I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 322

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:58 AM

Chapter 322: The mystery of the fountain of soul power

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Lin Hang took the jade box, and Chi Liming introduced to the side, "Lin Hang, in this jade box is the water of transformation. Although the water of transformation can barely reach the level of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is for the present It shouldn’t be too difficult for you. With the weight of this box, I estimate that it will take about 20 boxes to cover the lotus flower perfectly.”

Lin Hang nodded, and after scanning it, he scanned the transformed water and the jade box into his mind. After feeling the intensity, Lin Hang calculated the time required for twenty boxes.

As for another essential item, which strengthened Liu Ruyan’s spirit power fountain in the ceremony, Lin Hang had scanned it after getting it. Although there was only a small bottle, it was not very easy to copy. The spring water condensed by its soul power is indeed not so easy to replicate.

After the two sides were combined, Lin Hang was going to spend ten days to prepare all the things in these two areas, and then cooperate with Chi Liming and others to launch this restoration ceremony together.

Lin Hang spent seven days with the Akabane clan during this kind of copying work. And on this day, Lin Hang, who had just copied a copy of the spring of soul power, was about to take a break, but Chi Liming suddenly found him.

"There is such a change in the fountain of soul power?" After hearing Chi Liming's intention, Lin Hang also showed an incredible expression. Because Chi Liming found him just now, and told him that when the spring of soul power reaches a certain level, special treasures will be bred from it. Since such treasures are born from the spring of soul power, they can also greatly strengthen the soul, and Each piece will have some different special effects.

Chi Liming nodded and said, "Lin Hang, I am also curious, so that I can turn over the clan's classics about this spring of soul power. And an ancient book records that one of the ancestors of our Chiyu clan I happened to get an innate spring of spirit power, and when he discovered this spring of spirit power, there was a small tree growing in the spring, and a green jade Ruyi grew on the top of the small tree. When this jade ruyi was taken down, the whole tree was transformed into soul power again and returned to this spring of soul power. This jade ruyi was like a spiritual treasure and not a spiritual treasure, and the ancestor wore it on his body for a long time. Divine Soul grows all the time. Although the growth rate of every moment is not very large, it is always continuous. Through this jade ruyi, the Divine Soul has reached an incredible level and become a generation of powerful men. !"

Lin Hang didn't expect this kind of change in the spring of soul power, but then said in a puzzled manner, "But this Yu Ruyi growing in the spring of soul power may be just a coincidence. How are you sure about each Will a similar-sized spring of spirit power produce such items?"

Chi Liming laughed and said, "Of course this is not a coincidence, do you know? This spring of soul power, the ancestor did not consume a bit, but kept it there forever. After a period of time, it was long A spiritual grass came out. This spiritual grass was called the soul grass. Although it seemed relatively ordinary among the heavenly materials and earth treasures that strengthened the soul, it was still a rare existence! It was just that this spring of soul power was just Three such changes occurred, and no more items were produced afterwards. Afterwards, for the development of the clan, this spring of soul power was slowly consumed."

Lin Hang nodded, knowing why Chi Liming had found himself, and said, "Patriarch Chi, what do you mean is that if I copy and create enough spirit power springs, I can bred three treasures from it. The effect of the three treasures may be more than the fountain of spirit power itself? Then we can use this treasure in the following rituals to achieve better results? However, time is pressing, we really have time to wait for this Long?"

In Lin Hang's view, although there is no doubt about the authenticity of Chi Liming's words, according to common sense, the process of gestating treasures like this must be very long. The soul within the lotus flower that Liu Ruyan has transformed can only persist. It's been a month, and it must be too late to wait for the spring of soul power to nurture the baby, unless there is a way to accelerate time.

Thinking of the acceleration of time, a flash of lightning flashed in Lin Hang's mind. He remembered the enchantment he had used in "Candle Realm" to nurture the innate spiritual cloud and cultivate his own destiny, innate spiritual treasure "Dijiang Arrow". , In that enchantment, a hundred years passed in one day from the outside world! Thinking about it now, it is indeed more suitable for the nurturing treasure of the current spring of soul power.

At this time, Chi Liming was also asked by Lin Hang's question, a little embarrassed, did not notice Lin Hang's gradually clear smile, and said, "Oh, Lin Hang, you are right, I really lacked consideration for this. ! I just thought that this spring of soul power might be able to give birth to a magical treasure of heaven and material that far exceeds its own effectiveness. This is like letting you try it, but it does not take into account the time required for incubation! So it seems that we seem to be You can only use the spring water from this spring of spirit power, but that's okay. If the quantity is sufficient, the effect of the ritual will not be bad!"

Lin Hang had already laughed and said, "No, no, Patriarch Chi, your suggestion is just right! I have a way to greatly shorten the gestation time. In this case, after a while, we may be able to get A treasure that has a better effect to enhance the power of the soul, and Yan'er's restoration ceremony can be more perfect!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Clan Chief Chi, thank you for being busy with the kid's affairs these days, and also thank the Chiba clan for your next help. In order to express my gratitude, I decided to do this time After the ceremony, I will present to the Akabane clan three large-scale spirit power fountains, which can be regarded as my contribution to the development of the Akabane clan!"

Without waiting for Chi Liming to say anything to refuse, Lin Hang flashed away and left the chamber. The next moment he had already torn the space and left "Akafeather Realm".

After arriving at Earth Star, Lin Hang came to Qingtian Island. Many of Huaxia's disciples had been informed by Lin Hang's clone, so they all stayed on Qingtian Island obediently, digesting the absorption of this time. Lin Hang handed the lotus flower transformed by Liu Ruyan to his avatar, then left Qingtian Island, came to the entrance of "Candle World", opened the light door and entered "Candle World".

When Lin Hang led the team out before, he left three jade medals in "Candle World". Now he copied the jade medals himself.

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