I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 309

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:11 AM

Chapter 309: Nine Heavens Tribulation

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And Wang Lao's expression at this time has recovered, his mentality seems to have been adjusted, and he is ready to welcome the arrival of the fourth thunder.

Lin Hang and everyone off the court began to squeeze their fists for Wang Lao, facing the legendary Sixth Heavenly Tribulation, no one can remain calm.

But this thunder robbery didn’t care about anything, and fell directly on Wang Lao’s body, but this time it did not come to Wang Lao’s physical body, but went directly into Wang Lao’s body, which seemed to be straight. Go to Dantian! Everyone was arrogant and Wang Lao showed a surprised look. There are very few records of the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation in ancient books. They won't be known, because they either fell directly under the catastrophe, or they survived successfully without leaving a word. Because of this, everyone is very vague about this Sixth Heaven Tribulation, and doesn't know its specific situation. Now seeing this sudden change, it is a little hard to hold on to it.

The pressure that Wang Lao faced was unimaginable by everyone off the court, and in the purple light, everyone couldn't see the scene in the sky, and didn't know what the result would be after this thunderstorm bombardment.

As the purple light gradually dissipated, Wang Lao in the high sky didn't seem to be hurt, but his expression became a little weird, and the interval between the fifth and sixth thunder tribulations was extremely short. Soon after, after the sixth thunder tribulation, Wang Lao also showed his figure, and he didn’t seem to have changed before Hedu Jie, except that his smile reappeared on his face.

At this moment, Wang Lao seemed to have a hunch at the dark cloud above his head, watching the dark cloud continue to roll after six lightning beams, without the slightest meaning of dispersing. Judging from its appearance, it seems that the next Thunder Tribulation offensive is still brewing.

Originally, everyone was relieved to watch Wang Lao easily get through this frightening Sixth Heavenly Tribulation, but after seeing the undissipated dark cloud and its undiminished power, everyone looked down again. After coming down, if there is the next thunder tribulation baptism, it does not mean that the thunder tribulation of Wang Lao this time is not the sixth heavenly tribulation, but the nine-fold despair called the'death tribulation' in the history of cultivation. Heavenly Tribulation?

Even Lin Hang, who has the most confidence in Wang Lao, looked very ugly at this time. He didn't want to choose to believe in Wang Lao's strength, but in various legends and ancient books, the Nine Heavens Tribulation has always been described. The earth is extremely powerful. In the entire history of cultivation, few people have successfully survived these nine tribulations. Everyone who can survive will grow into a resounding figure in the world, a powerful and powerful person in the world. Although Lao Wang has always been so talented and powerful, I am afraid that there is still no way to compare with those great abilities. They are all characters who oppress an era.

However, when Lin Hang looked at Wang Lao, he found that Wang Lao's expression was extremely calm. He was not disturbed by the coming Nine Heavens Tribulation. Instead, he could feel Wang Lao's face as if there was nothing like nothing. Smile. Lao Wang's performance made Lin Hang a little relieved. Wang Lao has never been an arrogant and entrusted person. Faced with such a test, he can still maintain such a look. I think he should already have this in his heart. Some certainty is.

When everyone was anxious, the tumbling clouds finally condensed the seventh beam of thunder and lightning. Compared with the previous six beams, this seventh beam of thunder and lightning has obviously undergone a different change. It was much worse before starting, and the thickness was only as thin as the index finger, which seemed very inconspicuous. But the looming coercion emanating from it also made everyone understand that the last three heavenly tribulations of the nine-fold heavenly tribulation were definitely not in vain.

After the seventh black lightning beam was formed, there was no sign, as if it was teleporting directly, and it came directly in front of Wang Lao. This time the lightning beam did not attack Wang Lao’s body and Dantian, but directly It got into Wang Lao's mind, but Wang Lao didn't look unexpectedly, open his arms to welcome the baptism of the seventh thunder robbery.

It didn't take long for Mr. Wang to open his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about what he had just felt, and the two black beams of light after that were also taken over by Mr. Wang under the shock of everyone. After the last three thunder tribulations were over, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be unwilling, rolling continuously, but under the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, they slowly dissipated and the sky regained its brightness.

While Lao Wang was still in the air to digest the thunder tribulation, everyone in the field looked incredible. They didn’t want Lao Wang to successfully survive the nine heavenly tribulations, but the process of Wang Lao’s crossing the tribulations did seem to be somewhat different. It's an understatement, it looks extremely relaxed, and it doesn't have the terrifying deterrence of the legendary Nine Heavens Tribulation. This makes everyone wonder whether the description in the book is too exaggerated, and the Nine Heavens Tribulation is actually not that terrible?

And Lin Hang suddenly felt an aura around him, and he saw that it was the high priest who came here at some point. Lin Hang bowed to the high priest and said, "High priest, when did you come? Did my teacher really go through the legendary Nine Tribulations? But it doesn’t look like my teacher looks like It feels very difficult. There will be no problems, right?"

The high priest laughed and said, "Although I have not seen the real nine-fold heavenly tribulation, what your master has just experienced should be the legendary nine-fold heavenly tribulation. As for whether there is any problem with what you said, Of course I won’t be clear, I just felt the abnormal fluctuations here, and then I rushed over to check it out, just in time for the next six tribulations. I don’t know the specific situation either. I need to wait and ask. Your teacher. However, if you are able to successfully survive these nine tribulations, it seems that your master should be able to grow into a strong generation in the future as long as there is no accident. In this case, the future of our human and witch races is not so gloomy !"

Lin Hang nodded, and after listening to the high priest's words, he stopped thinking about it, and waited for the end of Wang Lao's digestion and absorption with everyone. After Wang Lao is over, and then ask more questions, you can know what the situation is.

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