I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 303

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:38 AM

Chapter 303: Ye Guangyuan's discovery

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Lin Hang was quite speechless at this time. After the elder got the books, he couldn't wait to drive him away. But Lin Hang didn't mean anything unpleasant, he really couldn't help much if he stayed.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, Great Elder, you can do your research alone! The kid's clone will always be waiting here. If you have news or progress, just ask me directly, and the kid will leave!"

After speaking, after Lin Hang placed the clone, he really moved away from his mind and returned to the deity of Qingtian Island.

After coming back, Lin Hang really got nothing to do. Now Wang Lao is in a stable state, adjusting his state, and preparing for the next catastrophe. Since many of Huaxia’s disciples had something like Xiaoxi, every team was much more cautious. Coupled with the help of Lin Hang’s "Random Flashing Ring", under such circumstances, there would be no fatalities Lin Hang does not need to stare at them all the time. And the great elder here also said that studying Houtu Niangniang's experience also takes ten and a half months, so Lin Hang, who has been busy for so many days, has a rare free time.

And Lin Hang also took advantage of this period of time to sort out his recent cultivation base. In fact, he was sent out to lead the team not long after he had just entered the Deity Transformation Stage. There was still a trace of instability in his cultivation base. At this time, the focus is to stabilize the cultivation base. Otherwise, although there is nothing to see now, it is easy to leave hidden dangers, which will have a great impact on subsequent cultivation. Especially when the next realm is going to meet the catastrophe, it is of course not to be sloppy, otherwise it is easy to overturn the car with the excellent conditions like Lin Hang.

After seven days of such a peaceful practice, Lin Hang also successfully stabilized his cultivation and began to slowly move towards the middle stage of the transformation. But at this moment, Lin Hang heard the sound of knocking on the door of his lounge.

Lin Hang stopped his practice and felt for a while, and found that it was Ye Guangyuan who had just returned with the team. Lin Hang was very puzzled because he could feel Ye Guangyuan's excitement at this time, so he waved his hand to open the door and said "Brother Guangyuan, come in!"

Ye Guangyuan immediately walked in when he heard the words. Lin Hang was already seated and poured a cup of tea for Ye Guangyuan.

When Ye Guangyuan sat down, Lin Hang asked, "Brother Guangyuan, didn't you just come back? Why did you come to me? If you want to go to a new area, just find the clone outside! "

In order to make his deity more at ease, Lin Hang deliberately placed several clones on the Sky Island, in order to help the teams returning to rest and complete their long-distance teleportation tasks. Lin Hang considered that he himself might not stay on the Sky Island very often. If he is not there, these teams will not be so convenient to travel, so he came up with this idea. And this decision seems to be very wise. With the existence of the clone, it is indeed more convenient, and he can do more with his own affairs.

Ye Guangyuan smiled and said, "Lin Hang, our team just came back, how could we leave so quickly! I came to see you this time because I made a special discovery in the place where our team visited last time! "

Lin Hang was also very curious. He didn't know what caused Ye Guangyuan to be so excited, so he smiled and asked, "Brother Guangyuan, haven't you been to some remote areas? What is it that you have found? Can't control yourself?"

Ye Guangyuan smiled'hehe' and said, "Lin Hang, I believe you also know why I chose to go to those remote places? Isn't it just to have the opportunity to walk more, and then see if I can find the ethereal stone you mentioned? Let alone, Ye Guangyuan's luck is still very good, guess what, it really found some clues for me!"

Lin Hang, however, said this ethereal stone only casually. He didn't expect Ye Guangyuan to remember this in his heart, and he really made a discovery. He couldn't help but curiously asked, "This is a rare discovery! Brother Guangyuan , Where is this ethereal stone you are talking about?"

Ye Guangyuan didn’t sell Guanzi any more, and he explained, “That’s it! Lin Hang, this time we went to an area a little farther away from the battlefields of their tens of thousands of races, and found a strange race. They don’t know why. The reason is that I am not keen on this kind of battle, so I have never seen them before. I found that their clansmen have a sharp horn on each head and forehead, and this sharp horn, I killed one The people of their tribe found that the texture of the ethereal stone was very similar to that of the ethereal stone you mentioned! So I couldn’t help but changed the original plan and returned with the team in advance. Look, is this the one you mentioned? Ethereal stone?"

After Ye Guangyuan finished speaking, he couldn't wait to take out a palm-long sharp corner from his arms and handed it to Lin Hang. Lin Hang originally thought it was magical. After taking it, he started with a warm touch. The sharp horns were white and there was no impurities. After carefully distinguishing them, Lin Hang showed a look of shock.

Lin Hang said, "Brother Guangyuan, I thought you found something similar to an ethereal stone, but I didn't expect that this sharp horn is indeed made of an ethereal stone! Sure enough, there is nothing strange in the world, and there is a natural possession. The race of ethereal stones! But it is also strange. At that time, my teacher and I checked all the races on this planet, and we did not find this race, which is born with the sharp corners of ethereal stones! Brother Yuan, please give me a detailed description of the appearance of the race you mentioned."

Ye Guangyuan thought for a while and said, "Well, the members of this race don't walk outside very much. What we captured was also a tens of thousands of people who were in the base construction period. His height is similar to our human race, and his physical features are not much different. Apart from this sharp horn, there is also that their skin is silvery white, which is more conspicuous, and the others are nothing special."

After listening to Ye Guangyuan's description, Lin Hang also sifted through the various ethnic groups that he had seen with Wang Lao at that time, and remembered a race similar to Ye Guangyuan's description. However, in Lin Hang's impression, although the two monks of that race had silvery white skin, the sharp corners on their heads were pure black, not the ethereal stones in front of them. This puzzled Lin Hang, and Ye Guangyuan in front of him was naturally unable to answer his doubts.

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