I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 301

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:41 AM

Chapter 301: Zhuo Sheng and Simeng

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After instructing the three major families again, Lin Hang left here and came to the military area.

At this time, the rest of the military were already busy, only Wang Lao was still waiting for Lin Hang's arrival.

Lin Hang followed Wang Lao back to Wang Lao's room, he knew that Wang Lao must have something to look for him.

After Wang Lao and Lin Hang each took their seats, Wang Lao said, "Hang'er, do you know why Zhuo Sheng and the others are so disgusted with these people from the three major families? Today you brought them back. Didn't you find them? Has his attitude changed? If it weren't for the sake of saving you face, I believe they wouldn't have agreed so easily!"

Lin Hang nodded, and then asked questioningly, "This disciple has naturally noticed, but in my opinion, the current three major families are doing pretty well! And their current strength can't treat us. What threat did it cause? In that case, as a member of Huaxia, I think it’s okay to give them a chance? Brother Zhuo and Sister Si Meng seem to be not very good-looking. I didn’t ask them carefully. They are relieved to hear that Brother Zhuo agrees. Now it is really strange to hear from you. Why is this?"

Old Wang showed the color of memory on his face and said, "Actually, Hang'er, what you did is not wrong. The relationship between our military and the three major families is actually very complicated. They have indeed been fighting against our military. . But, as they said, they have never done anything threatening to Huaxia. This is the fundamental reason why they have been able to stand on Huaxia for many years. Otherwise, no matter how high the price is paid, we will be destroyed. Theirs, how can they let them stay in China for development with peace of mind? Our military's struggles are more like internal struggles, and our attitude towards the outside world is still very consistent. Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng are actually the same as this The three major families have a lot of origins, and this is the reason that they both have always been displeased with these three families."

Old Wang remembered this, laughed, and said, "Just like our military will train some elite disciples, these three families have jointly held a selection conference in China. You know, these three The family also belongs to the top family in China. Their selection meeting naturally attracted countless folks who are capable of casual cultivation. In addition, the top ten rewards are extremely rich, and there are opportunities to join their three major families. There were even more participants. Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng were just newcomers who had just practiced at the time. Naturally, they wanted to show their fists and gain fame at such a grand event. However, when they finally reached the top 100, The two of them received news from the three major families, and wanted them to release the water at the last moment and cede the final top three to the disciples of their three major families. Of course, this was not specifically aimed at the other two, although they acted It is very eye-catching, but all the players from the three of them in the entire conference have basically received similar news. It's just that the two of them are also newborn calves, so naturally they will not agree. The three big families are not good for face, and it is not easy to take strong The measures only allowed them to continue to compete. In the end, the two of them also worshipped their strong opponents, won the championship and runner-up respectively, and slapped the three major families in the face. After this happened, the two of them would naturally not The idea of ​​joining the three big families again, and after rejecting the three big families again, they completely offended them."

Old Wang paused, and continued, "So, they were originally Ye Luzi's casual cultivators, but they were talented. After offending the three major families, the following years passed very miserably. Although the three major families are not enough. Directly on the two of them, but a few random instructions can make them suffer a lot. Later, it was Brother Zhu who discovered the two children and kept them in the military. Our military had already Having quarreled with their three major families, naturally I wouldn’t be afraid of anything. From then on, Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng entered our military, and with the support of our military, they slowly demonstrated their extraordinary talents. It has developed to the present point. However, their relationship with the three major families has never been eased. In addition, they have more and more say in the military, and naturally they will not have anything to do with the three major families. Looks good! So, in our military, the relationship between the two of them and the three major families is the worst. It is not surprising that there will be such a performance today!"

After listening to Wang Lao’s introduction and explanation, Lin Hang also understood the whole story. He regretted at this time and said to Wang Lao, “Teacher, I did not discuss with Brother Zhuo this time. Bring it here, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

Old Wang smiled and shook his head, and said, "No! As Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng themselves, of course they will not have any good looks for the three major families now, but they are also China’s Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng. The performance of the three major families is indeed okay. At least they have been working hard to cultivate, and they may not be able to make some contributions to China in the future. Therefore, for China’s consideration, the two of them will not object, that is, they will It's okay for a few days after the diaphragm should be used!"

After talking about this, Mr. Wang asked about Lin Hang's actions in Earth Star, "Hang'er, you have any clues about how these ten thousand races achieve their goals and get the'thing' they want. ?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, teacher, I already have some clues! They set up a large formation in the depths of the earth star to attract the spirits of the ten thousand cultivators who died on the earth star this time, and through this The transformation of the great formation, these spirits should have some changes in order to achieve their goals. It is just this great formation, I have no clue at all, but I have asked the great elder, he recognized this formation, and knows In ancient times, the Houtu Niangniang of the Wu clan studied this formation quite thoroughly. And this is the reason why the disciple went to "Hou Jie", and asked the high priest to copy a copy of the Houtu Niangniang's against this formation. Research insights and insights, but because this insight is too complicated, the high priest and I have no idea at all, so we can only let the elder and his elders study it. After the elder has made some progress, the disciples will start Observing this formation from the outside and cooperating with the Great Elder, you should be able to see something."

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