I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 31

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:32 AM

Chapter 31: Public enemy?

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Lin Hang smiled and said, "Brother Chu, right? I hope you can say this when you meet me in the competition." Lin Hang is obviously not the master of bullying. Since this Chu Xiong made a provocation, Lin Hang He didn't choose to give in, and went back mercilessly.

Seeing the two raging swords, Wang Feiyu didn't know the situation of the two of them, so he hurriedly stood up, said goodbye to Ye Guangyuan, and then left the private room with them.

After the three of them left, Ye Guangyuan asked incomprehensibly, "Lin Hang, why is Chu Xiong so hostile to you? It should be the first time he has seen you."

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Big Brother Ye, this Chuxiong should be a talent trained in the military, representing the military in this competition. Since he is a genius of the military, he must have been seen by my master a few years ago. It’s just that my master didn’t choose him to be his disciple. As a genius, he must be arrogant and certainly not convinced. Now that I have become a master’s disciple, he will definitely set his goal on me."

Ye Guangyuan nodded and said, "Lin Hang, you have to be careful this time. Many people in the military will treat you as a target."

Lin Hang didn't worry too much, and said, "I just want to use them to train. If there are some weak characters in this competition, what's the point?"

Ye Guangyuan was thoughtful and was also touched.

In the other private room, Wang Feiyu and the three were also talking about it.

Wang Feiyu asked, "Brother Chu, what exactly is this Lin Hang? He shouldn't be a small character from your appearance, why I have never heard of it?"

Chu Xiong smiled rarely, and said, "This Lin Hang just popped up a few days ago, and the reason he is known is that he was accepted as a disciple by a senior in the military. You don't understand this matter. Our army caused a major earthquake. We all want to know what kind of character it is that can make Wang Lao change his mind, but today I saw a real person and I was a little disappointed."

Liu Rulong listened thoughtfully and said, "Brother Chu, isn't the old Wang you talking about the one?"

Wang Feiyu apparently thought of something, and said, "Isn’t it true? I heard from the elders in the family that this old Wang has a very high-sightedness. After all these years, Lin Jingtian from the Lin family came into his eyes. I haven't heard that he has a target for accepting disciples."

Chu Xiong took a sip of water and said, "This Lin Hang is said to be very talented, but he didn't get any news about his specific abilities. Mr. Wang valued him very much. I got the above news so that I would try not to offend him. He takes good care of him. But today I took a closer look. It seems that he hasn't finished his body yet, and I don't know where Wang Lao is after him."

Liu Rulong rolled his eyes and said, "I have an idea. Since he has old man behind him, it is not very good for us to be hostile to him. It is better to spread his news. Someone will definitely attack him. We It’s also good to see what Lin Yi is capable of, and to explore the bottom of this competition."

When Wang Feiyu and Chu Xiong heard Liu Rulong's suggestion, they both thought it was a good way. Therefore, after the three of them had eaten, they arranged their own staff to spread the news of Lin Hang's arrival in Beijing.

And Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan had lunch and returned to the villa of the Ye family in Beijing.

Lin Hang returned to the room. He did not forget what the master said. He was going to contact Tian Dayong and the others to see what they had arranged. Lin Hang called Tian Dayong, and after a while, Tian Dayong came to this villa. Tian Dayong's speed was obviously beyond Lin Hang's expectation. Lin Hang originally thought that Tian Dayong would definitely have to deal with the matter at hand before rushing to him.

As soon as Tian Dayong entered the villa and sat down, he said to Lin Hang, "Brother Lin is not doing well right now! Almost all the contestants in the capital now know your information and know that you have come to the capital. I listened too. When it comes to your news, I will rush over as soon as you contact me."

Lin Hang smiled and said, "What's wrong with this? Do you know what's wrong with my participation in the competition? They won't beat me one by one."

Tian Dayong was not in the mood for joking with Lin Hang. He still said in a deep voice, "Brother Lin, this time there are more than 20 people from our military alone, and more than 100 people from major families have come. Most people wanted to be Wang's disciple back then, but Wang didn't choose them. Now Brother Lin, you were born and accepted as a disciple by Wang Lao. They will definitely be unwilling, and they will definitely find ways to defeat you. Let me vent my dissatisfaction over the years!"

Although Lin Hang knew that Wang Lao had a very high vision, he realized that there were so many people who weren't taken by Wang Lao after listening to Tian Dayong's words. However, there is no fear in his heart, instead there is a hint of excitement. He is also trying to meet the younger generation of the supernatural world and see what else he can improve.

On the contrary, Lin Hang comforted Tian Dayong, "Big Brother Tian, ​​don’t worry, others don’t know, don’t you know? I won’t suffer. If they come to me, let them come. I just want to be here. Do some exercise before the game."

Tian Dayong looked at Lin Hang, who was relaxed and laid back, and didn't know what to say for a while. The task his master gave him this time was to ensure Lin Hang's safety. But in the current situation, Lin Hang obviously didn't intend to refuse the following challenges, and his mission would definitely change.

Tian Dayong also had nothing to do with Lin Hang, so he had no choice but to say, "Okay, but you have to promise me that you can't joke about your safety. Also, I will follow you from today to the end of the game. You let the nanny Arrange a room for me too." After that, Tian Dayong collapsed on the sofa in the living room, apparently making up his mind to live with Lin Hang.

Lin Hang was a little bit dumbfounded, so he had to ask the nanny to arrange a room for Tian Dayong, and Tian Dayong began to live in the Ye family's villa.

Early the next morning, Ye Guangyuan and Lin Hang finished their exercises and had a tea break in the yard. Tian Dayong also sat down leisurely.

Ye Guangyuan pointed to some papers on the table to Lin Hang and said, "Lin Hang, since I met Wang Feiyu and the others yesterday, our villa has received many such challenge books one after another, all of which are to challenge you by name. I think After a while, many of them are well-known figures for a long time, and some of them are tricky to me. Lin Hang, do you want to accept their challenge?"

Lin Hang picked up these challenge books with great interest, flipped through them, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, since everyone welcomes me to the capital so enthusiastically, how can I live up to their kindness? Brother Ye, please help. I will reply to all of them, in order, and say that Lin Hang has taken up their challenge!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!