I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 329

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:35 AM

Chapter 329: Description

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Lin Hang said, "Teacher, the way that Yan'er can resurrect this time was obtained by the disciple, under the reminder of the elder, when he went to the Chiyu clan in "Akabane Realm" to ask for help. Yan'er failed in the triumph. After that, it turned into her body lotus, and under the reminder of the Akabane clan, the disciple discovered that there was still a trace of smoke in the lotus, and this trace of soul was the key to Yan'er's resurrection."

After a pause, Lin Hang continued, "And in the method provided by the Akabane clan, it is necessary to use a heavenly material and earth treasure that can enhance the power of the soul to protect the immortality of Yan'er and the success of resurrection. You too. I know that in ancient times, such treasures were extremely rare, let alone today’s earth and stars. At first I thought there was no hope, until I asked the elder, he gave me the last hope."

Elder Wang also showed an expression of interest at this time. He also knew how rare the heavenly materials and earth treasures that could enhance the power of the souls were. He did not know how the Great Elder solved this problem.

For Lin Hang, this incident can be regarded as a deep memory. Lin Hang was also in recollection at this time, and said, "At this time, the great elder happened to study the great formation of the ancient ten thousand clan in the depths of the planet. , Has made good progress. The great elder analyzed that this large formation set up by the ancient ten thousand races, in addition to the external formation that can attract the cultivators’ spirits, there is also an internal formation that compresses the power of the spirits. This internal formation will All the absorbed souls are transformed into the purest and most pure and primitive soul power. At the core of the formation, these compressed soul powers have gathered into a legendary spring of soul power!"

"The fountain of soul power? The fountain of soul power made artificially?" Wang Lao had also heard of the name of the fountain of soul power, but he did not expect that these ancient ten thousand races would have the ability to artificially build one.

Lin Hang nodded and continued, "Well, the disciple went to the big formation personally later, confirmed the elder's guess, and successfully obtained a bottle of spring water from the Spring of Soul Power."

Lao Wang knew now that Lin Hang had experienced too many things in this short period of time, and heard that Lin Hang entered the depths of the earth star to get the spring water from the Spring of Soul Power, and couldn't help but say , "Hang'er, didn't you guess that there should be high-ranking monks of ten thousand races guarding this big formation? How did you succeed in this situation?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, I thought of this at the time with the Great Elder. In order to prevent this high-level monk, I made two clones of the transformation stage. During the action, I first sent a clone into the ground. On the edge of the big formation in the depths of the stars, a cultivator of the tribulation period appeared! Oh, yes, I almost forgot, as soon as he appeared, I thought I was a human cultivator from some Ziwei Emperor. I haven’t really heard of this Ziwei Emperor. If I have time, I still have to ask the elders for advice. It is for this reason that this monk of ten thousand races has been chasing me, too. In this way, my clone can lead him away. When he was distracted by me, my second clone entered directly into the formation, relying on the research of the formation by the elder, this clone Successfully entered the core of the big array."

Old Wang nodded and said, "Well, although this method is simple, it is indeed very practical! You entered this core area, and then you took the spring water from the spring of soul power and left?"

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "No, things are not that simple. At the core of this formation, there is indeed the existence of the spring of spirit power, but above the spring, there is a transparent mask blocking it. .Think about it, for such an important thing, they might not set up more insurance? At this critical time, I originally wanted to give up temporarily. After all, I have understood the situation. I can invite you to visit next time. , Should also be able to deal with the cultivator of the ten thousand races who crossed the Tribulation Period."

Lao Wang also felt that under such circumstances, Lin Hang's idea was fine, and the monk who had passed through the catastrophe period, Wang Lao thought he could still deal with it. Just listening to what Lin Hang said, it was obvious that he solved it directly, so he asked curiously, "Then how did you solve it? Listen to what you mean, this mask should not be destroyed in a short time. If you do, it will definitely attract attention, so I'm very curious about your situation at that time."

Lin Hang said with a smile, "To be honest, teacher, I still don't know what the reason is about this."

Having said that, Lin Hang took out the small golden umbrella. At this moment, the spirituality in this small umbrella fell into a deep sleep after absorbing the light mask, so the umbrella now looks a little bit The light dimmed.

Lin Hang explained, "Teacher, this umbrella is a treasure that the high priest gave me a long time ago. Although its function is very good, it can automatically help me resist attacks, but its grade is a bit too low. It’s just the initial stage of foundation building, and it has long been unable to keep up with my progress. It’s just that when I was about to retreat, the small umbrella in the portable space suddenly reacted strongly. After I took it out, it He appeared extremely excited, and he flew forward and absorbed the transparent mask directly! Although the disciple didn't know the reason, but time was short, he took a bottle of the spring water of the spirit power and hurriedly left."

Lao Wang looked at the golden umbrella in Lin Hang's hand with interest for a while, but no matter what, he couldn't see any clues, he had to give up, and then seemed to think of something, and said, "This action of you may be It will bring some danger to the Chinese disciples who are practicing above the earth and the stars! If they can't find you, they may also do something to our elite disciples! Hang'er, the teacher is not saying that your move was wrong. , I just want to know if you have taken any measures after completing this action?"

Lin Hang understood what Wang Lao meant, and said with a smile, "Teacher, this is the main thing I came to see you this time! After stealing a bottle of the spring water of spirit power, the disciple immediately realized this problem. , So he directly took all the disciples back to the sky, and up to now, they are still staying on the sky! The disciples are here this time, mainly to discuss with you, How will these disciples be arranged in the future?"

After hearing Lin Hang's answer, Wang Lao breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Lin Hang would not be able to calmly think under that situation, and thus forget these disciples of China.

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