I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 331

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:17:33 AM

Chapter 331: The experience of the high priest

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Mr. Wang nodded. The first batch of elite disciples in Huaxia went to Earth to experience the best quality among all disciples. Among them are not only Tian Dayong, a veteran artillery in the army, but also Jiang Huacong and Hu Lingfeng, the top eight in the army, as well as outstanding disciples in some families. These people have experienced many things before the ten thousand races came to Earth Star, so there is no shortage of experience and insight in every aspect. However, a large part of the Golden Core Stage disciples that have emerged from Huaxia now have been practicing since they had no cultivation base. They have been working step by step since they were exposed to the road of cultivation. Although it is possible to reach the Golden Core Stage, talent is definitely not a problem, but if it is not polished well, future achievements are still not good.

Wang Lao said, "Well, I will go to Zhuo Sheng and the others now, let them arrange those disciples first. Then go to Earth Star for the teacher and you to find out the attitude of the forces of the ten thousand races, if it is true If there is no problem, then our second batch of disciples can be sent over!"

Having said that, Mr. Wang went to Zhuo Sheng and the others to discuss the experience of the second batch of disciples, and Lin Hang also reported to Mr. Wang that his journey during this period of time was over. Thinking about it in his heart, I felt that Liu Ruyan should have already been. It was about the same as the high priest said, and he walked slowly towards the hall of the high priest.

When Lin Hang looked at the main hall from a distance, he happened to see Liu Ruyan flying towards him. Lin Hang hurried forward and said suspiciously, "Yan'er, why did you come out? Talk to the high priest. Up?"

Liu Ruyan chuckled and said, “Xiao Hang, don’t I know everything about me after turning into a lotus flower? Didn’t I also learn from you? And when you were before, there were things that would make the clone and teacher Did she report it? So, the teacher and I didn’t say anything, just talked about some homework. But one thing, do you remember the golden lotus fairy mentioned by the Akabane clan? Since I knew this monster clan senior After her name, I remembered her in my heart. When I saw the teacher this time, I also asked it by the way. Then from the teacher, I got a very important news!"

Fairy Jinlian is such a legendary figure, Lin Hang naturally also has a deep memory, nodded and asked, "Yaner, let’s tell you, the first time he showed you to the high priest, the high priest told me, you His appearance is similar to a character in the legend. And the most important thing is that the high priest said that she had seen this character up close, so she would be more sure! I know, the high priest must have not told me completely about this. , I'm curious what the high priest said to you this time?"

Liu Ruyan's expression at this time was also a little uncertain. Obviously, what the high priest said also caused a big impact on her. Liu Ruyan said, "Xiao Hang, what you said is not wrong, although the master has lived thousands of years. Years, but according to such a long history, it can only be regarded as a character of our time. However, the teacher told me this time that she had seen Fairy Jinlian! You know, from the description of Patriarch Chi, The golden lotus fairy had completely disappeared in ancient times, so after listening to my introduction, the teacher felt very puzzled, not knowing what was going on."

Lin Hang was very curious about what kind of scene the high priest had seen Fairy Jin Lian, so he smiled and asked, "Yan'er, did she tell you how the high priest met Fairy Jin Lian?"

Liu Ruyan smiled and nodded, and said, "This incident can be regarded as a deep memory in the teacher's mind. When this incident happened, the teacher and the twelve branches of the Wu clan hadn't been there yet. When it came to Earth Star, the Emperor Qin had not yet reached its peak at that time, and everything was in a stage of rapid development of the two clans of humans and witches. At that time, there were many monster forces that still hated the witches, and they often appeared against people The clansmen of the Witch tribes attacked. And the teacher, she encountered a surprise attack by the monster clan during a mission with a team. This time the sudden attack, the monster clan's strength was fully prepared, and the overall strength was complete. They crushed this team. According to the teacher’s description, just when the teacher and them were a little desperate, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out in the sky. Between the golden light flashes, all the monsters who attacked them were all present. Disappeared. When the golden light ended, the teacher looked into the air and saw a woman holding a golden lotus in her golden dress and bare feet. She gave them a cold look without saying In a word, Yufeng left directly."

Liu Ruyan paused, and continued, "The teacher's cultivation level at the time was nothing compared to the present, but until now, the teacher feels that the woman who appeared in the first place is still unfathomable! And this This woman also left an extremely deep impression in the teacher’s heart. Until she met me, she evoked the teacher’s long-lasting memories. However, the teacher did not know the name of the woman who had saved her before. Which force it belonged to, until I told her about the legend of Fairy Golden Lotus of the Demon Race, the teacher had already determined that the cold woman who had saved her was the Fairy Golden Lotus of the Demon Race that no one knew!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, the mysterious woman that the high priest met has the same appearance as Fairy Jinlian, but she still has a golden lotus as a companion. After hearing the legend of Fairy Jinlian, it is really It's hard not to connect them together! However, if this is the case, it makes me even more puzzled. What is your relationship with them, Yan'er?"

Liu Ruyan didn't have a smile at this time, and she replied, "After finishing this previous experience, the teacher's next words made my mood even more unable to calm down!"

Liu Ruyan stared at Lin Hang and said solemnly, "After the teacher saw me, he carefully checked my condition to prevent this resurrection ceremony from leaving me with any hidden dangers. There was no problem, but after the teacher finished talking about her own experience, after thinking about it, she said that my breath after resurrection was exactly the same as that of the woman who saved her at the time! You know, the teacher has been close to it. It’s a woman, so her feelings can be regarded as very accurate! Then according to her guess, I may very well be the legendary Golden Lotus fairy!"

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