I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 328

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:38 AM

Chapter 328: Time 《Sankai》

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Chi Liming said, "Well, Lin Hang, this time I will be shameless in front of you once, and accept these things from you! I just want to say, our Chiyu clan for cooperation with you and the Wu clan behind you , Is very sincere! Because we all know how terrifying the next heaven and earth catastrophe will be, so only by gathering power can we face the catastrophe. These rumors have long disappeared on the earth and stars. The forces of the ten thousand races show that this great catastrophe really affects the heavens and all realms. All sentient beings have a great catastrophe that no one can avoid. We hope to continue to cooperate like this in the coming days, what do you think? ?"

Lin Hang nodded heavily and said, "Clan Chief Chi, these years have passed, and I already know your Chiyu clan better, and I naturally understand your thoughts. Don't worry, our human and witch clan’s early ultimate The goal is to lead the tribe through the calamity together, and it fits perfectly with your goals! I believe that as long as we work together, this time the calamity will not be a problem!"

The three chatted for a few more words, and Lin Hang said, "Patriarch Chi, we have been out here for some time. The good news of Yan'er's resurrection has also been notified to some elders. They are also a little anxious at this time, so , We will leave first. If there is anything later, you can contact my clone and I will get news as soon as possible!"

Speaking of Lin Hang waved his hand, a avatar of the peak cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage appeared in the chamber, and smiled at Chi Liming and Xiao Linger by the side.

It was the first time that Chi Liming saw Lin Hang cast his clone. He was a little surprised and nodded and said, "Well, Miss Liu's resurrection is a major event. You should definitely go back to meet your elders! Lin Hang, you should go back first! Our "Red Feather World" has always been Here, if you and Miss Liu want to come, you can come anytime, and we are always welcome!"

Lin Hang nodded, not forgetting to beckon to the little Linger on the side, and then left "Akabane Realm" with Liu Ruyan.

And at this time, when Lin Hang was busy with Liu Ruyan, he still kept observing the situation of the earth and stars. Even Lin Hang's clone had ventured to observe the situation of the large formation in the depths of the earth and stars on the Sky Island, and discovered a strange situation. The many monks of the ten thousand races above the earth star were not affected at all, and they were still continuing their plan in an orderly manner. Every day, many souls were sucked into the hall deep in the earth star. And this large formation in the depths of the stars, since Lin Hang stole a bottle of the spring water of the spirit power, it has restored its former calm. The old man of the ten thousand races who guarded the large formation seems to have never appeared before. The slightest strange reaction.

However, after Lin Hang stole the spring water from the spring of soul power, Liu Ruyan now has successfully resurrected. During this period, many Chinese teams have been kept on Qingtian Island in order to prevent these tens of thousands of people from attacking the human race. Implement retaliation. Although it may seem like a superfluous act now, there is nothing wrong with such a move just in case.

Lin Hang thought for a while, decided not to let these disciples of Huaxia enter the Earth Star Experience for the time being, and waited until he returned to discuss with Mr. Wang before making a decision.

Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan, opened the light door and entered the "Candle World", without stopping in the middle, he went directly to the hall of the high priest. At this time, the high priest had already learned from Lin Hang's clone that Liu Ruyan had successfully resurrected and would return soon, and had already waited early.

In the hall of the high priest, Liu Ruyan saw the high priest and couldn't help but knelt down. He opened his mouth and said with tears in his voice, "Master, disciple... are back...".

Seeing this scene, the high priest also had tears in his eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward to lift Liu Ruyan up, and said softly, "Yan'er, it's good to be back, and it's good to be back!"

Lin Hang on the side was a little uncomfortable. After a while, he scratched his head and said, "Priest, Yan'er finally came back. You two must have a lot to say? Then I will go back and talk to my master first. Come here again!"

After all, Liu Ruyan had already put on some shame at this time, and Lin Hang hurried out of the hall in the high priest's smiling eyes, and came to the realm of Huaxia.

Lao Wang also knew the news of Lin Hang's return in advance, and there was no special business at this time, so he waited for Lin Hang's arrival in his room.

After finally seeing Lin Hang, Wang Lao saw that there was only Lin Hang and said teasingly, "Hang'er, why are you alone in coming back, what about Liu Ruyan?"

Lin Hang didn't expect that the first sentence of Wang Lao was actually such a joke. He was a little embarrassed immediately. After entering the house and finding a place to sit down, he said, "Ah, teacher, Yan'er. She is at the high priest's place! You know, since Yan'er left Liu's house, she has never returned. In this "Candle World", she is the closest to the high priest! This is not just coming back, of course Go to the high priest's side first. But don't be angry. After a while, the disciple will definitely bring her to see you!"

Old Wang smiled and said, "You child, what am I angry about? Liu Ruyan, a girl who can be resurrected, is also happy for the teacher, and can survive the fire and disaster. This is also a rebirth of Nirvana! I hope everything will be possible in the future Go well, and I hope you two can work together in the future and move towards the peak of the monk!"

Lin Hang nodded and said respectfully, "Thank you for the teacher's expectation! The disciple will definitely work hard in the future, but if the disciple can really have this day, I also hope to have your testimony! But, teacher, you have survived A genius who is born out of the Nine Heavens Tribulation, the achievements of the disciples in the future may not be higher than yours! Maybe in the future, it will be the disciples who will watch you reach the top?"

Old Wang laughed and said, "Okay, don't tell me this, you kid! You came to see me this time, it can't be just for this, you should have something to tell me Right?"

Because of time constraints, Lin Hang only talked about Liu Ruyan's situation with Wang Lao. He didn't tell Wang Lao some specific details and circumstances, so Wang Lao only knew the identity of Liu Ruyan's demon clan and the yin fire. After the failure of the Tribulation, Lin Hang already had a way to bring Liu Ruyan back to life, and he didn't understand the others, so Wang Lao didn't know the changes of Earth Star at this time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!