao? Are you Uncle Zhao?" Lin Hang called out in surprise.

Lin Hang couldn't help but recalled that Uncle Zhao, who lived next door to his home when he was young, was close friends with his parents. He left with his parents eight years ago, and now he is back?

"Uncle Zhao, when did you come back? Where are my father and my mother?" Lin Hang asked anxiously.

"Xiao Hang, don't worry, listen to Uncle Zhao slowly talking to you."

After listening to Zhao Kangping's words, Lin Hang also calmed down.

"I can't tell you specific things, but I can assure you that your parents are safe now and there is no problem. When I come back this time, they can't let you go, and the things over there don't need me for the time being. , They are inseparable, so let me come back and see how you are." Zhao Kangping explained.

"But I think you are very good. You have been self-sufficient for eight years, and now you have become a supernatural person!" Zhao Kangping boasted with a smile.

"Uncle Zhao, you are also a supernatural person? So are my parents?" Lin Hang remembered the weird scene when Zhao Kangping appeared, and thought that his parents hadn't been able to get out of their bodies for eight years. Easy, some grievances against parents over the years have also disappeared.

People will grow up. Before Lin Hang thought about things in the way of a normal person, of course he felt that his parents would not understand if they had left themselves behind. But now that he has discovered the world of supernatural powers, his thinking has become multi-faceted. The greater his ability, the greater the things he can touch.

Zhao Kangping did not answer, but Lin Hang knew that this was the best answer.

"By the way, Uncle Zhao, do you know how to become stronger?" Lin Hang remembered what Zhao Kangping asked when he first came.

"Of course." Zhao Kangping smiled, "The supernaturalists are a small group. There are so many people in the world, and only a very small part of them will awaken supernatural powers, and most of these people are from some big families. . If the previous generation was a supernatural person, the probability of the next generation's awakening ability will be much greater than that of ordinary people. Therefore, the general supernaturalist's awakening ability will be taught by the elders."

Zhao Kangping drank a sip of water, "Of course, through his own continuous use of abilities, he can gradually strengthen it, but this process is relatively slow." After that, Zhao Kangping threw a booklet to Lin Hang. "Your dad asked me to give this to you. He said you will wake up sooner or later. It's really strange how he knew it."

"After the abilities are awakened, everyone’s situation is different, but it can be roughly divided into two categories: enhanced types and other types. Don’t look at me like this, I also said that everyone is different, only enhanced types can Roughly unified, so there is such a strange division. By the way, what is your ability?"

Lin Hang hesitated, did not speak, stretched out his right hand and took a bottle of Coke. After a while, the same bottle of Coke slowly appeared in his left hand. Zhao Kangping beside him was obviously shocked, but he had never seen such a power.

"Is it just copied like this, the limit?" Zhao Kangping asked.

"I don't feel like there is any limit, but I can't realize something a little bigger or more powerful now." Lin Hang smiled bitterly. "Uncle Zhao, what is your ability?"

Zhao Kangping smiled, raised his hand, and the room suddenly became pitch black. This blackness is not the black that can't be seen, it's dark and even a little round. The room was restored to its original state again, and it was Zhao Kangping who cancelled the ability.

"I am the owner of the "Elements-Dark" ability. In the early stage, I was only able to control dark energy. This energy is very aggressive and can assimilate other energy. Now I can blend into the darkness, create darkness, and be in the darkness. I am the king who deserves it!"

"The King of Darkness?!" Lin Hang was stunned by Zhao Kangping's domineering words, "It's amazing, Zhao Shu, teach me!"

"Xiao Hang, don't worry, you must maintain a steady state of mind when encountering things. This is very important for cultivation!" Zhao Kangping said solemnly, "After the supernatural person awakens, there will be an extra energy in the body, we say It is psychic energy, and very few awakened people will involve the brain area, and at the same time awakening is accompanied by mental power."

"You open that book. There is a breathing exercise method on it. These exercises are summarized by the predecessors, aiming at the exercise and promotion of psychic energy. Looking at your ability, your spiritual power is also awakened?"

Lin Hang nodded, and Zhao Kangping continued, "Then I will pass on to you my spiritual training method." After that, he threw a booklet to Lin Hang.

"Psionic energy is the cornerstone of our supernatural beings, and sufficient psychic energy can ensure that our supernatural powers can exert their strength. The fundamental reason why you can't copy more complicated things is because of insufficient psychic energy in your body."

The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took the shade. After listening to Zhao Kangping's words, Lin Hang suddenly realized that he realized how precious it is to have a good teacher on the road of cultivation, "Thank you, Uncle Zhao!"

"No, your father and I have been in life and death for so many years. This little thing is nothing. If your parents are not around, I don't need to tell you these little things." Zhao Kangping smiled and waved his hand.

"Uncle Zhao, I can copy the abilities of others." After thinking for a long time, Lin Hang decided to tell Zhao Kangping.

Zhao Kangping smashed his cup when he heard the words, "What? Copy ability? You try me!"

Lin Hang stepped forward and held Zhao Kangping's hand, activated the supernatural power, but felt a pain in his mind, there was no way to scan. "Uncle Zhao, my ability needs to scan someone else's ability, I can't scan you." Lin Hang smiled bitterly.

Zhao Kangping probably understood, "That is to say, the ability you can copy cannot be stronger than you? Yes, you just awakened the ability, but copying my ability is too reluctant. Then you are How do you know this ability? Who else have you been in contact with?"

Lin Hang said, "The girl next door to me is a supernatural power. Her superpower is "Elements-Wood", which is the supernatural power that I awakened when I was accidentally injured when she was fighting with others."

""Element-Wood"? What is the girl's name?" Zhao Kangping concealed the shock in his heart.

"She is Liu Ruyan." Lin Hang replied.

Zhao Kangping felt like this in his heart, "Unexpectedly, the Liu family came here, and I don't know if this little girl ran out by herself or someone is behind..." Zhao Kangping thought.

Zhao Kangping doesn’t want to say more on this topic, “In that case, Xiaohang, you will see all kinds of abilities in the future. Uncle Zhao has only one ability and can’t teach you too much, but you have to remember one thing. , Don’t be constrained by abilities, abilities are never sorted by strengths and weaknesses, and the strong is always the person himself."

Lin Hang nodded thoughtfully. He suddenly thought of the acquired state that Liu Ruyan was talking about that night, and asked, "Then how do we generally judge the strength of the superpower?"

Zhao Kangping replied, "When the person with the supernatural power just awakens, there is only a little psionic energy in the body, and the power is very small. After exercise, the psychic energy converges into a sphere-like psionic ball at the lower abdomen. Entered the first realm of our cultivation-body forging realm. There are four realms for body forging-front, middle, back and perfection. When your number of psionic orbs reaches ten, even if you have reached the body forging realm. At the peak, you can try to compress the psionic orb into a higher density psionic orb at this time. Even if you succeed in breaking through to the acquired state, there will be four realms in the acquired state, and then there will be innate realms. But most people in this world are in Forging the body to the acquired state, there are only a handful of innate masters."

"Then Uncle Zhao, are you an innate master?" Lin Hang asked curiously.

Zhao Kangping smiled, but did not answer the question. "Don't worry about these. You can ask me when you break through to the day after tomorrow. Also, our spiritual power training is divided into one to ten levels, and the strength of our spiritual power also determines the control power of our kind of supernatural powers. And control, if the mental power is not strong, no matter how much psychic power is, it will be a stagnant pool."

Zhao Kangping also told Lin Hang some problems that need to be paid attention to in the early stage of cultivation, and soon, it was late at night.

"Xiao Hang, Uncle Zhao is leaving. In the days to come, you must practice hard. In this world, only your own power is the most reliable. If you want to explore the unknown and protect the people you care about, you can’t do without power. So , Work hard, Uncle Zhao will come back to see you, but don’t make any progress when I come next time.” As soon as the voice fell, Lin Hang saw Zhao Kangping transform into a dark shadow and melt into the darkness. ,Disappear.

"Don't worry, Uncle Zhao, I will work hard!" Lin Hang didn't say it, but he had silently made up his mind in his heart. He must become stronger so that he would have confidence in facing the unknown.

Not to mention Lin Hang's side, after Zhao Kangping left Lin Hang's room, he did not go far, but turned into a shadow to Liu Ruyan's room next door.

In Liu Ruyan's room, Zhao Kangping and Liu Ruyan sat opposite each other.

"I don't know that in the middle of the night, the famous Dark King came to me, what's the point?" Liu Ruyan asked with a trace of tension.

Zhao Kangping said, "Little girl, do you actually know me? It seems that it is not easy for you to be in Liu's house. I don't say anything else, straight to the point, what is your purpose in coming to Xiaohang?"

Hearing this, Liu Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that the Dark King had no malice, but her concern for Lin Hang made him find herself. "There is no purpose. Lin Hang's mother is my sister-in-law. Although the Liu family announced that we had severed ties with my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law has been so kind to me since I was young. I can't be like the rest of the family." She said, she solemnly Sit up straight. "Father Willow View!"

Hearing this name, there was a wave in the dark king's heart, apparently thinking of Liu Jing's name in the capital.

There was a smile on Zhao Kangping’s solemn face, “Then I’m relieved, you also know that Xiaohang’s parents are not with him these years, and can’t take care of him. I’m worried that your family will be against him. But since you It's Liu Jing's daughter, so naturally there is no problem."

After all, Zhao Kangping stood up and blended into the shadows, and his voice came from the shadows, "Then please take care of Xiaohang."

Liu Ruyan nodded to the shadow, thinking in her heart:

The Dark King returned many years ago, and those people in the capital should be worried again.

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