I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 307

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:29 AM

Chapter 307: On the eve of the catastrophe

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Lin Hang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Sure enough, whether it was his cultivation base or his enthusiasm for research, he was far inferior to the great elder. The great elder estimates that after completing these three days, he will not sleep for a long time in the follow-up. If this formation is not thoroughly studied, the great elder should not stop. Lin Hang was sure that the great elder must have studied the classics of the Houtu Empress three days ago, so he immediately notified him, and there would be no time to rest. Calculating this way, the great elder has been insisting on it for nearly 20 days, and Lin Hang estimates that there will be another 20 days, the great elder is really a research mad!

Seeing that an area has been sorted out in the distance, he began to pick up the classics of the Houtu Empress, and entered the great elder who studied the formation. Lin Hang did not bother anymore. He didn't even say goodbye, so he left with his heart. After the avatar, he returned to the deity who closed his eyes and rested.

Lin Hang had nothing to do. In the next time, he was practicing while waiting for the research results of the elder to come out.

After ten days in this way, Lin Hang asked the avatar to check the progress of the research of the elder as usual every day, and found that the elder had been holding books, frowning, and thinking about problems, and he knew that there were still difficulties. In the process of conquering, he will no longer bother, and prepare to study a new spell. Suddenly, Lin Hang looked ecstatic, and then showed a look of worry again, and immediately disappeared, appeared again, and had already arrived at the entrance of "Candle World". He couldn't wait to open the entrance and went straight in.

After entering "Candle World", Lin Hang did not run around, and went straight to the region of China.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered on the most central clearing in this area, including many high-level military officials, as well as the patriarchs of major families, and even the patriarchs of the three major families including the Liu family have arrived. Some younger disciples who practiced extremely fast, who had reached the Golden Core Stage, also came to the scene.

After Lin Hang arrived, he quickly came to the crowd, found Zhuo Sheng and others, and hurriedly asked, "Where is my master? What about others?"

Si Meng looked at Lin Hang with an anxious look, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, don't worry, your master is adjusting from high in the sky! The tragedy hasn't started yet, don't worry too much!"

It turned out that the reason why Lin Hang returned to "Candle World" so quickly was because the clone here got news that Wang Lao was ready to survive his first catastrophe today. After Lin Hang knew it, although he was happy to worry, he still couldn't help but come in person. Without looking at Wang Lao Du Jie, Lin Hang always felt that his heart would be very uneasy, so he rushed over immediately. But fortunately, it seems that he has caught up. Wang Lao's tragedy has not yet begun, everything is in preparation.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Hang took a quick glance and saw the many Patriarchs and disciples present, and said questioningly, "What is going on here, why are they here? What are they doing?"

It's no wonder that Lin Hang is so confused. He is also the cultivation base of the early stage of transforming gods. According to his cultivation speed, he should not be far away from the catastrophe. Therefore, Lin Hang still has a lot of knowledge about crossing the catastrophe. According to his understanding, when the monks are crossing the catastrophe, they usually find a quiet place and arrange many isolated formations so as to better avoid interruption. , Increase the success rate of crossing the robbery. But now in this area, not only there is no formation restriction, but also so many irrelevant people have come, Lin Hang is very puzzled, I don't know why this arrangement is made.

At this time, Zhuo Sheng explained, “Lin Hang, we and the patriarchs of these major families have all received news from Wang Lao not long ago. He asked us to have all the gold cores in "Candle World". The disciples over the period have come to watch his tribulation of crossing the catastrophe. We also have a general understanding of some things about crossing the catastrophe, so we don’t know the meaning of the arrangement of Wang Lao, and we have also asked him. , Did not explain anything. We had no choice but to follow Wang Lao’s arrangements. However, although Wang Lao acted somewhat unreasonably, he was always very sure of doing it. You don’t have to be too sure. Worried too much!"

Although Lin Hang wanted to fly directly high in the sky and asked Wang Lao to ask what was going on, because of Wang Lao's state at this time, Lin Hang still held it back and waited for the start of Wang Lao's robbery.

After waiting anxiously for half an hour, Lin Hang and the others finally felt the movement. Suddenly there was a pressure in the high altitude. Although this pressure did not come against them, it was just concentrated in a certain place in the sky. Point, but still gave everyone on the ground, a huge sense of threat.

With such scattered pressure, there is such a big deterrence. What kind of pressure should Wang Lao in the center face? At this time, Lin Hang's worries grew a little bit more, I wonder if Mr. Wang is sure.

At this time, Wang Lao's figure also appeared in the air, ready to meet the test of the catastrophe. At this moment, Lin Hang could also feel the presence of this transparent film at a height of about 100 meters from the ground. This transparent film seemed fragile, but it gave people a sense of great tenacity. Lin Hang understood in an instant that this layer of film must have been arranged by Mr. Wang in advance, in order to protect the lower part, and it would not help him or something if he did not receive the damage from the catastrophe.

You know, the monk’s catastrophe is only for individuals, which means that no matter what method you use, you can’t avoid it. Even if your body is covered with countless defensive formations, you will still be directly penetrated by the catastrophe. . And if someone wants to help others to overcome the tribulation with a high level of cultivation, the tribulation of the day will naturally rise to a terrifying level, and that level is definitely a hell-level difficulty. Few people can survive such a tribulation. Therefore, after some people tried it several times, the monastic world no longer took tricks or asked for help, because it was simply not feasible.

As the pressure came, the sky began to become dark and heavy. Large groups of dark clouds began to gather above Wang Lao's head. Slowly these dark clouds began to gather together, sending out some'Kazkaz'. The sound of electric current. Everyone off the court, as well as Mr. Wang himself, knew that the first blow of the tribulation was coming. Old Wang also looked upright, but still kept a slight smile, preparing for the first blow of the catastrophe.

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