I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 304

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:37 AM

Chapter 304: "The Ethereal Race"

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Lin Hang thought about it again and found that he had overlooked a detail. At the time, he and Mr. Wang were scanning for the top monks of all races. They did not pay much attention to the monks below them. It may be because of the differences between these ten thousand race monks that the performance of these sharp horns is inconsistent.

Lin Hang said to Ye Guangyuan, "Brother Guangyuan, don't worry, wait for me to check it out!"

Having said that, Lin Hang closed his eyes and exuded his own spiritual consciousness. Following the breath of Ye Guangyuan's body, he began to scan towards the point where Ye Guangyuan had obtained the sharp corner before.

During Lin Hang’s previous Golden Elimination period, with the help of "Spirit Expansion Tracking Array", his spiritual consciousness could cover the entire earth and stars. Now Lin Hang’s spiritual power has reached the late stage of God transformation, and this scanning is naturally very easy. of.

It didn’t take long for Lin Hang’s divine sense to reach the place where Ye Guangyuan was before. After a cursory sweep, he found numerous cultivators with white sharp horns. After further investigation, Lin Hang After discovering the clues, the sharp corners on the head of the monks whose cultivation level is higher than the Nascent Infant Stage will turn black, while the sharp corners of the monks who have not reached the Nascent Infant Stage are made of this white ethereal stone.

After Lin Hang learned the whole story, he withdrew his divine consciousness and said to Ye Guangyuan, "Brother Guangyuan, I already understand that there is no problem with this sharp corner, and it is really a natural thing on the head of one of the ten thousand races. Let me see if it can be used as the main material for storing props in the refining space!"

As he said, Lin Hang slowly wrapped the divine consciousness on the sharp corner of the ethereal stone in his hand, wanting to see if it was a complete material, but felt that there was a layer of space restriction on this sharp corner, this space restriction The existence of Lin Hang prevented Lin Hang from continuing to explore.

Lin Hang gave a light ‘huh’ and began to slowly crack the restriction. With Lin Hang’s current perception of space, it was relatively simple to break the space restriction on the sharp corners of the cultivators during the foundation period. So after a while, the prohibition on this sharp corner was directly cracked by the United Nations, and Lin Hang immediately sank into his consciousness and made another special discovery.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Brother Guangyuan, should I say you are lucky? Or should I say you are lucky?"

Ye Guangyuan had some unknowns, so he asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Lin Hang, why do you say that suddenly?"

Lin Hang pointed to the sharp corner in his hand and said, "I originally thought that a race born with ethereal stones could be so simple? And after breaking the ban on this sharp corner, I discovered An interesting thing. This sharp corner is born with an independent storage space. Now thinking about it, this is just a manifestation of the talent of this race space. Their talent in this area may not be weaker than that of the Witch race. The descendants of "Emperor Realm" can be regarded as the darlings of space!"

Lin Hang's judgment is not wrong at all. This race with the horns of ethereal stones, named "The Ethereal Race", was not well-known in ancient times. Although their spatial talents were very powerful, the Twelve Ancestor Witches that emerged at that time controlled most of the laws of the prehistoric land. Among them, the Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch who was in charge of space was the strongest existence. Under such conditions, they did not have an ancestor who could rival Di Jiang, so they have been forgotten, but for the same level, their talent strength should be no worse than that of the Wu Clan Di Jiang. Many pulses.

They are born with the sharp corner of the ethereal stone. This sharp corner is the basis for their power to activate the space. It also makes them more relaxed when comprehending the laws of space. And in every sharp corner of the ethereal stone , They are born with an independent space to store some things, although in the later stage, they will not use this space at all, but this is their own talent. After the cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, the people of "The Ethereal Tribe" will slowly refine the sharp corners on their heads, and when the quality of the sharp corners is improved, the material will become black, which is called It is a rare material of the ethereal black stone, which is more than a hundred times more valuable than the ethereal stone. It can't be found in ordinary places. However, after being refined and upgraded by the tribes of "The Ethereal Tribe", it can become their natural spiritual treasure. Very offensive and concealed, it is an existence that can easily change the situation of the battle.

Of course, these include the black ethereal black stone, Lin Hang is completely ignorant, he now only sighs the talent of "The Ethereal Race" is powerful, and has no other ideas.

After hearing Lin Hang's speech, Ye Guangyuan was even more pleasantly surprised, "Lin Hang, you mean there is a space in this sharp corner? Then can we use it directly? Can it?"

Ye Guangyuan originally thought that this time he had only found the material of the ethereal stone. It would definitely need someone to refine it before the creation of the real space storage props. But now hearing that there was a ready-made space in this sharp corner, Ye Guangyuan couldn't help but get excited.

Lin Hang smiled and shook his head, and said, "It seems that for you, Brother Guangyuan, this matter is really on your mind! Don't worry, since I have said this, then I naturally have a way to Let you use it!"

Under Ye Guangyuan’s gaze, Lin Hang directly made a knife with his right hand, cut off the bottom of the sharp corner of the disc, then put down the remaining sharp corners, held the disc and cast a trick, then threw it Ye Guangyuan said, "Here! Take it! Although this sharp corner is made up of ethereal stones as a whole, the location of that space is only at the bottom. This disc has been simply processed by me. After you bind it with your divine sense, you can use the space inside freely. You can hang it on your belt or around your neck. It’s up to you! Every time you deposit and withdraw items, Be sure to feel the spatial fluctuations that it brings and produce with your heart, which will be of great use to your future cultivation!"

After Ye Guangyuan took it cautiously, he could not wait to find out his mental power, and then directly bound the small disk, and then Ye Guangyuan perceives a space of about 100 cubic meters. Although it is not particularly large, it is more than enough to store some items. . Ye Guangyuan immediately took out some of the miscellaneous items on his body, kept putting them in and then taking them out, putting them in and then taking them out, it was fun to play alone. It wasn't until he felt Lin Hang's eyes that he stopped temporarily.

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