I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 318

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:02 AM

Chapter 318: action

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Lin Hang's eyes suddenly lit up. He somewhat understood what the great elder said about using advantages. If you want to safely enter the big formation and get the spring water of the soul power you want, you need to confirm the big formation. Are there any monks guarding the surrounding area? Last time, both Lin Hang and the Great Elder guessed that there were high-level guards of the ten thousand races around the big formation, so the first step is to attract the attention of this monk. Lin Hang can use his clone to attract the ten thousand races. Attention, and then let a clone enter the big formation, search for the soul power fountain in the center, so there is a great chance of success.

In fact, in Lin Hang's mind, there is another way, and that is to involve Mr. Wang, who is already in the tribulation period, to help implement such a plan. However, it is not certain whether the cultivation base of Wang Lao at this time can surpass those of the cultivators of the ten thousand races. Secondly, Lao Wang can be regarded as the trump card of the Chinese race. Some are too sloppy. Therefore, Lin Hang is still going to try it on his own. If there is no other way, he will ask Mr. Wang for help.

The Grand Elder looked at Lin Hang, knowing that Lin Hang had understood what he meant, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, if you can really enter the core area of ​​this great formation, you will see the legendary fountain of spirit power. Then you have to remember one word, that is-fast! For you, even a drop of spring water from the fountain of soul power can become a vast ocean, so you should shorten the copying time to a minimum. Once the copying is successful , You will go directly back to Qingtian Island and isolate all investigations, and prevent our peeping into their ancient ten thousand races from being discovered. In this case, we still have the opportunity to continue to monitor the final purpose of these ancient ten thousand races."

Lin Hang nodded and said in a deep voice, "Grand Elder, don't worry! In order for Yan'er's resurrection ceremony to be carried out perfectly, I will definitely protect my safety, and will not let us treat those ancient peoples Efforts are in vain! That being the case, my time is very tight, so I am going to start making a clone of the transformation stage cultivation base immediately!"

The great elder naturally has no opinion. He nodded and said, "Well, while you are making a clone, I will talk to you about the key points of the inner formation of the great formation, so that you can quickly find the best. The soul power fountain in the center. Otherwise, if you are not familiar with the situation, you will probably get lost in the big formation directly!"

In the next few days, except for learning some knowledge of the big formation with the great elder, Lin Hang spent all the time creating clones. Because according to Lin Hang's plan, he needs at least two avatars of the transformation stage to be able to execute and complete the plan perfectly. However, Lin Hang's clone ability can actually only make clones that are much weaker than his own cultivation base. His current cultivation base in the early stage of transforming gods can only create the strongest clone, but it is only in the late Yuan Ying. But because Lin Hang later learned the "Distraction Art", the clones could merge and merge their cultivation strengths. This also resulted in Lin Hang only needing to create enough Nascent Soul clones. After they merged with each other, It can break through the limit and reach the initial stage of transforming the gods, but it will not be able to continue in the future, because the clone is weaker than the deity's mandatory rules and cannot be changed. But being able to have a clone of the **** transformation stage means that Lin Hang can separate his mind to do more things.

Before Lin Hang led many teams of China, when he came to Earth Star to practice, the reason why he did not consider making a clone of the gods, came to visit and guide these elite disciples, because making a clone of the gods was actually one. A very difficult thing. It does not take much effort and spiritual energy to make the clones of Yuan Ying in the later stage, but the most critical integration step is very time-consuming. According to Lin Hang’s estimation, it takes at least half of the two clones to produce the gods. Time of month. If Lin Hang's mental power were not strong enough, this process would be extended. There is also such a special clone, which uses the secret method of "The Art of Distraction", and what it takes is to put the real spirit power into the clone. This is a kind of weakening of Lin Hang's deity. At that time, Lin Hang naturally Unwilling to make a avatar of the transformation stage came out, so that some of his usual practice was delayed, but some of the gains were not worth the loss.

Soon after twenty days passed, in front of Lin Hang and the elder, there were two more identical Lin Hangs, exuding strong spiritual power fluctuations, apparently reaching the level of the transformation stage, smiling on the side. Say nothing.

The elder said with a smile, "Lin Hang, these days have passed, I believe you should have some thoughts about the internal formation of that great formation. And I think you are the clones of the two major **** transformation stages. , Has been successfully produced, it seems that it is time for you to start!"

The spirit of Lin Hang's deity at this time has been a little sluggish. The two clones of the transformation stage of cultivation are not comparable to the five clones left in the "Emperor World" that are specifically responsible for managing Chinese affairs. The two avatars of the God Transformation Stage have merged many of the avatars from the late Nascent Soul Stage so that they can successfully enter the God Transformation Stage, and the mental power spent in them is fundamentally different. Therefore, Rao is still a bit too much to cultivate based on Lin Hang's current spiritual power.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, I am going to set off today. We have spent 20 days, and the retention time of Yan'er's soul is only two months. I have no time to delay. I’m going down, so now I have all the conditions, and it’s time for me to act. But my deity won’t enter the position where the formation is, and all the affairs will be completed by my two avatars , I just need to wait for news in this "Emperor World"."

After all, Lin Hang took out the jade key and opened the light gate of "Emperor Realm" to the earth star. The two clones walked directly into it and disappeared into "Emperor Realm". And Lin Hang's deity stayed in the "Emperor Realm", relying on mutual interaction with the clone to understand the specific process of the action.

After the two avatars arrived at Earth Star, they returned to the position of Qingtian Island in one of the two avatars. This time, the plan was still to start from this Qingtian Island. After the mission was finally completed, this place would be the end of the action. All the reasons are because of the key point of isolation and exploration of Sky Island, which will improve the safety and concealment of this trip.

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