I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 311

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:10 AM

Chapter 311: The Catastrophe

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The high priest chuckled and did not speak. Seeing that Mr. Wang had successfully survived the catastrophe, he stopped staying and was about to leave. Only before leaving, the high priest pulled Lin Hang aside and said, "Lin Hang, this time I came here, besides witnessing the situation of your master and his tribulation, there is one more thing, Yan'er It's about to face the tribulation period entering the tribulation period!"

Lin Hang's expression suddenly changed, and he said in surprise, "Sister Yan has already prepared everything, can I begin to cross the robbery?"

In fact, it’s not that Liu Ruyan has reached the late stage of transformation and is about to enter the tribulation period. What’s wrong, after all, when Lin Hang saw Liu Ruyan twenty years ago, she had already entered It's the transformation period, and it's actually quite normal to enter the peak of transformation in the past twenty years. However, Lin Hang was still unacceptable in his heart, Liu Ruyan had cultivated so fast, he had not yet achieved unity in his mind.

The high priest nodded and said, "Well, two days later, it will be the breakthrough time she has chosen by herself. Come and have a look at that time! It just so happens that some of your doubts will be answered by then!"

Although Lin Hang has always been very confused about Liu Ruyan's fast training situation, but out of trust in Liu Ruyan and the high priest, he has never asked in detail. This time the high priest took the initiative to say that there is an answer. Lin Hanging is naturally very happy.

But when he was happy, Lin Hang was also a little more worried, and said, "Priest, sister Yan has cultivated so fast these days, will there be any unstable foundations? Will this affect her? There will be more dangers facing the robbery next?"

The high priest smiled and said, "The Tribulation can only depend on yourself. The timing of the breakthrough is something that every monk can sense. Since Yan'er chose to break through two days later, she must have her own ideas. , I can’t help her, everything depends on her! Anyway, you must be there in two days!"

After speaking, the high priest left directly, and Lin Hang cleared up his mood and returned to Wang Lao and others.

At this time, Mr. Wang successfully crossed the catastrophe and became China's first master to cross the catastrophe. The mood of everyone in the Chinese military is naturally very good. Because Wang Lao not only became a master of the tribulation period, but also successfully survived the Nine Heavens Tribulation. The future achievements are naturally very bright. Wang Lao also represents China’s hope, and China’s future is suddenly bright. .

But in Lin Hang's heart at this time, he was worried about Liu Ruyan two days later, wondering if he would successfully overcome the catastrophe. Therefore, after Lin Hang congratulated Wang Lao, he went straight back to his room and waited silently for his arrival two days later.

In the past two days, Lin Hang did not leave "Candle World". Except for the daily exchanges with Wang Lao, the other time was spent in the room. After two days passed, Lin Hang immediately came to the high priest. The hall where it is.

When Lin Hang arrived, Lin Hang only saw the high priest in the hall, and did not see Liu Ruyan. He asked suspiciously, "The high priest, where is sister Yan? Isn't it already starting to cross the robbery? Right?"

The high priest shook his head and said, "No, you come with me!"

With that, the high priest walked towards the depths of the main hall. Lin Hang followed the high priest to the door of a secret room. Then, with a wave of his cane, the wall in front of him suddenly became transparent, and Lin Hang saw the secret room. Liu Ruyan, who was as cold as the moon, was sitting there, adjusting his breath, as if waiting for the beginning of the catastrophe.

Lin Hang didn't quite understand the scene in front of him, and immediately asked, "Sister Yan won't be in this secret room, right? But, such a closed environment will not cause any damage to this hall?"

There is nothing wrong with Lin Hang's idea. When preparing to cross the catastrophe, most of the monks will choose an empty venue like the old Wang before, so that they can better meet the catastrophe. Otherwise, the power of the tribulation will spread and cause great damage to the surrounding area. And looking at Liu Ruyan's current appearance, it was obvious that he had not prepared other venues, but was ready to survive in this secret room.

The high priest said, "Didn’t I tell you before? Every monk will be aware when he reaches the final stage of transforming a god, and they will vaguely know the best time to overcome the calamity, or it is the heaven. The time is coming. So before crossing the Tribulation, every monk will be well prepared, because they have already known it in advance. And the reason why Yan'er made such a decision this time must be because of her perception and others It’s not the same, it’s not an ordinary catastrophe!"

Lin Hang didn't quite understand the meaning of the high priest for the time being. What is meant by ordinary tribulation. Just as he was about to ask, Liu Ruyan, who was opposite the transparent wall, suddenly changed. Liu Ruyan, who was sitting calmly, moved from body Suddenly there was a flame without warning! The flame showed a faint pink color, without the feeling of warm burning, on the contrary, it gave people a feeling of slowly eroding.

And when the pink flame rose, the high priest frowned and murmured, "Is that true..."

Lin Hang noticed the abnormality of the high priest, knowing that the high priest must know what the scene in front of him means, and hurriedly asked, "High priest, isn't she going to overcome the catastrophe? Is it the fire in front of her? Is it the catastrophe that Sister Yan is facing?"

The high priest sorted out his emotions, nodded and said, "Well, what Yan'er is experiencing right now is exactly a type of heavenly calamity, called the Yinhuo robbery! Because most of the monks now are thunderous robberies of crossing. , So few people know about the calamity of the yin-fire. The yin-fire of the yin-fire tribulation is a kind of karmic flame. It burns not the spiritual power, flesh, and soul of the monk, but the karma of the monk. , So it’s extremely difficult to guard against. And in the history of cultivation, there are records of monks who faced the catastrophe of Yin and Fire, and very few of them can successfully survive, because it is not directly related to your cultivation level, but directly burns you. Karma, once your karma cannot bear it, it will be wiped out without leaving a trace!"

After hearing the words of the high priest, Lin Hang instantly widened his eyes, and said in disbelief, "Well, then, sister Yan is so fierce this time? High priest, didn't you say that sister Yan has something to tell me? How can she tell me now?"

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