I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 327

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:39 AM

Chapter 327: Thanks

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Lin Hang said with a smile, "It's amazing! Yan'er, do you know where this is?"

Liu Ruyan shook his head, and Lin Hang introduced with a smile, "Yan'er, here is a monster cave sky above the earth and stars, called "Akafeather Realm". I will come because you are the identity of the monster clan. Ask them how to restore you. No, with their help, I successfully restored you!"

Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan out of this area, preparing to take Liu Ruyan to see Chi Liming. Along the way, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan talked about how she recovered and told her to wait for a while. When you see Chi Liming and others, you must thank you very much.

Before long, Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan to the meeting room of the Akabane clan. In the meeting hall at this time, the three elders of the Akabane clan were no longer here. Only Chi Liming and the original Xiao Ling'er were present. Waiting for Lin Hang to arrive.

The two had just stepped into the hall, before Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan could say hello, Chi Liming exclaimed, "Fairy Jinlian?! How could it be possible?"

Under normal circumstances, when encountering some strange things, Chi Liming should be able to endure the surprise in his heart and would not show it. This time he actually made such an exclaim, one can imagine how shocked Chi Liming's heart is.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan naturally heard Chi Liming's voice, and Lin Hang asked strangely, "Clan Chief Chi, Fairy Jinlian? Are you talking about my love?"

Liu Ruyan also looked confused, and didn't know what the Golden Lotus fairy in Chi Liming's mouth meant. Chi Liming glanced at Liu Ruyan again, found Liu Ruyan’s expression, and said, “Lin Hang, I’m very sorry! Forgive me for my rudeness. It’s just the girl’s appearance. Da Neng is too similar, it's exactly the same! And this Da Neng is very famous in the legend of our monster race, so when I saw the girl, I couldn't help but say it, Lin Hang, don't take it off! "

When he heard Chi Liming’s explanation, Lin Hang suddenly remembered that when Liu Ruyan saw the first side of the high priest, the high priest once said that Liu Ruyan looked like a person, but for some reason. , The high priest never mentioned this topic again. And today, when he heard the same words in Chi Liming's mouth again, Lin Hang couldn't help but pay attention.

Lin Hang said, "Clan Chief Chi, I don't know if you can introduce this golden lotus fairy from your demon clan? This is the first time the kid heard this, so he is really curious!"

Chi Liming nodded, and said, "What's wrong with this? This golden lotus fairy was famous in ancient times! She is a powerful and powerful man active in the time after the end of the Lich War. It is rumored that the body is a plant. The golden lotus is called the Golden Lotus Fairy. She is one of the few powers of our demons who is kind to the human race and the witch race, which also makes her repelled by some good warrior powers. , Fairy Jinlian is very powerful. Although she is alone and has no power of her own, she has been fighting against those powers and not falling off the wind. But afterwards, for some reason, she suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. But the reason why Fairy Jinlian can remember for our entire Monster Race is that she once made a major contribution to our Monster Race, so each of the Monster Race races has kept her portrait, so that future generations can also remember it. For her meritorious deeds. I have been fascinated by this legend for a long time. No, seeing someone so similar to Fairy Jinlian is naturally a little hard to control!"

"The body is a golden lotus? Is it also a lotus?" Lin Hang revealed a look of doubt. The legendary Golden Lotus fairy who has the same appearance as Liu Ruyan, the body is actually a lotus, which is too coincidental. Not only the appearance is the same, but the body is also a lotus flower. Lin Hang feels that Liu Ruyan must have something to do with the golden lotus fairy, but there is no way to solve the mystery right now.

Chi Liming nodded and said, "Although no one in the record has seen the body of this golden lotus fairy, her body is a golden lotus, but it is a recognized fact in the Yaozu. If it weren't for this girl, I have already seen After that, it is not the same golden lotus, I would really think it was the golden lotus fairy reappearing!"

Lin Hang glanced at Liu Ruyan and found that she was still at a loss. Obviously, there was no information about this fairy Jinlian in her memory. Since there is no clue for the time being, Lin Hang is no longer entangled, and smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now! Yan'er and I came here this time to show her to see you and to meet you again. Thank you so much!"

At this time, Liu Ruyan bowed to Chi Liming and said softly, "Ruyan thanks Senior Chi for his help! I have already learned from Lin Hang that Ruyan can successfully resurrect this time thanks to the provided by Senior Chi. The method, and the secret support afterwards! Here, Ruyan also said, if you need my help in the future, Ruyan will definitely not refuse!"

Chi Liming hurriedly said, "I told Lin Hang! This time there is really nothing to help. You are Lin Hang's lover, so naturally you are also a friend of our Chiyu clan. Besides, everyone is a monster. , We have no reason not to help!"

Liu Ruyan looked resolute and said, "Senior Chi, you may think this time is not a great help to you, but for Lin Hang and me, it would be a great help! Without you Ruyan should have exhausted his soul and vitality by now, and has completely fallen! So, our thanks, you must accept it!"

While Liu Ruyan was talking, Lin Hang took out the harvest that had been replicated in the past five days, stepped forward and put it on the table next to Chi Liming, and then said, "Patriarch Chi, these twenty soul grasses and ten The five soul flowers were created by me in the past few days. They should be able to meet the needs of your Akabane clan for a period of time. Don’t worry, as long as I’m Lin Hang, I will never stop about this. This can be regarded as my gratitude to you!"

Chi Liming wanted to refuse, but couldn't compete with Lin Hang, so he had to accept it. It just so happened that after they received Lin Hang's help, a large number of disciples have successfully integrated "Demon Spirit", and some of the cultivators of the age-changing **** have successfully overcome the calamity and become the new members of the Akabane clan. Master crossing the robbery period. These people really need these treasures to strengthen their souls.

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