I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 324

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:41 AM

Chapter 324: Soul Power Lotus

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After putting the spring of spirit power into the barrier, Lin Hang and the high priest waited quietly. According to Chi Liming, the speed at which the spring of spirit power before them bred heaven and earth treasures was about once every five hundred years. Although the number of Lin Hang's soul power fountain is somewhat different from that of the Akabane clan, the time difference should not be large, and it should be about 500 years. In this enchantment, one day in the enchantment of the outside world is one hundred years, that is to say, it only takes about five days to complete the first incubation of treasures.

Five days passed quickly. Lin Hang waited a little longer before taking out the cylinder of spirit power fountain from the barrier. When he first took it out, Lin Hang noticed the difference. Above the spring of soul power in the tank, a spiritual grass suddenly appeared. This grass has only one three slender leaves. Lin Hang said in surprise, " Soul grass! High priest, look, it is soul grass! Patriarch Chi really didn't lie to me, this spring of soul power can indeed breed such a similar treasure of heaven and earth!"

The high priest was not as happy as Lin Hang, and said, "Lin Hang, I also know a little about this soul grass. It is just the most common type of spiritual grass that strengthens the soul. Although I can't see it now, it is not as effective as the soul. What about the fountain of strength! If it's all of this intensity, it won't work, right?"

Lin Hang removed the soul grass from the jade tank, and then put the jade tank into the enchantment. Then he replied, "Priest, every spring of soul power has three chances to breed treasures. , And it doesn’t mean that treasures that exceed the fountain of soul power will be bred. Let’s look at the next two situations and then talk about it!"

The high priest nodded and said nothing. In this way, another five days passed, Lin Hang took out the jade jar again, and found that a small yellow flower had grown in it. This small flower also had only three petals, emitting not weak spirit power fluctuations.

"Soul Spirit Flower!" Lin Hang stretched out his hand to collect the soul flower, and once again put the jade cylinder into the barrier. Although the effect of this soul flower is slightly stronger than that of soul grass, it is not much different, and it does not reach the point where the true effect is against the sky.

Lin Hang was not depressed, waiting for the third birth of the spring of spirit power in the jade tank.

After waiting for another five days, Lin Hang took out the jade tank for the last time. As soon as he took it out, he felt a very strong soul power shock. This is the shock that will be emitted when the soul power reaches a certain level. The treasure of heaven, material and earth, is absolutely incredible!

Lin Hang and the high priest apparently noticed this, and they looked into the jade tank, and saw a green branch quietly standing in the jade tank, and on top of this branch stood upright. A lotus flower in bud.

The moment they saw this lotus flower, Lin Hang and the high priest both showed shocked expressions, and then glanced at each other in unison. Lin Hang asked uncertainly, "High priest, do you think this is a coincidence or... "

The high priest smiled bitterly, and said, "I don't know. Isn't it the first time I have encountered such a situation? But anyway, this lotus flower is very powerful and contains rich soul power. The restoration ritual used for Yan'er is totally fine. So, let’s not think too much about it, it’s not a bad thing anyway!"

The reason why Lin Hang and the high priest were so surprised was because the third treasure bred from the spring of soul power was actually exactly the same as the lotus flower made by Liu Ruyan! It's just that the lotus that Liu Ruyan transforms gives people a more real feeling, and this lotus is completely composed of soul power.

After listening to the high priest's words, Lin Hang didn't think much anymore, and carefully collected the lotus flower in the jade tank, and returned to the hall with the high priest.

Although there is still some time left, after discussing with the high priest, Lin Hang unanimously decided not to regenerate another soul power fountain, and to obtain three more treasures. One is because it is a bit time-consuming, and the other is that this unknown soul power lotus is already a very top soul power treasure, and three more items will probably not be able to surpass its efficacy. So, although this lotus flower is a bit weird, I decided to use it.

This lotus is not only the body lotus shaped like Liu Ruyan, but Lin Hang found that it has no way to scan and copy. Unlike the soul grass and soul flower before, Lin Hang has the ability to copy them. This soul power lotus is like it was only arranged for Liu Ruyan, and there will be no second one.

This trip to "Candle World" was regarded as a perfect accomplishment. Lin Hang planned to leave and go to "Red Feather World" to truly begin Liu Ruyan's restoration ceremony.

Before leaving, the high priest said, "Lin Hang, don't be too stressed! Yan'er's matter is not your fault. This time, if Yan'er successfully recovers, I hope you can deal with your feelings positively. There are some other things, the feelings between you should be pure!"

In fact, Lin Hang had only one thought in his mind since Liu Ruyan failed to cross the Tribulation, and that was to try his best to restore Liu Ruyan. Lin Hang didn't think much about other things. What the high priest said at this time was that he hoped that he could look at his relationship with Liu Ruyan from an objective perspective, and not to accept Liu Ruyan’s feelings because of impulse or guilt, or for other reasons. The priest regards Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan as his most beloved juniors, and naturally hopes that the two can truly treat their feelings.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Priest, don't worry! In fact, in the previous days, I have been evading a bit, and I have never touched this thing in my heart. For Yan'er, I have long been different It's pure affection. After Yan'er successfully recovers, I will treat her well!

After speaking, Lin Hang left "Candle Realm" in the relief of the high priest, and after taking back the lotus flower transformed by Liu Ruyan on Qingtian Island, he went to "Red Feather Realm".

Lin Hang stayed in "Candle World" for a month and a half, and the outside world only looked like four or five days have passed. At this time, in "Red Feather World", Chi Liming and others did not leave the chamber at all and just waited. The return of Lin Hang.

This time, Lin Hang did not let Chi Liming send someone to lead the way, but teleported directly to the door of the chamber. The chamber of the Akabane clan is also a more important place. Naturally, there are many restrictions, so Lin Hang couldn't directly teleport in.

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