I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 310

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:11 AM

Chapter 310: Successful

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After about ten minutes, Wang Lao finally finished the action, put away the transparent light film resting on the people's heads, and then slowly flew down and stopped in front of them.

Wang Lao glanced at Zhuo Sheng, and Zhuo Sheng understood what Wang Lao meant, and started the demobilization work of the people on the scene. In the end, only the military and Lin Hang and the high priest were left on the field.

Lao Wang met the priest first, and then smiled and said, "Thank you for coming here to wait for me to cross the robbery! Hang'er, so are you, how come back in person? Just let your clone come here to watch the ceremony. No need to come back specially!"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "Teacher, how can I, as your only disciple, not show up here for such a big thing as you crossed the catastrophe? Fortunately, I personally rushed here, otherwise I missed the encounter with the ancients. It's a grand scene!"

Old Wang knew that Lin Hang was talking about the Nine Heavens Tribulation just now, and said with a smile, "Hang'er, you don’t have to be like this! In the heart of being a teacher, you have always been proud of being a teacher. Baptism, and then go to the next level!"

The high priest on the side said, "Wang Min, what you said may not be accurate! Although we are also very confident in Lin Hang, this Nine Heavens Tribulation is not something we can encounter if we want to! When Lin Hang encountered the triple catastrophe, it was not impossible. In fact, this had no major impact and would not cause any harm to his future path."

Lin Hang actually doesn't care about this issue. Now he is more concerned about whether there are any hidden dangers in Wang Lao's passing through the catastrophe before, so he said, "Teacher, do you feel that there is a problem? I see you through it. The following six heavenly tribulations seem to be more relaxed than the first three heavenly tribulations. Is there any reason we don't know there!"

Old Wang laughed and said, "I felt a little strange when crossing the Three Heavenly Tribulations before, because from the various ancient books and the situation told by the seniors of the Witch Clan, every threefold Heavenly Tribulation A beam of thunder and lightning beams baptize the monks in all aspects, including physical body, divine consciousness, and spiritual power. After successfully crossing the calamity, every monk will get the sublimation of life level. But when I was crossing the first three thunder calamities, But there is no such feeling. These three thunder tribulations are all directed at my physical body, and I feel that the power is getting stronger every time. After the completion of the baptism, my physical strength is also stronger by one level. And the fourth thunder. After the robbery fell, I understood a little bit in my heart. The three thunder robberies in the middle were specifically for my spiritual power. After the successful completion, my spiritual power became more pure and the grade was higher. So. Before the last thunder tribulations fell, I had already guessed them. Sure enough, they were the thunder tribulations aimed at my soul. With preparations, these last three thunder tribulations were my three easiest ones. . That’s it, I have survived the legendary Nine Heavens Tribulation. I don’t know if there will be any problems, but I feel very good now, whether it’s physical body, soul, or spiritual power, all have reached a new level. , I don’t think there should be any problems."

The high priest did not speak. He stepped forward and put his hand on Wang Lao's shoulder. After a while, the high priest retracted his movement, nodded and said, "Well, there is really no problem. After this catastrophe. , Your various levels have all entered the level of the Tribulation Period, and your mental power has even entered the middle of the Tribulation Period. It seems that although the rumors of the Ninth Heaven Tribulation are terrible, once you successfully pass it, you will get a lot. Good. No wonder the monks who have survived the Ninth Heaven Tribulation in the legend, without exception, have become the mighty powers that overwhelm an era. You have just entered the early stage of the Tribulation, and you can already crush most of the mid-stage Tribulation. Monk, if this continues, the gap between the same ranks will only get bigger and bigger. Your talent is really powerful, even stronger than we thought!"

After speaking, the high priest continued to say with emotion, "This is a very worthy record. After all, this is the first time that the Nine Heavens Tribulation has appeared before a human. Although we don’t know whether it is every monk who has experienced the Nine Heavens Tribulation. , All encountered the same situation, but this is enough to leave some experience for future generations."

Old Wang nodded and said, "Well, this time I just wanted to make these disciples of China have the potential, or that the disciples who had the chance to enter the Tribulation Period at last come to watch the ceremony to see the situation of the catastrophe, and also for them in the future. I have gained some valuable experience on the road of crossing the catastrophe. Who would have thought that such a situation would happen. Fortunately, the crossing of the catastrophe was successful, otherwise I will make a joke!"

The high priest smiled and replied, "Actually, in your situation, you should not be afraid of such a catastrophe! The three-fold catastrophe generally tests all aspects, and your nine-fold catastrophe does test your physical body in batches. Spiritual power and soul, and in these three aspects, you have cultivated to the top of the current stage. Such a test may be for others, and there may be shortcomings in one aspect, which will cause the failure of crossing the catastrophe. On the one hand, there is no weakness. This is also the key to your success in the triumph.

At this time, the high priest thought of the milky white divine light emerging from Wang Lao just now, and said with a smile, "However, the secret technique developed by Brother Zhou Shu this time has also played a more important role, weakening part of the sky. The power of the robbery, but retains all the benefits of the baptism of the sky robbery. You know, the soul-thirsty person in the ancient times, because of countless killings and strong karma, so the sky robbery is also the nine-fold sky robbery, but he researched on his own The qi luck that came out to seize the method, countless qi luck added, successfully survived the catastrophe without any obstacles, and became a legend! Big Brother Zhou Shu has been unreliable, this time it is finally reliable! But your human race does It is blessed. There are also many disciples of the late transformation of God in the three major caves of our Wu Clan who are studying this secret technique, but they have not made much progress now, but you have already got the essence of it."

Elder Wang also nodded in agreement, but still said, "You don't have to say that high priest, I just happen to have some feelings, it's not that the predecessors of the Wu clan are inferior to me! But the great elder's. The door secret technique is indeed very powerful. I can feel that when the luck is added, the attack power of the tribulation is indeed weakened, and I can also overcome the tribulation more easily!"

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