I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 319

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:18:02 AM

Chapter 319: misfortune

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One of Lin Hang's avatars, after a rough scan of the divine sense, found no abnormalities, and began to move toward the depths of the earth and stars first. As the clone sinks slowly, it does not take long to approach the depth of the last encounter with the big formation, and Lin Hang has no intention of hiding his breath. The reason why he did this is because of his mission. It wasn't originally to get the spring water from the Spring of Soul Power. According to Lin Hang's plan, the key role of this first clone is to attract attention from the bright side, so that the other clone can act more concealedly.

Lin Hang’s first clone did not hide its aura, and began to circle around the formation. After more than twenty minutes, when Lin Hang thought that the formation was unguarded, suddenly The talent of "Omen" copied in "Mengyizu" issued a strong warning. Although Lin Hang did not have any sense of divine consciousness, he still moved a distance of 100 meters in direct space. He was concerned about the "Omen". Talent is still extremely trustworthy. Immediately after Lin Hang's displacement, a sharp claw passed directly through Lin Hang's phantom left in place. Its attack speed and angle were indeed room for Lin Hang to have no reaction. Fortunately, there was "Omen". This abnormal early warning ability, otherwise this clone might be destroyed directly.

Sharp Claw's first blow did not hit the target, and did not immediately launch a second attack. Instead, it slowly condensed into a figure not far from Lin Hang.

Lin Hang looked intently, and what appeared in front of him was an old man with a withered face, his whole body was very thin, and only the skinny skin was left. With his dark brown skin, there was an unexplainable weird feeling.

Under Lin Hang’s divine consciousness scanning, the thin old man in front of him didn’t seem to have any spiritual power, he was just an ordinary old man, but this was also impossible. Lin Hang felt a little courageous after the fierce claw attack just now. Trembling, how could such an old man be an ordinary person?

The old man opened his lips slightly and spoke fluent ancient languages ​​of the ten thousand races, and said, "Human race monk? Actually, he is already the cultivation base of the transformation stage. It is impossible for the human race above the stars to produce a character like you. Could it be that Are you from Ziwei Emperor Star?"

Although I don’t know what the old man said about the Ziwei Emperor Star, where it is, and what does it have to do with their human race, Lin Hang’s purpose at this time is not here, so he didn’t have any answer. He chuckled and went straight. Toward the inside of the big formation, you must go directly into it.

As a figure guarding the big formation, the old man naturally would not watch Lin Hang break into the big formation. Although he did not believe that Lin Hang could shuttle freely in the big formation, he still caught Lin Hang directly in the current situation. Let's talk about other things.

The speed of the old man is extremely fast, and the distance between Lin Hang and Lin Hang is not far, so it can be said that it is instant. But no matter how fast it is, it still takes time. Lin Hang knew that he couldn't enter the big formation. A dashing body went directly to the kilometer away. He could teleport directly to Qingtian Island, but in order to attract the attention of the old man, Lin Hang did not Fully demonstrated their ability to teleport in space, each time they only teleported about a kilometer, which also made the old man very annoyed, and did not want Lin Hang to leave directly, leaving with the secrets of the big formation, and could only continue to pursue With. In fact, in the heart of the old man, he was more convinced that the human monk who suddenly appeared in front of him came from the Ziwei Emperor. Today, only the Ziwei Emperor has some human masters. As for the Ziwei Emperor Star in his heart who came to Earth Star, he also wanted to know what was causing him to chase Lin Hang. However, in the center of the big formation, the old man still has the means to prevent others from entering, so he can leave without worry.

The two of them fled and chased, and they soon moved away from the depths of the earth star, and came to the surface of the earth star. At this moment, Lin Hang's second clone on Qingtian Island opened his eyes and faced Lin. The Honourable Hang nodded, and in an instant he teleported to the side of the large formation in the depths of the earth and stars, where there was the fluctuation of the space just left by the first clone, so he could come here so accurately.

After arriving at the destination, this second clone did not delay, and went directly through the outer large formation and entered the inside of the large formation. After so many days, Lin Hang learned the knowledge of this great formation from the great elder, and his familiarity with the inner great formation can be said to be very high. So after entering, after Lin Hang discerned the direction for a while, he walked directly towards the center of the big formation. In order not to cause a fierce reaction from the big formation, the route Lin Hang took was not a straight line, but passed by the elder. After calculation, the tortuous route developed. In this way, although the forward speed has been reduced a lot, it is very stable and quiet, basically it will not touch the changes of the big array, which will cause the feeling of the old man who has left before.

After walking silently for twenty minutes in this way, Lin Hang could feel that he was close to the center of the big formation, and forcibly resisted the excitement in his heart, Lin Hang continued to march steadily. Soon Lin Hang felt the change in the formation, where all the formations were gathered here, and Lin Hang knew that he had found the center of the big formation.

Slowly following the veins of this big formation, Lin Hang felt a strong breath of spirit and soul, and looked forward intently. The position in front, where all the veins of the big formation meet, converged into a pond with a radius of 20 meters. At this time, the pond was not completely filled. It only looked like half of the pond. Feeling the fluctuation of the water in the pond, combined with the description of the great elder, Lin Hang knew that the big pond in front of him was the spirit power the great elder said. The spring is now, and the liquid in it is naturally the spring water of the spring of soul power.

Lin Hang took two quick steps and quickly approached the spring of soul power in front of him, but when he reached out to enter the pond to fetch water, he felt a kind of obstruction. After a closer inspection, he found a transparent semicircle. The shape light cover has been covering this spring of soul power. The strength of this transparent light cover is very strong in Lin Hang's perception, and it cannot be broken in a short time. Lin Hang couldn't help feeling a little regretful at this moment. This time he was still a little careless. He didn't expect that these ten thousand races would actually set up such a powerful force on this spring of spirit power with the powerful old man guarding the large formation. Safeguard.

When Lin Hang was anxious, the second clone's expression suddenly changed. It turned out that it was through the first clone. Lin Hang already knew that the old man who was transferred had already sensed the invasion of the big formation and was trying his best to rush. come back!

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