I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 33

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:30 AM

Chapter 33: Liu Tianqi reappears

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Lin Hang dodged on the court for more than a minute. Suddenly he stopped. Just when everyone thought that Lin Hang was already insufficient, a smile appeared at the corner of Lin Hang's mouth, and he shouted "Long!" , On the entire platform, everything grew out of nothing, and a large tree grew, various vines were flying, the platform instantly turned into a green world.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed that Lin Hang finally showed his ability, which is actually a wood-type ability similar to the Liu family, but I don't know if there is such a powerful Liu family.

These plants seem to be many and consume very much psychic energy, but Lin Hang used the opportunity to dodge in front to spread the seeds around the platform to induce growth, so the consumption of psychic energy is not great. The reason for using the wood power is because Lin Hang discovered that this platform was full of rich and pure earth elements because of Xu Li’s actions before, and the seeds he planted could grow better, which is equivalent to enhancing 30% of the plant’s power. power. The jungle that grew out also offset Xu Li's mire, allowing Lin Hang to regain control of Xu Li's speed.

Lin Hang started a counterattack. His manipulator plant drew Xu Li away. He lost the terrain advantage and was restricted by the plant. Xu Li could only resist the beating of these plants. Although Xu Li's armor defense power is very high, every beat will consume his psychic energy. Soon, Xu Li can't hold on. He dissipated the armor and said to Lin Hang, "Brother Lin is brilliant, Xu gave up!"

Lin Hang immediately dissipated the plants in the field, shook hands with Xu Li, and said, "I accept it!" Then under the care of Ye Guangyuan, he started to adjust his breath and recover.

When Lin Hang took a break, everyone off the court also discussed it. Although Lin Hang had just defeated Xu Li, it was not easy to win. Although his opponent Xu Li was not a weak player, Lin Hang did not show an overwhelming advantage and seemed a little unworthy of the name of Wang Lao's genius disciple.

After observing Lin Hang's battle, everyone also had some insights. After measuring their own and Lin Hang's abilities, many people consciously had a great chance of winning, and they were already a little eager to try.

After a while, Lin Hang opened his eyes and just got up, he saw someone jump on the platform.

Looking at Lin Hang, it was actually an acquaintance Liu Tianqi. It's just that Lin Hang's current appearance has been disguised, so Liu Tianqi did not recognize Lin Hang as the stupid and bold Ye Hang in that assessment. Liu Tianqi saw that Lin Hang showed his power, it was a wood power, and Liu’s fire power had always been the nemesis of wood power, so he went on stage and prepared to defeat Lin Hang and start his own Fame.

Liu Tianqi smiled and said, "Brother Lin, let me learn your great tricks next!"

Lin Hang also smiled at Liu Tianqi, but in his heart he wondered how to deal with this hapless guy this time?

After the two met the ceremony, the competition officially began. Liu Tianqi did not act rashly, did not launch a big move at the beginning, he sent a big fireball towards Lin Hang, about one meter in front of Lin Hang, and then dispersed into ten small fire pillars, attacking Lin Hang from different directions. . Lin Hang almost laughed when he saw Liu Tianqi's familiar trick. Before in Huicheng, Liu Tianlin had used this trick and Liu Ruyan easily avoided it. Now Liu Tianqi has done this trick again. Lin Hang dodged all the pillars of fire from left and right, taking advantage of Liu Tianqi's stunned moment, a thick vine grew with his right hand, and his backhand drew towards Liu Tianqi.

Although Liu Tianqi was a little surprised, flames grew on her body, blocking the vines, and at the same time directly igniting the vines, instantly burning the vine to ashes. Lin Hang secretly smacked his tongue, and sure enough, the restraint relationship between abilities is also very important. Liu family's fire abilities are still too much restraint on plants.

Seeing that her plan had worked, Liu Tianqi sighed with relief. If Lin Hang had no other means, this round would be won by herself. Thinking of this, Liu Tianqi launched a more violent move. For a while, the fire dragon flew on the court, roaring and attacking Lin Hang.

And Lin Hang seemed to be more embarrassed, dodge the fire dragon's attack. The space that could be moved slowly became smaller and smaller by the fire dragon. At this moment, Lin Hang summoned multiple vines and wrapped his position into a large sphere with a diameter of two meters. In the eyes of everyone, this is obviously exhausted and began to struggle to death.

Liu Tianqi obviously thought the same way. His manipulator, the Fire Dragon, rushed towards the big vine ball, and soon the ball burned. But because the sphere was a little big, it couldn't be burned out for a while, but according to this situation, it was only a matter of time before Lin Hang burned into it. Seeing the big ball slowly getting smaller step by step, Liu Tianqi already showed the smile of the winner.

At the moment when the vines burned, Liu Tianqi found that there was no trace of Lin Hang in the sphere. Instead, he felt that the temperature here had dropped a bit and the air had become humid. "Tick", a drop of water fell on Liu Tianqi's face. He looked up and saw a huge cloud forming above the field, slowly covering the entire table. After the cloud expansion was completed, a light rain fell on the platform, and a stream of water flowed out of the clouds, turning into the figure of Lin Hang, smiling and looking at Liu Tianqi in front of him.

Seeing Lin Hang who finally appeared, Liu Tianqi and the audience in the audience were filled with 10,000 grass and mud horses running past. You were a wood-type supernaturalist just now. Why did you become a water-type in an instant? what!

But now Liu Tianqi doesn’t care about this anymore. Now that the clouds are forming, they have become Lin Hang’s absolute home court in this constant rain. Her fire system abilities will be greatly suppressed, just like she just burned down the forest. Like the vines of Hang, this kind of restraint is inevitable. Liu Tianqi already felt that her fire dragon was slowly shrinking. He knew that if he dragged on like this, he would only get harder and harder to win, and then he was ruthless and accumulated the remaining psychic energy, forming a huge sea of ​​flames, which formed an impact on the clouds. He wanted to break through the cloud, let Lin Hang lose his advantage, and then deal with Lin Hang.

I have to say that Liu Tianqi's response is no problem, and he can do it with sufficient psychic energy, but now his psychic energy has been consumed a lot, so it has formed a stalemate with the clouds in the sky. At this time, Lin Hang summoned a vine, and this vine became stronger under the rain. Lin Hang commanded the wet vine to draw towards Liu Tianqi who was standing in place. Liu Tianqi is now fighting against the clouds in the sky, unable to avoid it, so a flame ignited on his body, trying to burn the vines as before. But this time the vine was obviously different. It was pumped on Liu Tianqi, and there was no sign of burning. Instead, the flame was extinguished a lot.

Lin Hang was not in a hurry, and continued to beat Liu Tianqi slowly. Liu Tianqi remembered the experience of being fainted during the training camp assessment, and fainted directly on the stage in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hang was a little bit dumbfounded, put away his abilities, and said loudly to the audience, "Who is next?"

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