I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 326

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:39 AM

Chapter 326: Resurrection

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Although he was very happy in his heart, Chi Liming still said, "Lin Hang, you have helped us Akabane so much. Haven't we already said that, Lin Hang is our eternal friend of the Akabane clan! For friends! , What's the deal with these things? I believe that if we have any trouble, you will definitely help!"

Lin Hang also smiled and nodded, took out the jade tank containing the spring of soul power, and said to Chi Liming, "Clan Chief, this tank of soul power spring has bred three treasures, so he directly gave it to You guys!"

Before Chi Liming and the others could say their refusal, Lin Hang continued to take out the soul grass and soul flower, and said, "This soul grass and this soul flower are also bred from this spring of soul power. These two treasures will be given to you together!"

Chi Liming shook his head and said, "Lin Hang, these are too precious. Your human race should also need these things. We are really embarrassed to accept them like this! The reason why we help you is not Coveting these things is just to help friends."

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Patriarch Chi, if these treasures are not found, they are really precious, but now that I have the first one, it is no longer so difficult for me, Lin Hang! So ah, These two pieces are only the first batch, and I will provide you with some treasures for the Akabane clan in the future. Just keep them!"

Chi Liming said in surprise, "Lin Hang, you mean this soul grass and soul flower can also be copied directly?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Patriarch Chi, this soul grass and soul flower seem to be plants that I can't replicate, but they are composed of soul power and have no vitality. Of course, they are also within my scope of replication. . Although it is a bit harder to copy than other ordinary items, it can still be completed. Therefore, when my cultivation base reaches a higher level, the next generation of disciples in the future development, the treasure to upgrade the soul, should be There will be no shortage!"

Lin Hang had already said so, Chi Liming no longer declined, and turned around to confess a few times, and the three elders of the Chiyu clan left here early with the spirit power fountain and two other treasures gifted by Lin Hang.

Chi Liming said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, we know that you will definitely not leave here until the transformation is completed, so we have sealed off this area. There will be no one before you come out. I’m here to disturb you, just wait here with peace of mind!"

After saying that, Chi Liming also turned and left here. Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan who was slowly transforming in the Yuding, his eyes became gentle, and after careful calculations for a while, Lin Hang probably understood the time required for the transformation. When time was still a bit rich, Lin Hang was ready to copy some soul grass and soul flower as a follow-up gift of thanks to the Akabane clan.

Five days passed steadily in this way. On this day, Lin Hang stopped the work of copying and began to stare at the Yuding. According to his estimation, Liu Ruyan's transformation was completed, and it was almost completed.

And in the jade cauldron at this time, all the water of transformation had disappeared, and the original lotus body was completely gone. In the jade cauldron now lies a human figure covered with golden light.

After a while, the human-shaped light and shadow in the jade cauldron slowly stood up, and the golden light from the whole body slowly faded from bottom to top, turning into a set of golden dresses. When the last face appeared, Lin Hang held back the thoughts in his heart. Excited, the face that appeared, as cold as a moon, was Liu Ruyan with her eyes closed.

When the golden light had all receded, Liu Ruyan in mid-air also opened his eyes, looking at Lin Hang below, could not help but call out, "Xiao Hang!"

Lin Hang trembled all over his body when he heard this call. He had already determined that Liu Ruyan had really recovered. He stopped waiting and rushed directly into the air. He held Liu Ruyan in his arms, and kept talking He said softly, "Great! Yan'er, you have finally recovered! Yan'er, I will never let you leave me again!"

Liu Ruyan had just recovered, and he actually didn't understand all of this after he turned into a lotus flower. Lin Hang's sudden move made Liu Ruyan a little at a loss. The next moment, Liu Ruyan thought of something, and said shyly, "Xiao Hang, you... have you heard all the messages in the phonograph?"

Lin Hang gently let go of Liu Ruyan at this time, holding Liu Ruyan's shoulders with both hands, and said with a smile, "Well, Yan'er, the content in the phonograph stone, I have been listening every day! After that, I missed you all the time, and now I finally succeeded in recovering you! Yan'er, promise me that I will never take this risk in the future! If I lose you again, I will be crazy!"

Liu Ruyan now understands that Lin Hang already knows her feelings, and is immediately very embarrassed, but hearing Lin Hang's affectionate words, Liu Ruyan knows that his feelings have not been paid wrongly, and nodded heavily, and said, "Xiao Hang, When I knew that I was going to survive the catastrophe of the fire, my heart was really painful! Originally, I thought I successfully integrated the "Demon Spirit", and after the catastrophe, I can tell you clearly that I have never I’ve told you the secret, but this change has made me shrink again! Don’t worry, although I don’t know how I was born again, I will never take the risk anymore for the sake of you and for both of us! You should have had a hard time this period of time?"

As he said, Liu Ruyan stretched out his hand and slowly stroked Lin Hang's cheek, his face was full of distress.

Lin Hang also stretched out his hand to hold Liu Ruyan's hand, and said with a smile, "Yan'er, as long as you can recover, what is my bitterness? However, this restoration ceremony is still the first trial. Do you feel anything strange or uncomfortable?"

Liu Ruyan also just recovered. At this time, after a divine sense investigation, he said, "Xiaohang, what's going on? My current realm has entered the tribulation period, and the strength of the divine soul is a little too strong. It's too powerful. It has reached the exaggerated end of the Tribulation. What have you done Xiaohang during this period of time when I became the main body?"

Lin Hang was not surprised. That soul power lotus was originally a first-class soul treasure, and it was not surprised that it had the effect it is now. What he cared about was whether Liu Ruyan left behind.

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