I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 313

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:08 AM

Chapter 313: lotus

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Speaking of this, Liu Ruyan’s voice brought a trace of regret, "I have been able to cultivate to the present level, and I really want to thank the teacher for her selfless help! Not only helped me refine the assistance of "Demon Spirit" Lingbao, also taught me many secrets of demonized human form, so that I can get along with you without hindrance. However, all of this has stopped now, and I will never have the opportunity to be with you again! I thought As a demon clan, after the integration of "Demon Spirit", not to mention 100% certainty, but there should also be an 80 to 90% chance of being able to successfully survive the catastrophe, right? But in the end, God’s will make people, I actually met It’s probably because I was born with a bad life, no one blames me. It’s just that in the future, Xiaohang, you must protect yourself on the road of cultivation! Finally, I will tell you seriously. In a word, Xiaohang, I love you! I hope you will be able to continue smooth sailing in the future and accomplish your inner goal all the time! Also, forget me..."

After speaking the last sentence, the phonograph also lost its light, and slowly fell on Lin Hang's palm. At this time, Lin Hang had tears in his eyes and Liu Ruyan's voice and smile in his head. He was full of infinite regret at this time, hating himself for not being able to protect Liu Ruyan. As for Liu Ruyan's difference between the demons, it seemed to Lin Hang that it was not a problem at all. On the contrary, the loss of Liu Ruyan now was the hardest blow to him. It is only now that Lin Hang finally understands that at some point, Liu Ruyan has become an indispensable part of his heart, and with Liu Ruyan’s failure to cross the tribulation at this time, the emotions that have been hidden have finally exploded. It turned out that Liu Ruyan was also his most important person.

The high priest didn't know how to comfort Lin Hang at this time. Although she had known the identity of Liu Ruyan's demon clan early on, she could also see the feelings between the two. From the perspective of the high priest, she naturally hoped that Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan could get together well. But when Liu Ruyan originally decided to confess to Lin Hang, something like this happened. The high priest couldn’t help but sigh that God’s will trick people. The development of things can never proceed perfectly as you think. All accidents are So caught off guard.

But at this moment, Lin Hang suddenly remembered something, he straightened up suddenly, stared at the high priest, and said, "The high priest! Didn't I just find a lotus in the original futon in Yan'er? About this Is the lotus flower related to Yan'er? Can it be the basis for Yan'er's resurrection?"

The high priest thought about it carefully, and said, "Lin Hang, I can't give you any answer about this. Although I can feel the breath of Yan'er on this lotus flower, I don't know what this lotus flower and Yan'er have. I really don’t understand the relationship or whether it is the key to Yan'er’s resurrection. I will try my best to check the classics of our Wu clan, hoping to get some clues. Don’t be too anxious, there must be a way!"

Lin Hang nodded at this time and said, "Well, the high priest, I understand! It doesn't matter, this matter has nothing to do with you, no wonder you. Can you give me this lotus for safekeeping? I want to ask. Next to the Great Elder, he is so knowledgeable, maybe he will know something."

Although the high priest would know something about the great elder, and did not hold much hope, he did not say anything against it at this time, nodded, and gently handed the lotus flower to Lin Hang.

After Lin Hang carefully took the lotus flower, he grudgingly smiled at the high priest and said, "The high priest, in this case, the kid won't stay here any longer, take care!"

After the high priest nodded and agreed, Lin Hang left here, returned to the Huaxia area and briefly explained the situation with Wang Lao, then left "Candle Realm" and started to rush to the "Emperor Realm" without stopping.

At this time, the state of the great elder, Lin Hang had already roughly understood through the clone before he came, and he was still immersed in the study of the ancient ten thousand clan formation, and he did not mean to relax at all.

After Lin Hang entered the "Emperor Realm", he did not notify him, and he went directly to the hall where the Great Elder was. Since Lin Hang did not conceal his aura at all, even if he is the Great Elder who is concentrated on research, It was the first time that Lin Hang's arrival was discovered.

The elder looked at Lin Hang, who was looking like water, and knew that something must have happened. He immediately put down the research in his hand and said, "Lin Hang, why did you come here suddenly? Didn't let your clone inform me in advance? A cry, is it the tens of thousands of people outside, are there any moths?"

Although Lin Hang was anxious in his heart, he first saluted the great elder, and then said, “Elder, the matter is more complicated, the kid will make a long story short! You still have the disciple Liu Ruyan accepted before the high priest. Impression? Don’t be afraid of the great elder, you’re laughing, this Liu Ruyan is just my lover! It’s just that when she was crossing the first catastrophe, she encountered the legendary catastrophe! You also know The horror of the Tribulation of Yin and Fire, when the Tribulation is over, she has disappeared, and only this thing is left. Do you know what is going on? You have always been well-informed, you must know it is What's the situation?"

After that, Lin Hang took out the lotus flower that Liu Ruyan left behind, and then looked at the elder hopefully, looking forward to the answer he hoped for.

The elder looked at the lotus flower in Lin Hang's hand, and thought of the catastrophe Lin Hang just mentioned. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Lin Hang, if I didn't guess wrong, this girl Liu Ruyan, Isn't it Human Race?"

Hearing the words of the great elder, Lin Hang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly continued to ask, "Yes, right, great elder, you are not wrong! Yan'er is not a human race, but a reincarnated monster race! You really know What's the situation? Is there any way you can make her resurrect?"

At this time, the elder shook his head and said, "Lin Hang, I'm sorry, although I probably know what the situation is, but there is nothing I can do to help you! I just heard your description and saw this lotus flower. , I think of a vague record in an ancient book. Some high-level monsters, when they are fatally injured, will activate a self-protection mechanism, which will turn into their body, so as to survive the confrontation. Of the crisis, retain a bit of life."

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