I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 314

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:07 AM

Chapter 314: Reenter "Akabane World"

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The Grand Elder paused, and continued, "The reason why I think so is that the monsters that happened in this way are mostly the monsters of the plant system. The girl Liu Ruyan failed to overcome the fire disaster, most of them It is the effect of this inheritance that has been activated, and transformed into her body, it can be regarded as retaining a trace of the last vitality! However, as to how to deal with such a situation, or how to restore her, then I really have no way at all. I can only say sorry!"

Just when Lin Hang was frustrated, the elder said suddenly, "The monsters who can have such Nirvana rebirth function, in the ancient times, were all extremely powerful monsters, this girl Liu Ruyan must have been in her previous life. It’s an amazing existence. And even in the current situation, I don’t think it will be the end, but I have a way, you can try to take a walk!"

Hearing this, Lin Hang's heart instantly raised a glimmer of hope. He still knows a lot about the elder. The elder is a more rigorous person. If you don't have a certain degree, you won't be able to say it. Ask quickly. Said, "Great Elder, what can you do? You can just say that no matter what difficulties are encountered, I will try my best to complete them!"

The elder lightly pressed his hand, and said, "Lin Hang, don't worry! I just said to provide a way to try. As for whether it will succeed, I am not sure. I can only Say, this road is the best road we can find without understanding the situation now!"

When Lin Hang nodded and calmed down a bit, the elder continued, "Lin Hang, besides us, are there monsters on Earth Star? For these things about the monsters, I believe those monsters are also inherited It is ancient, surely better than us, maybe they still have a solution? So, I suggest you take a trip to the cave of the Yaozu and ask them about it. Haven’t you signed a contract with the Yaozu before Already? In addition, you have been a great help to them. This time you take the initiative to ask for help, and you will not be rejected. If they really have a way, even if it is difficult to achieve, it is not considered to be a Is there a goal to strive for?"

The words of the great elder gave Lin Hang a sense of drunk. He really forgot the existence of the monster race. In these years, apart from the clone who passed the "Red Feather Realm", he occasionally had some connections with the Red Feather and the Bai clan. , Basically there is no other connection. This time the great elder's reminder also made him wake up. According to the Akabane clan, they are also a great clan that has been passed down for a long time, and they must have very detailed records of some ancient classics. And they happen to be the monster race, I believe that Liu Ruyan's current situation must be better understood than the great elder and others. Asking them about it is indeed the best way so far!

Lin Hang nodded excitedly and said, "Elder, thank you so much! You really awakened the dreamer with a single word, and the boy rushed to the Monster Race's "Red Feather Realm", hoping to get the answer I wanted! "

After that, Lin Hang respectfully saluted the Great Elder, then opened the light gate and left "Emperor Realm". The Great Elder also sighed for a long time, and then continued to invest in the research of the Great Array.

Lin Hang here left "Emperor Realm", and after setting foot on the earth star, he cautiously came to the outskirts of Ningcheng in China before, and entered the entrance of "Red Feather Realm". This area at this time is not empty, but there are several different forces of tens of thousands of people, fighting each other. Lin Hang didn't want to have any sidelines, and snapped his fingers, and all the monks of the ten thousand races present were set in place. This was not simply restricting movement, but even the thoughts and heart beating were all still, it was pure and completely still. Surgery. After completing this move, Lin Hang easily found the space entrance of "Akabane Realm", and then easily entered it.

After entering "Akabane Realm", Lin Hang directly sensed the position of his clone. After calculating the distance, he teleported directly to the valley before. The inside of the valley was where the Akabane family lived for generations.

Lin Hang did not notify, but directly radiated the pressure of his own God-Transforming Period. Soon, Chi Ye, who was responsible for the safety of the Akabane clan, came to the valley.

After seeing the visitor, Chi Ye showed a look of surprise, and said, "It turned out to be little brother Lin Hang! I was wondering how the breath of the visitor gave me such a familiar feeling. I thought it was someone from the Bai clan. My friend, I didn’t expect you to be Lin Hang. Do you have any advice when you come to our "Akabane Realm" this time?"

Lin Hang's previous help to the Akabane clan was to copy and produce the rare materials that assisted the Lingbao, except for the three elders of the Akabane clan and the Chi Liming clan. Others did not know the situation. Therefore, in Chi Ye's cognition, Lin Hang is no longer in "Akabane Realm". This time I saw Lin Hang and he would react like this.

Lin Hang was already the cultivation base of the God Transformation Stage, and he still couldn't see Chi Ye's cultivation level. Obviously Chi Ye was also the Immortal Demon who had survived the tribulation. Lin Hang respectfully saluted, and said, "Senior Chi Ye, please also tell Patriarch Chi that I have something to do with Lin Hang, and I hope he can see me!"

Chi Ye only noticed Lin Hang’s cultivation at the transformation stage, and was a little surprised, but did not ask any questions. Instead, he nodded and said, "Okay! Father also ordered that you, Lin Hang, are our eternal friend of the Chiyu clan. Well, I won’t report anymore. Father has nothing to do at this time, so I will take you directly to see him!

Lin Hang saluted again and said, "That kid is naturally grateful, so please ask Senior Chi Ye to lead the way!"

Chi Ye nodded, and waved his hand to summon his "Demon Spirit". It was a big flaming bird. Lin Hang was already familiar with it. He was no longer polite and stepped directly on the back of the big flaming bird. Chi Ye led him all the way to the forest tree house group where the Chiyu clan was located.

The two came to the Chamber of the Akabane Clan, which is the tree house in the center. In the chamber at this time, Chi Liming and the three elders of the Chi Yu clan appeared here, apparently they had received Chi Ye's message in advance, and were waiting here in advance. Since the last incident, they have attached great importance to Lin Hang in their hearts. In their opinion, Lin Hang is basically the key to this catastrophe.

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